Monday, 30 September 2024 12:26


Today, September 30, in the conference hall of our university widely celebrated the holiday October 1 Teacher and Mentor Day. D. Nasimov, the first vice-rector of our university for administrative issues, made a speech at the festive event, and on behalf of the rector A.Abdukhakimov congratulated everyone on this holiday. It should be separately noted that in this academic year about 3000 thousand students of our university are studying under 117 local and about 10 foreign professors. Of them 6 professors, 25 associate professors, 15 senior lecturers, 35 assistant professors and 32 trainee lecturers.

Certainly, the prestige of each educational institution is determined by its scientific potential. Our achievements in this direction have been appreciated, and only this academic year teachers of our university Aziz Tukhtamishov, Siroj Samiev, Iroda Ablakulova, Nargiza Turdiyeva, Nilufar Rakhimova, Gavkhar Juraeva and Dilfuza Marupova were able to receive doctoral degrees for their PhD theses in the field of tourism, pedagogy and philology. We congratulate them on this high success.

In addition, 7 professors of the university publish their scientific achievements in journals with high impact factor in international scientific and technical databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Elsevier) in the form of articles in international highly rated journals such as Journal of Tourism Management Research, International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration.

The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of our university J. Hoffman made a speech and congratulated all professors on the holiday and introduced them to professors from abroad. At the celebration a tea party was organized and certificates were presented to a group of professors who were active in the previous academic year.

Happy holiday dear esteemed professors and teachers of our university and staff!

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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