Friday, 06 January 2023 16:53

Magic list

Psychologist’s column

Make a list of people who make you feel jealous. “What are you talking about? Who do you think I am? I don’t envy anyone,” - you will certainly say. Then list the people you envy with white envy.

Do this and do not be surprised at all, because envy is a very interesting, one might even say wonderful feeling. It is thanks to him that your subconscious desires manifest. It shows what you lack, what you long for. Therefore, we must properly use envy and turn it into creative emotions.

What we see in other people belongs to us, and what others see in us belongs to them. Everything that happens around us, in our life, is a reflection, an expression of ourselves. If you want to know your weaknesses and negative sides, pay attention to what annoys and angers you in the people around you.

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