

On 24 July of this year, Wang Jiezhi, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Development of the Institute of Economy and Trade of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First Vice-Rector of the university, Professor J.Eltazarov welcomed the guest.

During the dialogue, information about the history of opening of this organization, possible cooperation in the field of higher education, programs offered by the people’s Republic of China in the development of tourism industry in Uzbekistan was presented. Also Wang Jiezhi, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Development of the Institute of Economy and Trade of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, noted that the opportunities created at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are at a high level.

On 22 July of this year, professors, teachers working in 27 higher educational institutions of Indonesia, led by rector of Gunadarma University Prof. E.S.Margianti visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. First vice-rector of the university, Prof. J.Eltazarov welcomed guests, and familiarised them in detail with the work carried out at the university. Also during the dialogue, the representative of the Indonesian Professors Association, Professor Ari Purbayanto, shared his opinion on the projects of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan on cooperation with Indonesia.  The issue of establishing cooperation in tourism training with “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was also discussed at the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, the guests noted that it is necessary to direct even greater inflow of tourists from Indonesia to Uzbekistan through the programme of pilgrimage tourism and halal tourism.

On 20 July of this year, a diploma awarding ceremony was held for graduates of Samarkand Technical College of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Head of the Department of work with professional educational institutions of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage J.Kholboev, head of “Amina Travel” LLC S.Amonov and others took part in the event and wished all graduates good luck in their future work.

On 14 July of the current year, the head of the organisational and control group of the regional khakimiyat B.Rahmatullaev held a meeting with a group of graduates of the 2022-2023 academic year of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The event was organised under the leadership of the first vice-rector of the university, Professor J.Eltazarov. B.Rahmatullaev, head of the organisational and control group of the regional khakimiyat, who spoke at the meeting, said that today the state creates all necessary conditions for young people to gain knowledge and reach high heights, so the employment of graduates is carried out by the leadership of the regional khakimiyat, as well as comprehensive support in creating their own business. During the dialogue with each graduate of the university a separate interview was held, during which they answered the questions they were interested in. At the end of the event, the representatives of the regional khakimiyat got acquainted with the library of our university.

As it is known, in October of this year UNWTO General Assembly will be held in Samarkand. At present, preparations for this major conference are being carried out at a high level in our country.

On July 13 of this year, members of the delegation headed by Executive Director of the World Tourism Organization Natalia Bayona visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and got acquainted with the work carried out at the university. The first vice-rector of the university, Professor J.Eltazarov and others met the guests, welcomed them and introduced them to the conditions created at the university in the field of tourism. The guests got acquainted with the pond of the university, the national gallery of costumes and paintings about the Turkic world and the library, which has a collection of about 25 thousand books.

This year, a team of women was organised by American “Fullbright” Programme Assistant, volunteer Chanel Nassir, to promote the sport of lacrosse at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

On 6-8 June of this year, a presentation and master class was held at our university in the presence of young people by the Director of the Asia Pacific Lacrosse Alliance, Chris Gino. At the event, a memorandum was signed with a specialised sports school to develop the sport of lacrosse in our country. The organisers also provided sports equipment for talented youth and leading coaches to further popularise the sport of lacrosse in Uzbekistan.

On 12 July of this year, as part of the second day of the “International Festival of Turkic-speaking Youth”, the students of our university Sultonbek Ibragimov, Jasurbek Mirzaabdullaev and Shakhina Obidova took part in the competition as team of “Turon” volleyball team and reached the final of the competition. In the afternoon, a seminar and round table on business organisation was organised for the festival participants at “Museum of Great Thinkers” in Kokand with the participation of athletes and coaches. In addition, an excursion was organised for the participants to the palace of “Khudoyar Khan” in the evening.

As part of the programme of the 3rd day of the festival it is planned to organise a visit to the international pottery centre, private enterprise “Doctor Ali Mehrigiyo” and farm “Ostrich”. An exhibition of handicrafts for young people, master classes on making handicrafts and a demonstration of the art of tightrope walking are scheduled for the second half of the day.

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the organisation and holding of International Festival of Turkic-speaking Youth dated 16 June 2023, “International Festival of Turkic-speaking Youth” is held on 11-15 July, organised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Agency for Youth Affairs, Fergana region khokimiyat together with the international organisation of Turkic culture TURKSOY.

A group of students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is also taking part in the international festival of Turkic-speaking youth. As part of the festival programme today, July 12, sports competitions in national and ethno sports are planned among the participants. Students of our university today participate in sports competitions in football, table tennis, volleyball. We wish good luck to the students of our university.

Also at international conference our students exchange opinions in close contact with young people who came from Turkic-speaking states such as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan.

On 8 July 2023, in the edition 81 (23.802) published an article about the organisation of the exhibition “Inner Horizon: Uzbekistan in the paintings of Ella Maillard in the 1930s” at gallery “Art Station by Silk Road” in cooperation with Embassy of Switzerland and “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Zarafshon gazetasi №81

Monday, 10 July 2023 20:04

German specialist shared his plans

Christian Grosse, a member of the board of German Federal Union of Medium and Small Businesses, was an international observer at the early presidential elections. On 10 July of this year, he visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

At the same time, it should be noted that it is no secret that our country is developing co-operation in various fields with this state, which is considered not only a major continent, but also a leader in the whole world.

In particular, negotiations on various issues were held with Federal Union of Medium and Small Businesses of Germany. The German entrepreneurs have given a positive assessment of the Uzbek government’s actions to improve the investment climate, enhance the regulatory and legal framework, develop infrastructure, fight corruption, as well as expressed readiness to expand their activities in this Republic.

It can be said that the visit of Mr.Christian Grossen to the university was another step in this direction.

The first vice-rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Professor J. Eltazarov met the guest, who spoke in detail about what conditions are created for students at the university, what opportunities are available.

“A modern university that trains a specialist in tourism made a huge impression on me” said Christian Grosse, a board member of German Federal Association of Medium and Small Businesses. In a smart campus, the education of students plays an important role in their development as professionals.

I aim to develop mutual co-operation between the countries of Uzbekistan and Germany in the fields of tourism and education. In addition, I plan to write an analytical article about the university.

During the dialogue, the university administration showed its consent to close cooperation with the German specialist. An agreement was reached to provide close assistance in obtaining necessary information about the history, present and other aspects of life in our country.


Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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