Tuesday, 16 March 2021 14:25

“Respect for women in national and religious values”

The “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and the Imam Bukhari International Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a spiritual and educational event on the topic “Respect for women in national and religious values”.

It is known that for thousands of years, the cultural level and spiritual perfection of any society are determined by the attitude towards women. Respect for women is one of the features of the Uzbek people. The incomparable words in the hadith: “Paradise under the feet of mothers”, “Do good to your mother, then to your mother, and again to your mother, and then to your father” express the same infinite respect.

It was noted that at the new stage of development of Uzbekistan significant work is being done to strengthen the role and status of women in society, ensure their rights and interests and fully develop the institution of the family.

“It is known from the history of Islam that women had almost no rights due to ignorance. They were not only deprived of the inheritance, but were themselves valued as a thing when dividing the property. It was usual for girls to be buried alive, thinking that they would not be able to fight in the future, that they would be captured, that they would humiliate us and cause poverty. Our religion, which has led mankind out of misconceptions, has justly solved this problem”, – said T. Evadullaev, a researcher at the Imam Bukhari International Research Center.

Special attention was paid to the issues of educating young people in the spirit of respect for cultural and historical traditions, love for the Fatherland, devotion to the ideas of Independence, preparing girls for marriage, entrepreneurship and vocational training.

At the end of the event, a video was shown about the activities of the Imam Bukhari International Research Center.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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