Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:06

Everyone sees the world in their own way

Everyone sees the world in their own way ZDesign © All Rights Reserved

The boy lost his shoes at sea. After he went to the shore and wrote on the sand: “The sea is a thief!”.

A little further away a man was fishing and luck smiled at him, he caught a lot of fish. For joy, he wrote on the sand: “Generous Sea”.

The young man drowned in the sea and died. The boy’s mother went to the shore and shouted: “The sea is a killer”.

The old man went to the water’s edge and found in the sea many shells with beautiful pearls. He was delighted with such a find and wrote on the shore: “Blessed Sea”.

And then ... then the raging sea waves erased all the records written on the shore ...

The essence of the parable is that you should not pay attention to what others say. After all, everyone sees the world with their own eyes.

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