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Thursday, 23 November 2023 12:16

The day that united all psychologists

The International Day of Psychologists is celebrated all over the world on November 22. In connection with this date, a number of events were organized in our country. In particular, on November 21-22, a national scientific and practical seminar on the topic “Psychologists of our time. Problems and Solutions” held at Samarkand State Medical University. Dildora Turdiyeva, a psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, also took part in it.

More than one hundred psychologists from all over Uzbekistan took part in the conference. At the plenary session of the seminar speakers gave detailed information about human psychology and methods of approach to it. Opinions and experience were exchanged, and practical methods were demonstrated that give effective results in working with students.

Also among the participants of the event there was an intellectual game “Zakovat”, dedicated to the field of logical thinking and psychology. The “Donolar” team won. At the end of the seminar an info-tour was held around the new educational campus of Samarkand State Medical University. The guests visited a unique museum telling about the history of the university.

We sincerely congratulate our respected psychologist Dildora Turdieva on her professional holiday on behalf of the staff of our university and wish her good luck in her future work!

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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