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Monday, 13 September 2021 14:04

The British Council has replenished the University's Library

Within the framework of the program for the development of entrepreneurship in higher education “Creative spark” the British Council has replenished the Library of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism with various editions of books in the field of business and production.

A special place should be given to the rich literature on “Start-up” projects. These are real collections of recipes for all occasions. Such books should be opened at least once a month, because when you open them and find something new for yourself. To understand who these investors are, business angels or business devils, venture funds and seed investment funds, how they work, what they want from Start-ups and how they can help them, University students were provided with a huge collection of books.

For reference: Creative Spark is a five-year program to develop an International partnership between Universities and educational institutions in the UK and the participating countries of the project in the field of developing creative entrepreneurship skills in order to develop the creative economy. It is worth noting that the students of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism are active participants in the “Big Idea Challenge” video screening contest, which encourages young people from the countries where the program is implemented to create an innovative “Start-up” and tell the world about it.

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