Tuesday, 18 April 2023 10:17

Seminar on “Development of best resort in Central Asia”

At the invitation of Vice Rector Professor Tony Zou, the Chief of Marketing Department Ms Turjanova Elvina, and Senior Sales Manager Ms Intizor Sapaeva of Amirsoy Resort jointly hosted a seminar on “Development of best resort in Central Asia”. Two managers gave an introduction to the development of Amirsoy, the only and the best ski resort in Uzbekistan. They described the target markets, market positioning, facilities, activities, services and operation of the resort, also those two managers outlined the business strategies of Amirsoy related with dealing with seasonality, sustainability and Amirsoy is a world-class all-season mountain resort in Uzbekistan that meets modern standards of comfort, quality and safety. It contribute greatly to Uzbekistan tourism economy, especially in low seasons, also the quality and standards of service and operation of Amirsoy set a benchmark for the tourism industry in Uzbekistan. Vice Rector Zou also discuss with two managers about the cooperation between Silk Road tourism and cultural heritage international University and Amirsoy Resort, two parties are willing to collaborate in the fields of student internships, field research, joint seminars, student employment and industrial advisors.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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