The II International Youth Tourism Forum was held in Bukhara on December 20-21 this year. The project was initiated by the Department of Tourism and Sports of the Bukhara region; about 10 foreign delegates took part in the online forum. The purpose of the event is to identify promising scientific developments of local and foreign experts and students, to identify and implement start-up projects, as well as to promote the development of qualified personnel in the field of tourism.
The two-day forum was attended by young people from a number of regions of the country, as well as international students (online) and industry experts with their start-up projects and research.
According to it:
— The most creative idea for MICE tourism "Silk Road" of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage; Mamatkulova Sarvinoz and Muminov Zhasur took first place in this direction with their project "MICE TOURISM".
— The best presentation on ecotourism: Bukhara State University and "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage ; The "Great Emirate" by Alekperova Dilshodaxon" won first place with the Cultural Desert-Camp project.
— 2nd place was taken by students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Tuychiev Inoyatillo and Turakulov Shahzod with a project called "Bubble Tent & Yurtent" - students have developed a lightweight mobile construction for camping.
— The best idea in the field of tourism and innovation: International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road"; The second place was taken by Ernazarov Barkamol, Nasrullaeva Shakhrizoda and Akhmadkhon Davlatov with their projects "VRtours".
On the same day, ambassadors of tourism in Bukhara were elected, who were awarded a silver badge "Ambassador of Tourism of Bukhara."
As part of the forum, an excursion around Bukhara was organized for students.
Source: press service of the main department of tourism and sports of Bukhara region.
The History of Humanity is part of UNESCO's General and Regional Histories Collection. The publication seeks to contribute to mutual understanding and dialogue between cultures and civilizations. This series seeks to illustrate the encounters between cultures across history and their respective contributions to the general progress of humankind. This is done through the promotion of a pluralist vision of history.
Our esteemed rector Aziz Abdukakharovich has replenished our library with new books. We highly appreciate our rector for the provided opportunities for our students.
The forum is attended by active students of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage with their start-up projects and scientific ideas.
The aim of the project is to identify and implement potential scientific developments of local and foreign students, specialists, start-up projects and to train qualified specialists in the sphere of tourism. At the forum was a presentation of tourist potential of the country.
Participants talked about the development of certain types of tourism during the pandemic, interacted with the media, and presented startups and discussed the ways of development.
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and Sports, the Rector of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Aziz Abdukhakimov, within the framework of the Tashkent Youth Forum - 2021, met with youth, where he spoke about projects and work done in the field of tourism and sports.
At the beginning of his speech, the minister shared an important event for Uzbekistan - the inclusion of the art of bakhshi in the Representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A special video was shown showing the history of the development of bakhshi art on the territory of Uzbekistan.
In his speech, the Minister stressed his readiness to work with young people on their promising projects in the fields of tourism, sports, culture and ecology. He urged young people to be more active, including in matters of environmental protection, and drew attention to the topic of ecology, where he spoke about the impact of the Aral Sea tragedy on people's lives, a series of sports marathons held in the country, one of which was dedicated to the Aral Sea.
For each question, Aziz Abdukhakimov presented a detailed answer and thanked for the interesting ideas that sounded from the participants. Some of them were asked to stay in touch to study their proposals in detail.
It is worth to note, that at last year's Youth Forum, the Minister accepted the proposals of several forum participants and today cooperation with them continues.
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dummy+99866 240-67-68