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Thursday, 01 July 2021 10:02

Turkish Embassy replenishes University Library with new books

The Embassy of Turkey in the Republic of Uzbekistan has replenished the library fund of the International University of Tourism "Silk Road" with new and unique publications in the Turkish language.

The collection contains humanitarian and tourist literature, thematic dictionaries. The main part of the books is not earlier than the 2018 release year. A wide selection of books on tourism, art and geography, colorful encyclopedias, as well as educational literature. It is worth noting that many of the donated books are unique as they are published in a limited edition.

Thanks to the capabilities of the modern library which in turn is divided into several reading areas: the Hall of electronic resources, the Central Hall, the International Hall, the National Hall, the Hall of rare books, as well as the "Brainstorming-room", university students can view books at the shelf and select the necessary publications, can search through an electronic database, or contact an employee with a specific application. At the moment, the library fund of the university has more than 15 thousand printed books, as well as more than two thousand books in electronic access.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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