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Friday, 29 October 2021 14:53

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in India presented the “Silk Road” International Tourism University library with a new collection of books

The Embassy of Uzbekistan in India presented  a new collection of books to the library of “Silk Road”International Tourism University . A number of measures are being taken in our country to implement state youth policy, patriotic education of young people, further strengthening in them the respect for national values and traditions, increasing the spirituality of the younger generation, further developing the culture of reading, national literature and art, appreciation and worthy incentives for creative workers. One of such merits in our university is the work of our distinguished rector, the Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, Minister of Tourism and Sports A. Abdukhakimov. Under the leadership of A.Abdukhakimov about 20 thousand books on tourism, art, history, archeology, ethnology, geopolitics, geo-economics, culturology, religious studies, painting, sculpture, architecture and cultural heritage, published in all corners of the world, were delivered to the library at the shortest period. Our country's diplomatic institutions abroad are also contributing to this momentous occasion. The Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in India presented the “Silk Road” International Tourism University library with a new collection of books. These books are dedicated to the history and culture of India, its tourism industry, as well as literature and architecture, as well as the reign of the Baburids, who ruled this country for over 300 years, which will undoubtedly be of great benefit to our teachers and students in the research and education process.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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