

On 17 May 2023, a group of administrators and professors-teachers of Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hotel Business (China) visited Samarkand Techicum of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the visit, Nanjing Institute made suggestions on introducing methods of teaching Chinese cooking technology to the students of the technicum and agreed to provide the technicum with equipment in this area.

On 17 May this year, a delegation of Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hotel Business of China leading by Vice-Rector Huang Bin visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

First Vice-rector J.Eltazarov and Deputy Head of Education and Science Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan J.Matkarimov welcomed the honoured guests. During the meeting, the two sides discussed prospects of cooperation in the educational sphere.

During the visit, issues of cooperation between the two sides on the establishment of a public catering program (Chinese cuisine zone) at the international culinary school based in Samarkand Technicum of Tourism and Cultural Heritage were discussed. An agreement has been reached on setting up a teaching laboratory on Chinese cuisine, equipping it with modern facilities and training Chinese chefs, as well as on ensuring mobility of faculty and students of the two universities and advanced training of “Silk Road” University teachers on the base of Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hotel Business.

During the negotiations, the sides noted the significant results achieved in Uzbek-Chinese cooperation in education, and emphasized the marked increase in the mutual interest of young people of the two countries in the history, culture, language and traditions of the peoples. Both sides supported continuation of bilateral visits.

An agreement on mutual cooperation between the two universities was signed during the visit.

Examination procedures for applicants who have applied for the qualifying examination in the speciality of 08.00.17-“Tourism and hotel activities” at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has been scheduled to take place at 2:30 p.m on May 18, in room 108 of the university building.

Candidates are asked to come to the place of the qualifying examination half an hour before the beginning time together with their personal identification documents (passport) as well as researchers’ dissertation abstracts.

Ergashev Ramziddin, a senior student of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, participated in the “IBRAT” language camp, organized by the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the topic “Top 100 Universities” learned how to prepare strong application for top 100 universities of the world.

  • It should be noted that the camp is absolutely free and 7,500 people applied for its 2 seasons this time, and about 200 of them were accepted for the season devoted for bachelor’s degree and another 200 for the season devoted for master’s degree.
  • To participate in the “IBRAT” language camp, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of English, to be an active student to be able to think outside the box. The next seasons of the camp are expected to be held in summer.

Ergashev Ramziddin, a senior student of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, participated in the “IBRAT” language camp, organized by the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the topic “Top 100 Universities” learned how to prepare strong application for top 100 universities of the world.

  • It should be noted that the camp is absolutely free and 7,500 people applied for its 2 seasons this time, and about 200 of them were accepted for the season devoted for bachelor’s degree and another 200 for the season devoted for master’s degree.
  • To participate in the “IBRAT” language camp, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of English, to be an active student to be able to think outside the box. The next seasons of the camp are expected to be held in summer.

The festival of the student theater studio, organized at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, is aimed at ensuring the active participation of young people in the large-scale reforms carried out in our country, at the consistent implementation of the state policy towards youth aimed at preparing for adulthood a healthy and harmonious generation with high morale, independent and free-thinking, is to create and stimulate conditions for further improving the effectiveness of cultural and educational work, conducted in higher educational institutions, by educating students in the spirit of love for theatrical art and directing them to spiritual improvement, as well as to bring talented youth to the surface of their capabilities.

Last year, the university’s Department of History and Cultural Heritage initiated the Silk Road Culture and Arts Festival, which was traditionally scheduled to take place annually. On May 10 this year, the festival was organised for the second time for participants of a 3-day international conference on the theme “History of the Silk Road Peoples, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Opportunities (Past and Present)” which was initiated by the department.

The folklore and ethnographic spectacle “Samaria” was presented by a student theatre studio made up of talented students from our university. As well as performing songs and compositions of Silk Road countries, the traditions and customs of Uzbekistan’s regions were also presented by our students in beautiful compositions. The variety, vibrancy, skill and professionalism of the stage captivated the audience, especially the foreign guests’ admiration. The foreign guests also took selfies and photos with our students in national costumes for their websites. The exciting words of J.Eltazarov, the first vice-rector of our university, especially carried the positive energy that fell on our students. Plans were made to make this festival more attractive for the next academic year.

On the initiative of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University, an event was held on 15 May 2023, on the occasion of the “International Day of the Family”, on the topic “An exemplary family of the new Uzbekistan” under the slogan “Towards a prosperous family”. At the event, the chair of the University Women’s Advisory Council M.Abbasova, the head of the Department of Family and Women of the Samarkand region, the deputy governor of the region Z.Rahmonova, the women’s advisor of the “Vatanparvar” neighborhood N.Norkulova, the Head of the Department of working with youth in mahallas and events N.Abduvakhidova participated with their reports.

In it, experts in the field made a presentation about the family and its values, which are of great educational value for students, and “What is the family itself? When will it be strong?”, the “Family” code of the Republic of Uzbekistan spoke about the articles listed in it. Also, opinions were expressed about the fact that the family is a social group consisting of people connected by blood kinship, kinship through marriage or living together, and that in many societies the family serves as the main institution for children’s socialization.

On May 11-12 of this year, the international exhibition "World EDU 2023" was held at the exhibition complex "SOFEXPO Samarkand" in the Jomboy district of the Samarkand region. The responsible employees of our university took an active part in this international exhibition.

At the exhibition, graduates of lyceums, technical schools and secondary schools were provided with full information about the directions of admission to our university for 2023-2024, as well as about the order of admission to the university.

On 12 May, in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Family and Women’s Affairs Committee of Samarkand province, a women’s festival entitled “Woman of the 21st century” was held under the motto “Woman of science - mirror of society”. The event was attended by advisers to the Rector on women’s issues of the Republic of Uzbekistan, women from Samarkand region’s higher education institutions, including women scientists from the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Iraqi Way”.

At the festival, the Chair of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan, T.K.Norbaeva, delivered her views and appeals to the festival participants online through a video message. The speakers detailed the reforms carried out in our country during the Third Renaissance, the opportunities created for women, the issues of increasing women’s activism in society and in the development of science, the expression of attitudes towards women in hadiths, the causes of harassment and violence against women and the mechanisms for preventing them.

The festival also included a national costume podium, a concert programme and a cycling sports competition among the participants.

10-12 May 2023, “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University hosted the first international conference on the topic “History, cultural heritage and tourism opportunities of the Silk Road peoples (past and present)”.

First Vice Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage J.Eltazarov opened the conference with an introductory speech. The conference featured presentations by scientists from leading national and foreign countries in the field of tourism. The aim of the conference was to share global achievements, academic knowledge and experience. The conference focuses on the global importance and history of the Silk Road, its continuity and role in sustaining regional social, economic and political interactions, sustainable tourism and cultural heritage.

More than 20 academic presentations and video clips were screened at this prestigious conference. The outcome document of the conference suggested that this international forum should become an annual event, with the proceedings published in a separate collection.

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