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Wednesday, 31 August 2022 15:32

“Silk Road” University and Turkish Pamukkale University plan to develop cooperation in the educational and scientific field

Today, Uzbek-Turkish relations demonstrate a qualitatively new round of their active and dynamic development, which testifies to the common aspirations of both states to further expand mutually beneficial cooperation.

Long and effective cooperation between the states to this day gives significant is the results in the form of major joint projects and effective initiatives in various fields.

So, on August 29 of this year, representatives of Pamukkale University (Denizli, Turkey), headed by Rector prof.Dr. Axmet Kutluhan, paid a working visit to the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The honorary guests were met by the first vice-rector of the University prof. J.Eltazarov.

During the official meeting, was signed a Memorandum of Understanding between universities in general and an agreement was concluded, which includes a plan for the development of joint educational programs, academic exchange both at the student and faculty levels in the format of scientific practice and programs for visiting professors, as well as joint work within various research projects.

In addition, the parties signed a cooperation agreement, according to which an exchange of students and teachers of humanities will be organized within the framework of the academic mobility program "Erasmus Plus". Restoration and preservation of cultural heritage, gastronomic tourism, as well as health tourism are promising areas of such cooperation.

The “Silk Road” University conducts an active student exchange program, implements the training of highly qualified personnel on the principles of integration of science, education and innovation, which consists in the formation and development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

For reference: Pamukkale University is one of the largest universities in Turkey. Its structure includes 4 institutes, 10 faculties, 5 colleges and 8 professional lyceums. The scientific and teaching staff of the university has 1,700 people. The University participates in international exchange programs of students and teachers, at the same time occupying one of the first places in Turkey in terms of the number of foreign students. Currently, Pamukkale University has more than 40 signed international cooperation agreements with various universities around the world.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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