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Friday, 27 November 2020 17:43

Online webinar “The Model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: capacity-building, awareness raising, introduction of new technologies”

From 24 to 27 of November at the Silk Road International University of Tourism took an online webinar as part of the new project “The Model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: capacity-building, awareness raising, introduction of new technologies”.

The event was organized by the Department of tourism development of the Samarkand region, the Association of private tourism organizations of Uzbekistan and the Silk Road International University of Tourism, which is an associate partner of the project “The Model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: capacity building, awareness raising, technology implementation”.

Within 4 days, the teaching staff, formed from competent specialists and experts from the European Union countries, made every effort through online training to raise awareness of the training participants in the issues of environmental certification and the feasibility of implementing “green technologies”. Industry specialists have gained additional knowledge on environmental management at tourism enterprises. This means that the level of "sustainable tourism" and the degree of introduction of "green technologies" in the hotel business in the Republic of Uzbekistan will steadily increase.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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