Tuesday, 27 September 2022 11:12

“It is necessary to keep up with the times, but a student of a prestigious higher educational institution, regardless of social origin, must dress according to the rules of etiquette and observe the established order”

Within the framework of the “Orientation Week” events at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Head of the Department for Youth Work and Events of the University N.Abduvakhidova introduced young people who were lucky enough to become students this year to “Etiquette in clothes”.

During the event, N.Abduvakhidova noted that students of today's generation need to pay special attention to issues of modern education, educating them in the spirit of universal and national values, high human qualities, reliable protection of their minds and hearts from ideological, spiritual and informational threats, the formation of their ideological immunity.

The clothes that a person wears create the first impression of others about him. The culture of clothing expresses our attitude to the events around us. Clothing is a part of a person's spiritual world.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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