Wednesday, 28 October 2020 12:33

How does Online Education at the “Silk Road” University work?

How does Online Education at the “Silk Road” University work? How does Online Education at the “Silk Road” University work? Copyright © Microsoft

The pandemic has affected every area of our lives, and University education is no exception. Faculty and students have switched to a hybrid training format: most classes are held in MS Teams. The restrictions and precautions that every student and University employee must observe are still in effect.

To organize a well-coordinated educational process in the Online format at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism, it was decided to use the Microsoft Teams platform.

This unified, intuitive and easy-to-manage platform allows students and teachers to communicate comfortably, create learning content, and share resources. The platform also allows you to make a call, write a letter, send an online message (chat), or create an online audio or video conference.

One of the advantages of this platform is its integration with the accounts of University students and teachers, which, in addition to participating in online conferences and correspondence in corporate chats, makes it possible to easily and quickly search for students in the database; create study groups, plan meetings and submit completed tasks.

As noted by students of the silk road University, the advantages of using the MS Teams platform include: providing open access to all educational materials, as well as the ability to attach individual tasks on one platform, therefore, it saves time.

The University's teaching staff also shared their opinion. According to them, the convenience of the service is that it organically combines all the functionality of Moodle, with the ability to create online classes, publish tasks, track timely completion and check them, and place training materials for longer storage. At the same time, Microsoft Teams allows you to conduct online classes with an unlimited audience, where students can have live communication with the teacher and classmates via the Internet.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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