It is known that the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2021 "On measures to further improve the system of continuous training of qualified personnel in the field of tourism, cultural heritage and museums" PD-5270 was adopted.
The Decree provides scholarships for 50 young researchers of the tourism sphere to study in master’s and doctoral courses at the world's leading universities in 2022-2023 by the “El-Yurt Umidi” Foundation.
On January 10, 2022 Deputy Director of the "El-Yurt Umidi" Foundation, Ph.D. (PhD) J. Akhmedov and representatives of the Foundation organized an online seminar for masters, doctoral students and teachers of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The seminar provided information on the conditions, basic concepts and opportunities announced by the Fund for 2022.
The seminar was attended by the Director of the Department of Science, Education and Research Development of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports A. Eshtayev, who said that this is a great opportunity for young researchers in the system of tourism education in the country.
Scientists and teachers of the university also received answers to their questions from the staff of the "El-yurt Umidi" Foundation.
For those who are interested and study Japanese and want to read books in the original Japanese language, then good news for you. The library of our university has a collection of books in Japanese. It is worth noting that these books were provided by our Rector A.A. Abdukhakimov.
This collection includes books of different genres and is enriched with beautiful illustrations. Everyone will be able to find books to his taste and genre. A great opportunity to study the language and culture of Japan.
Since January 1, 2021, a compensation system has been implemented for exam expenses for young people who achieve high scores in 13 international exam systems in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Turkish and German.
Previously, we reported that exam fees for young people who achieve high scores on international exam systems (IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT GRE, SAT) are compensated by the Youth Welfare Agency.
Since January 1, 2022, 13 more such opportunities for young people were launched, bringing the total number to 18. Now, the exam expenses of young people who achieve high scores in these international exam systems will be compensated by the Youth Affairs Agency.
Кропотливая работа руководителей кадровых служб органов государственного управления и организаций региона, вносящих достойный вклад в реализацию единой кадровой политики в Республике Узбекистан, добросовестное проведение открытых конкурсов на госслужбу, формирование нетерпимого отношения к коррупции. Самаркандское региональное отделение Агентства развития государственной службы при Президенте Республики Узбекистан регулярно способствует укреплению своего имиджа.
На основании вышеизложенного в Самарканде в Международном университете туризма и культурного наследия «Шелковый путь» состоялась встреча с награждением руководителей кадровых служб государственных органов и организаций региона, внесших достойный вклад в единую кадровую политику в Республике Узбекистан. Во встрече принял участие руководитель Самаркандского регионального отделения Агентства развития государственной службы Р. Кобылов.
The measurement of tourism is not an easy task. These books provides a succinct guide to the economic aspects of tourism for students and practitioners alike to decipher the methods of measurement of supply, demand, trends and impacts. Tourism is vital to the success of many economies worldwide and has been a widely researched area for many years.
The most important economic feature of activities related to the tourism sector is that they contribute to three high-priority goals of developing countries: the generation of income, employment, and foreign-exchange earnings.
We are delighted to invite you to join the club for practical training to become tour guides that is going to commence after the winter holidays on behalf of University 4.0 department.
You will gain useful knowledge and experience on how to guide tourist and guests around the city, as well as the country, with our expert who has got 20 years of experience in tourism.
It is going to be onsite training in a form of sightseeing to learn manners and techniques of conducting a tour.
Once all historical places have been covered and mastered in Samarkand we’ll carry on with the next historical and touristic cities. Certificates will be issued on behalf of our university after each city has been covered.
Since we are going to end up covering all touristic cities in Uzbekistan, it is absolutely up to you whether you would like to become a local tour guide within Samarkand or complete all cities.
Do not hesitate to join us on the path to become an expert tour guide!
If you are interested please leave your details in the Google form, link below:
Feel free to contact us by visiting the room 304 - University 4.0 Department for more details.
The main vision of Horeca Academy is to provide high quality education in the field of tourism as well as create an opportunity for students practical classes. Horeca academy is a bridge which can help to unite students with industry and social partners and ensure qualified employees with experience according to international standards, support sustainable tourism development and being leading academy with managerial and leadership skills, based on extensive modern industry experience.
HoReCa Academy consist of consists of 5 key areas:
- Hotel Administration
- Confectionery
- Cooking
- Restaurant
- House keeping / Laundry
HoReCa Academy offers separate courses for Hotels and Restaurants!
On December 28, 2021, at the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road", a methodological seminar was organized on the grant programs of the European Union in the field of education - Erasmus+. The seminar was attended by university researchers as well as representatives of other universities.
The Erasmus+ program, recognized as the most successful and long-term program of the European Union, aims to support projects, partnerships, events and mobility in the fields of education, training, sports and youth support.
Objectives of the event are:
• inform about the new competition for 2022 under the Erasmus + program for 2021-2027 and the conditions for participation in all areas available to the higher educational community of Uzbekistan, about the current activities of Erasmus+ projects in Uzbekistan and about the program's contribution to the modernization of higher education
• to provide methodological assistance in the development of projects to new universities that have not previously participated in the Tempus or Erasmus + programs.
During the seminar, it was decided to apply for the Erasmus + grant programs on behalf of the university.
Numerous scientific works and museum exhibitions convince us that almost everything is known about human history and that historians have an answer to almost every question. However, if we look more closely into the distant past, we find many contradictions and inconsistencies. Why, for example, did medieval painters depict ancient characters as their contemporaries, wearing clothes that corresponded to the artist's time of life?
How could ancient warriors strike their enemies with bronze swords if bronze is a brittle material and it is difficult to obtain a good cutting blade from bronze?
And why were steel weapons found in the excavations of the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, if ancient Egypt did not know metal? Or did it? And how, after all, to explain the steel chisel that was found in the pyramid of Khufu, built 2,900 years BC?
For history buffs, we invite you to our library. You can find answers to all your questions.
Our rector A.A. Abdukakhimov provided the books. Thank you for the opportunity!
Dear students, we inform you about the beginning of the Winter School, which will last from January 10-th to January 21-st.The following subjects will be taught at the Winter school based on the applications of students:
1. Intercultural and Cross-cultural communication
2. Cultural and Heritage management
3. Human resources management
4. Foreign language (English)
5. Second Foreign language (Chinese)
6. Introduction to accounting
7. Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting
8. Tourism marketing
9. Marketing of tourism hospitality and events
10. Theory and Practice of Marketing
11. Consumer markets and purchasing behavior
Note: If you did not take an elective course, you can take a course that is not in your curriculum as an elective.
Payments for credits in subjects must be made by 10.01.2022 and a receipt must be submitted to the Registrar's Office.
University account details for payment at the bank: 400110860184017094100245001
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68