Wednesday, 15 July 2020 12:57

Our university has something to be proud of: at the Republican Olympiad our students became the winners

The "Silk Road" International University of Tourism has risen to another level. The result of the qualitative and effective educational process which was carried out at the university is evident. The students of our university have won the Republican Olympiad.

The administration, academic staff and students of the university congratulate Saidzoda Shahlokhon and Rashidov Rustamjon on a confident victory. We wish them to win in any struggle, in any battle with bright, confident and dignity! Let there be many such holidays and deserved awards in your life.

Victories are not easy, victory is always a huge and painstaking work, determination, dedication, but of course, a bit of luck. Victory is the result of great work. Our students showed purposefulness, non-standard thinking while performing complex tasks.

We cordially congratulate our winners and proudly call them the reliance and hope of the university! We also congratulate the parents, who contributed to the formation of our student's talent. Further, we express our sincere gratitude to the mentor, whose knowledge, patience and love for students and work are the basis of success of students and the university.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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