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Thursday, 02 November 2023 15:23

A tutor of our university took part in a training seminar

On October 26 of this year in the branch of the Russian State Oil and Gas University in Tashkent Pirnazar Islamov, an experienced tutor of our university, took part in the seminar-training on “Organization of the activity of tutors”.

At the seminar there were presentations of speakers on “Directions of organization of activity of tutors”, where opinions on responsibilities, aims and tasks of tutors, directions of activity were expressed.

In addition, the seminar provided detailed information on reliance on more than 30 normative-legal documents in order to implement the activities of a tutor, model of his activity, professional competencies, technologies of organization and conduct of work, mechanism of work with parents.

Also, the director of the Research Institute “Mahalla and Family” under the Ministry of Support of Mahalla and Family of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Egamberdiyeva gave a lecture on “Organization of interaction between family and community organizations in universities, the content of educational work carried out with female students”.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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