Monday, 28 March 2022 10:16

The word shackles

There is probably no need to explain the meaning of the word shackles. Everyone knows that these are heavy fetters put on convicts and prisoners so that they cannot escape. The words shackles have almost the same meaning, but they concern our freedom, happiness, success, income, the right to love that is limited by ourselves.

“I won’t make it”

“I don’t want to”

“It’s impossible”

“I’m not sure”

“I can’t, I don’t know how”

“It’s beyond me”

“I can’t promise”

“I can’t take that responsibility”

“It’s not up to me”

“I don’t need much”

“I don’t know what I want”

“I can’t afford it”

     The words above we use on a daily basis. And we don’t even consider the message that we are constantly broadcasting to the universe. The danger of these words is self-denial of all benefits. And, mind you, the wording is conveyed as emotional shout and statements.

    “I won’t make it”: dealing with insecurity

     Such expressions cause even the most active person to stall. He starts some action, a mission, a path to the goal, but at the same time convinces himself of imminent failures. The result is logical: failures.

     Then a next stage begins: when no more attempts are made. The result is stagnation, gray everyday life, daily boredom and other joys of insecure everyday life.

     The German psychotherapist Nossrat Pezeshkian even discovered words that program the body’s illnesses.

- “Fed up”, “Im sick of it all” are diseases of the nervous system.

- “Shut up”, “I dont want to hear you” - hearing loss, deafness.

- “I wish my eyes couldnt see you”, “Im afraid to look” - eye disease.

- “No joy”, “Im bitter” - liver and gall bladder diseases.

- “My patience has run out” - hypertension.

- “You sucked all my blood” - blood diseases.

- “My heart is bursting”, “You hit me in the heart” - myocardial infarction.

- “Everything pisses me off”, “I despise it”, “Dont mess with my head”-depression.

   These are familiar turns that we insert into dialogues and monologues unconsciously. A little control allows you to quickly weed out the harmful background, confidently and calmly begin to enjoy life, to develop, to build your bright future.

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