

On the morning of May 17, 2023, during the China - Central Asia Summit, the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Commerce of China jointly held the “Uzbekistan - China Business Forum” in Xi’an. More than 500 representatives from Uzbekistan and China attended the forum. All the ministers from Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Digital Technology, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan attended the forum and delivered keynote speeches on business cooperation between Uzbekistan and China. Professor Tony Zou, Vice-Rector of “Silk Road” University, attended the forum at the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in China. Many general managers from famous companies including Tianjin Kaiteng Investment Group, Shanghai International Construction Group and Huawei, and more than 20 Chinese university presidents, such as Lanzhou University, Northwest University, and Shaanxi Normal University, etc. were also invited to attend this forum.

All the ministers had introduced the recent development of agriculture, manufacturing, education, energy, digital technology in Uzbekistan, and expressed the sincere wishes to cooperate with China. More than 20 cooperation projects had exchanged cooperation documents.

Vice-Rector Tony Zou attended the meeting as university representatives from both China and Uzbekistan, and he had reported to Uzbekistan’s Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, I.Abdurakhmonov, a report on the science and innovation of “Silk Road” University. He also discussed with several universities and companies to establish the cooperation with “Silk Road” University.

“True West”, a play in the direction of Postmodern American Drama, was presented in English by members of the “Student Drama Club” organised at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. This show was funded by a grant of the US Embassy Alumni Outreach Grants Program. This grant was won in 2022 based on a project written by university professor Kamol Mustaev and the “Student Drama Club” was founded.

In the process of staging the play, students were able to learn American (theatre) art, acting, communication, public speaking, gain speaking skills, learn and develop English to perfection. It also served to harmonise inter-ethnic relations among young people, to strengthen the culture of friendship, mutual solidarity, humanism and tolerance in society.

Thanks to this grant, higher goals have been achieved, such as strengthening the sense of a multinational big family in society, further strengthening friendship and harmony between representatives of different nationalities and ethnicities living in our republic, educating the younger generation in the spirit of love and loyalty to the Motherland.

Motivational trainings “Business Marathon” are organized with the participation of successful entrepreneurs in order to attract young people to entrepreneurship in Samarkand. Students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage also took part in these trainings. During the training sessions, entrepreneurs spoke about their experiences, rules of doing business and secrets of success, and hard work that they have experienced along the way. The experts also gave advice on how to start a business, the role of mentoring and apprenticeship in business, priority areas in attracting investment as well as effective marketing. At the end of the training, the students also received useful and important answers from the entrepreneurs, asking questions on how to find solutions to the problems they encountered during their involvement in the field.

Thursday, 25 May 2023 16:00

Visit of students to museums

Within the course entitled “Museum and Education”, Master students of Museum studies group visited Afrasiab museum and Koni Ghil Meros. These places have been chosen because they are very different in terms of communication and education projects. During the visits, students analysed the current situation of these museums, the target audience, the education program currently ongoing, as well as potentialities and limits of their spaces and their exhibitions. According to what they learned both during theoretical and practical lessons, they will propose education projects for the Afrasiab museum to make it more attractive, more interesting and instructive for different audiences.

“Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University Library organised a fascinating interview with leading expert A.Izbasarova. During the interview, A.Izbasarova noted that “Silk Road” University’s library is a valuable repository of knowledge. With its unique collection of books, archival materials and rare manuscripts, it is an important centre for research into Silk Road history and culture.

In order to ensure the implementation of tasks specified in "Roadmap" developed at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage paragraph 5.3 dated April,18 2023, to the reference to "Action Plan for the systematic organization of outreach activities aimed at creating a sense of intolerance to corruption among young people"  from Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April,5 2023,  the teacher of the chair of “History and Cultural Heritage” Aziza Sirojiddinova conducted a seminar  on May, 16 2023 for 1st year students on the topic "The Essence of Anti-Corruption Policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan".

The seminar aimed to develop a feeling of intolerance towards corruption among young people, the trends in anti-corruption policy and foreign experience, the content and legal basis of anti-corruption policy in Uzbekistan, and also provided information on measures to prevent conflicts of interest in the activities of State bodies in Uzbekistan.

On 23 May 2023, Turkey-Uzbekistan: Cooperation based on the laws of eternal friendship and brotherhood was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

During the seminar, various aspects of deepening relations between Turkey and Uzbekistan in all areas were discussed. “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has been actively involved in promoting cooperation between Turkey and Uzbekistan. A seminar held at the university provided a platform to discuss ideas and initiatives aimed at further improving relations between the two countries. In addition, the university supports studies and projects related to tourism and the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan in order to deepen mutual understanding and strengthen ties between the two countries.

The seminar “Turkey-Uzbekistan: Cooperation based on the laws of eternal friendship and brotherhood” was an important step towards deepening and expanding the mutually beneficial partnership between Turkey and Uzbekistan.

Medieval restaurant ROZENGRALS - time machine in the center of Riga (Latvia) announces admission for a three-month paid internship for students.

The duration of the internship

  • 90 days. Students of full-time, part-time, extramural forms of education in the field of hospitality, tourism and service are welcome to take part in the program.
  • Vacancies: waiters, bartenders, animators, hostesses.
  • Monthly income 937 EUR, 7 EUR/hours (+ tip).
  • Work schedule 17 days a month,4 days a week,11 hours a day
  • Weekends 2 days a week (possibility to visit different Schengen cities).
  • The employer provides you with 3 meals, health insurance and visa support.

 Additional costs

1. Flight (round trip) - 500 - 600 EUR

2.Organization procedures and visa - 500 EUR

3.Rent of an apartment - from 200 EUR per month + utilities (you can rent a part of an apartment or a hostel, then it can be cheaper. (As we know, 3 or 4 people can rent an apartment). The employer assists in finding an apartment.

4.The streetcar, trolleybus, bus monthly passes (30 EUR per month).

If you agree with the terms of this program, you need to send your CV in English @internship_eg.

At the end of the internship students will receive international certificates.

With the aim of getting acquainted with the living conditions of students, finding out the degree of formed environment, assisting in making a rental agreement with the owners of the house for the new academic year, which was established by the University Women’s Advisory Council on 22 May 2023 on the basis of the plan, Head M.Abbasova and Tutor G.Khusainova organized another visit to the houses of students living in rental accommodation.

In particular, in Samarkand city boulevard “Chakar” MFIU №4 hostess (tenant Amal Gulomzoda) living in rented flats 2nd year students in the field of “Tour” 220 Muhlisa Suleymanova and Tuhtaeva Ozoda were fully acquainted with the living conditions, fire and other technical safety requirements of neat people. During the dialogue, the students emphasised national values, traditions and subtleties of oriental upbringing of family housewives.

In fact, our values are particularly significant in that they are aimed at boosting the morale of our students and girls. Each student-girl was told to always remember that they are university students, to keep the rented flat clean and tidy, and to give adequate explanations on basic fire and other technical safety issues. Visits to rented student addresses continue.

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