Кропотливая работа руководителей кадровых служб органов государственного управления и организаций региона, вносящих достойный вклад в реализацию единой кадровой политики в Республике Узбекистан, добросовестное проведение открытых конкурсов на госслужбу, формирование нетерпимого отношения к коррупции. Самаркандское региональное отделение Агентства развития государственной службы при Президенте Республики Узбекистан регулярно способствует укреплению своего имиджа. На…
Thursday, 30 December 2021 15:41

Economic books in our library

The measurement of tourism is not an easy task. These books provides a succinct guide to the economic aspects of tourism for students and practitioners alike to decipher the methods of measurement of supply, demand, trends and impacts. Tourism is vital to the success of many economies worldwide and has…
Wednesday, 29 December 2021 15:03

HORECA Academy

The main vision of Horeca Academy is to provide high quality education in the field of tourism as well as create an opportunity for students practical classes. Horeca academy is a bridge which can help to unite students with industry and social partners and ensure qualified employees with experience according…
Wednesday, 29 December 2021 12:22

Methodological Seminar Erasmus+

On December 28, 2021, at the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road", a methodological seminar was organized on the grant programs of the European Union in the field of education - Erasmus+. The seminar was attended by university researchers as well as representatives of other universities.The Erasmus+…
Numerous scientific works and museum exhibitions convince us that almost everything is known about human history and that historians have an answer to almost every question. However, if we look more closely into the distant past, we find many contradictions and inconsistencies. Why, for example, did medieval painters depict ancient…
Tuesday, 28 December 2021 13:48

Winter School

Dear students, we inform you about the beginning of the Winter School, which will last from January 10-th to January 21-st.The following subjects will be taught at the Winter school based on the applications of students: 1. Intercultural and Cross-cultural communication 2. Cultural and Heritage management 3. Human resources management…


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