Monday, 25 April 2022 12:00

The ranks of University Scientists are expanding

At an extraordinary meeting of the Department of Languages of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, independent researchers of the department prepared preliminary reports on the results of dissertations. Following the results of this meeting, with the participation of the First Vice-rector of the University - Professor J.D.Eltazarov, head of the Scientific Department of the University - PhD N. Mansurova, Head of the “Languages” Department, Ph.D., acting Associate Professor – T.I.Sultanov and the faculty of the “Languages” Department, independent researchers Akramova T.K. (“Ideological and artistic images of the works of Edgar Allan Poe and ways of recreating them in translation” – orig. “Идейно – художественные образы произведений Эдгара Аллана По и способы их воссоздания в переводе”), Abduvakhobova U.M. (“Pragmo-stylistic means of describing human values in the original and translations of the works of Herbert Bates” – orig. “Прагмо-стилистические средства описания человеческих ценностей в оригинале и переводах произведений Герберта Бейтса”) and Ablakulova I.K. (“The expression of nationalism in the translation of Uzbek novels of the XX century into English” – orig. “XX asr o‘zbek romanlarining ingliz tiliga tarjimasida milliylikning ifodalanishi”) are recommended to take an exam for a PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy in Philology) in the specialty 10.00.06 – “Comparative Literary Studies, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies”.

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