Friday, 20 May 2022 17:48

British American Tobacco Career Day

On May 20 this year, the Career Day event was held for a summer internship at a large international company, British American Tobacco. The event was held in the assembly hall of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

The representative of the company, the head of the recruitment department, Kadyrova S., provided information about the summer internship under the “Career Start” program, the selection of candidates for which will be held on a competitive basis. It was also noted that the “British American Tobacco Uzbekistan” company is looking for ambitious, full of enthusiasm and energy, university students.

Summer internship for students at BAT Uzbekistan is a chance to:

1. gain valuable professional experience. You will be involved in all current and future projects of the company;

2. learn from the inside the mechanisms of work of a large international company. British American Tobacco is the second largest international tobacco company in the world;

3. meet new interesting people, professionals in their field;

4. develop not only professionally: the company in every possible way contributes to the personal growth of employees;

5. prove yourself and get guarantees of career growth.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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