On November 2 of this year, a delegation led by Gao Zhili, Vice Chairman of the Political Consultative Council of Hebei Province, China, visited the university.
First, the guests got acquainted with the conditions created for students in the campus of our university, as well as with the gallery of national clothing. After that, the main part of the event was a bilateral dialog with members of the delegation of Hebei Province. During the dialog, detailed information was provided about the facilities created at our university for training tourism and cultural heritage professionals, material and technical facilities.
It was followed by the speeches of such important officials as the secretary of the administration of the provincial political advisory council, the chairman of the political advisory council of Xinhuangdao City, the deputy director of the Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.
The bilateral dialog discussed cooperation with universities in Hebei Province, particularly the establishment of academic student exchanges.
Also during the dialog opinions were expressed on the establishment of bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism between Samarkand and Hebei Province. The guests also familiarized themselves with the activities of the Tourism Academy.
Master of Turkish traditional shadow theater Aziz Murat Aslan held an open lesson for students of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The speaker gave very interesting facts about the history of the emergence of shadow theater in Turkey, its cultural roots. Also Aziz Murat talked about the divergences, similarities between theaters in other oriental theaters in the world such as Ancient Egypt, China, Sri Lanka.
In addition, the theater master gave students interesting facts about how certain images from stage performances are reflected in painting.
On October 31, 2024 at 16:00 in Room 108 of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, a seminar was held on formalizing thesis topics based on the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and improving the efficiency of scientific research. The event was attended by the staff of the research department of our university, local and foreign online and offline doctoral students.
Chairman of the Academic Council of our university, Professor Bakhodirkhan Safarov took part in the seminar. He acted as a speaker and shared with the audience his knowledge and experience in the field of effective organization of scientific research.
During the seminar, the participants of the event received important information about theses and dissertations and requirements for scientific research.
Mental health is a state of mental well-being, which allows people to cope with stressful situations in life, realize their potential, successfully study and work, as well as contribute to society.
In this regard, the psychologist of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road” D. Turdieva and tutor P. Islamov organized an event for first year students of 424 and 124 groups, studying in the directions of “Tourism and Hospitality” and “Business Management”.
At the meeting, students were given collections of psychological methods to help determine the social and psychological state of students, and were given recommendations and advice on adapting to the educational process. The results of these techniques will form the basis of the socio-psychological portrait of students.
On October 31, a sports chess competition “ Cup of Hokim” was held in the Youth Center of Samarkand. The team of first year students of our university also took an active part in this competition.
The activities of our university are expanding from year to year, providing all the necessary conditions and opportunities for students. The Samarkand campus of the UN Academy of Tourism, the only one in Central Asia, remains a convenient place for our students to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of tourism and cultural heritage.
These days, full-time and part-time students of our university participate in coursework at the Samarkand Campus of the UN Academy of Tourism. In addition, the laboratories of the Academy also serve as a space of knowledge and skills for young students.
Every Thursday of the week our university holds events dedicated to Student Safety Day. Today, October 31, in the hall of activists of our university on the occasion of Student Safety Day together with the university inspector held a preventive event aimed at preventing crime, human trafficking and unpleasant situations in the youth environment.
Amiriddinova Muslima Zayniddinovna, a lecturer of the Department of Tourism, who participated in the ORHUN exchange program announced in May of this year and successfully passed the competition, took theoretical and practical classes in the field of gastronomic tourism at Cappadocia University in Turkey, conducting classes for Turkish students.
Muslima Amiriddinova exchanged knowledge and experience with the teachers of Cappadocia University for two weeks. In addition, the head of the department of the Faculty of Gastronomy, Dr. Ezgi Ozer, was introduced to the Turkish students. Ezgi Ozer learned about similar aspects of gastronomy between the two countries and exchanged views.
As a part of this program, our faculty member also actively participated in a prestigious conference organized at Cappatocia University on the impact of AI technologies. Importantly, our lecturer conducted classes on the subject “Introduction to Gastronomy” for the first year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Gastronomy at Cappadocia University and organized practical classes for the fourth year students on “Cooking with Asian seafood”.
On October 30 of the current year psychologist of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road” Dildora Turdieva held a motivational training “Through the thorns - to the stars” for the 1st year students of the 324th group, studying in the direction of “Theory of Translation”, where tutor Pirnazar Islomov also took part.
Undoubtedly, young men and women, who have entered a new stage of their lives, face many tasks and goals. What should be done to achieve the goal? First of all, faith in one's own strength, purposefulness and determination, which was played out by the participants during the psychological practice. Students demonstrated by example how to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving the goal.
And the game “Deaf Phone” became a visual example, helping to increase immunity to information attacks, not to take at face value any information disseminated on the Internet. The psychological training, which took place in a positive atmosphere, gave all participants motivation and positive emotions.
In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On wide celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the son of the outstanding Karakalpak poet and thinker Ajiniyaz Kosibay-ugli”, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the control plan of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation was instructed to organize meetings and literary evenings dedicated to the 200th anniversary.
In this regard, a literary and artistic evening dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the son of the outstanding Karakalpak poet and thinker Ajiniyaz Kosibay-ugli was organized on 29 October of the current with the participation of 1st year students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
Speakers at the event said that the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ajiniyaz Kosibay-ugli is widely celebrated in our country, the celebration of the birthday of the poet is included in the program of the International Organization of UNESCO.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68
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