

As 2022 was declared as the year of "Ensuring Human Interests and Developing Mahalla" in Uzbekistan, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces an essay competition in English among students on the theme "Safeguarding Human Interests

The contest is a great opportunity to demonstrate the writing skills of young people and to explore the topic of ensuring human rights and freedoms, legitimate interests of every person living in our country.

Essays written for the contest, which is organized by the Department of Languages of the university, will be accepted online from January 17 to January 31, 2022. Winners will be awarded on February 3rd, 2022, at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Winners will be awarded with the following prizes and certificates:
1st place: financial incentives (three times the amount of the basic scholarship);
2nd place: financial incentives (twice the amount of the basic scholarship);
3rd place: financial incentives (in the amount of the basic scholarship).

In this contest, essays are evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. Task response (0-25)
2. Coherence and cohesion (0-25)
3. Lexical resource (0-25)
4. Grammatical range and accuracy (0-25)

To register as a participant, you can send all the information (your full name and phone number) from January 17 to 31, 2022 to:

Tuesday, 18 January 2022 11:30

ArcGIS 10.x course by Maria Daghmehchi

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Institute of Samarkand is organizing the course: “Aeronautical Reconnaissance Coverage Geographic Information System”.

The course addresses trainees and employees in so many different fields including Hydrological Sciences, Archaeology, Tourism, Biology, Geological science, Ecology, Navigation, Geography, Civil Engineering, Economics, Urbanism, Anthropology and Cultural Heritage.


Venue: "Silk Road" International university of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (IT room, first floor, 17 University Boulevard, Samarkand)

Dates: every tuesday from January 18th at 17:00-20:00

Here is Zoom link for online broadcast:

Conference ID: 846 5005 2008
Access Code: 2022

Rector of the university Aziz Abdukhakimov had provided the Library with Legendary books from the world travel experts! Unique itineraries, detailed maps, local secrets, inspiring photos, valuable expert advices, useful practical information - discover the freedom of travel with Lonely Planet and BBC Book.

Through quality images and well-written stories, research and attraction, these books inspire the curious to try new destinations, branch out in their activities, interact deeply with nature, and experience different cultures in the most respectful way possible.

We have collected a list of books that will tell you about life in different countries and their sights in an interesting way. Everyone can borrow books from our library and enjoy a virtual journey.

On January 13, 2022, Rector of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage , Minister of Tourism and Sports, Deputy Prime Minister A.Abdukhakimov held a meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary U.S. Ambassador in Uzbekistan Daniel Rosenblum.

The meeting was also attended by USAID Director in Uzbekistan Mikaela Meredith, Counsellor of United States for Public Affairs - Alexis Sullivan, Rector's Advisor Aliya Kalkamanovna Ospanova and Chairman of APTA Gulchehra Isroilova.

Parties discussed further stages of tourism industry development as well as the steps for mutual cooperation and improvement of tourism services in our country. In addition, the possibilities for collaboration with the world's universities in the USA to train professional staff in the field of tourism, art and cultural heritage were negotiated.

U.S. Ambassador Mr. Rosenblum noted the importance and uniqueness of the university and expresses his willingness to replenish the library of the university with unique book collections.

On January 13th, the classes for MA students  of Museum Studies program have started. 
University lecturer Dr. Leslee Michelsen, being the world's top museologist is also the Curator of Collections and Exhibitions at the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design in Honolulu, where she leads the team responsible for the exhibition, interpretation, research, and conservation of the museum’s collection of historic and contemporary arts of the Islamic world.
The course delves into the origins of the famed ‘Silk Roads’ and explores the ways in which cultures, commerce, and conquests shaped the region. Through seven thematic classes, students will explore in detail at the heterogeneous societies of Central Asia and their fundamental roles in transforming the ancient, medieval, and modern worlds.
As you remember, the Museum studies MA program, has been uniquely launched at Silk Road international university of Tourism and Cultural Heritage by the initiative of H.E. President of Uzbekistan S.M.Mirziyoyev and is managed by world famous art curator Sara Raza. Earlier, Rector of the University Aziz Abdukhakimov shared the goal of the program which is to prepare world leading museum experts in Uzbekistan to be able to successfully transform museum industry.

January 14, Day of the Defenders of the Motherland is one of the most important events in the calendar of the Republic of Uzbekistan. But this day also celebrates another event - the 30th anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

January 14 is not just a day to honor soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during wars and hardships. This is the day when we pay respect and reverence to all those who in peacetime is ready to defend the borders of our Motherland and does everything to keep a peaceful sky over the head of the people of the country.

On this holiday of honor, heroism and devotion to their Motherland, the 'Silk Road' International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage sincerely congratulates all men and military staff of our country. May courage, endurance and patience be your reliable helpers in solving tasks to preserve and increase the glorious traditions of our Motherland! May prosperity and peaceful sky over our heads never leave our country!

The UNECE ESD Youth Platform and UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) issues an invitation for the submission of papers and/or case studies on youth and ESD. This publication aims to compile examples of theory and practice of youth engagement in the UNECE region, as well as in other regions whilst showcasing successful approaches related to education for sustainable development and youth. ESD empowers learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to address the interconnected global challenges we are facing, including climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty and inequality.

For more info downland file below.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022 11:11

Unique Hotels of the World

Not so far we published the top-9 unusual hotels in the world. Let's jump more deeper throught the book "Uniquel Hotels" provided by our rector A. A. Abdukhakimov, which is available in the library of our university.

Have you ever slept in a hotel that was a giant dog? Or wake up in a tree house?

The book "Unique Hotels" takes you on an incredible journey through some of the most unusual hotels and vacation camps, from the survival capsule and church hotel to the Hobbit Motel, the underwater cottage, the igloo village, and the canal hotel.

It is known that the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2021 "On measures to further improve the system of continuous training of qualified personnel in the field of tourism, cultural heritage and museums" PD-5270 was adopted.

The Decree provides scholarships for 50 young researchers of the tourism sphere to study in master’s and doctoral courses at the world's leading universities in 2022-2023 by the “El-Yurt Umidi” Foundation.

On January 10, 2022 Deputy Director of the "El-Yurt Umidi" Foundation, Ph.D. (PhD) J. Akhmedov and representatives of the Foundation organized an online seminar for masters, doctoral students and teachers of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The seminar provided information on the conditions, basic concepts and opportunities announced by the Fund for 2022.

The seminar was attended by the Director of the Department of Science, Education and Research Development of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports A. Eshtayev, who said that this is a great opportunity for young researchers in the system of tourism education in the country.
Scientists and teachers of the university also received answers to their questions from the staff of the "El-yurt Umidi" Foundation.

Friday, 07 January 2022 13:30

Jananese Book Collection

For those who are interested and study Japanese and want to read books in the original Japanese language, then good news for you. The library of our university has a collection of books in Japanese. It is worth noting that these books were provided by our Rector A.A. Abdukhakimov.

This collection includes books of different genres and is enriched with beautiful illustrations. Everyone will be able to find books to his taste and genre. A great opportunity to study the language and culture of Japan.



Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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