Friday, 18 March 2022 11:33

Psychologist’s column


Have you heard about hygiene of speech? It is very important to keep everything clean. In this way, we must also keep our speech clean. Because the way we speak is the way we live. Whatever we say, that’s what we have.

     Words are the garment of our thoughts and the means of reflecting our physical and mental state. They are capable of influencing our life and attracting certain events into our life. Using these code words in our speech do real magic and move a person along the path of SUCCESS, LUCK, GOODNESS and HAPPYNESS.

    There aren’t so many of such words, but each of them carries a powerful charge of positive energy. These words are the ones that help people to heal and recover from severe illnesses. Such words are the ones that open talents in a person and lead to new discoveries. Through these words a person can rewrite their personal history and change themselves and their life for the better.

- I can do it!

- I can do it all!

- I truly intend to do it!

- I am doing it with pleasure!

- I have enough strength, enough energy to handle everything!

- I can afford it!

- I’m lucky to have good people!

- Wonderful!

- You are my joy!

- I love you!

- Thank you!

- I love it!

- Everything is going to be fine!

- I am lucky!

- I succeeded!

- I can feel the higher powers supporting me!

- With God’s help, everything will work out!

With these words - wings - you will be inspired, empowered, and able to fly.


 The next post will be about words-candals that have destructive power. Stay tuned! Don’t miss it!


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