

On November 16, the International Scientific-practical Conference on Sustainable Development and Methodological Issues in the Development of Environmental Management was held by Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Vice Rector of our university Professor Tongqian Tony Zou made a speech on “Industrial substitution to achieve ecological restoration in the Aral Sea”. In his speech, Vice-Rector Tony Zou talks about the progress of Aral Sea research around the world, the situation, causes and possible solutions to the ecological crisis in the Aral Sea.

Introducing eco agriculture, tourism and cultural creative to replace traditional water consuming agriculture, was proposed as one of solutions to achieve ecological restoration in the Aral Sea. Around 120 scholars and students from Uzbekistan, China, India, Germany participated this conference.

On November 14-15 of this year in the city of Samarkand volleyball competitions were held within the framework of sports competitions “Five Initiatives”.

Students of higher educational institutions of our region held competitions within the framework of these competitions. Students of our university also actively participate in the exciting past competitions and took prize-winning places.

On November 18, the special representative of “Campus France” project at the French Embassy in Tashkent, Ms. Alice Mot and the director of “French Alliance” center in Samarkand visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

During the visit they organized a meeting with the administration of the university and discussed the possibilities of cooperation between our university and the French Alliance in Samarkand. Also during the visit, Ms. Alice Mot presented the “Campus France” system to introduce the university students to the ways and opportunities of studying in France, answering the questions of interest of the students.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 5148 dated 16 June 2021, 6 students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage who fulfilled voluntary and special requirements for sports standards were awarded with badges and sports uniforms of the university.

The award ceremony was attended by the staff of the regional sports department and officials of our university and students.

Today, 15 November, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage hosted a promotional event on " Resisting the illegal handling of psychotropic substances" with the cooperation of representatives of the regional IAB and a number of relevant services.

It is no secret that today in our society there are cases of use of psychotropic substances among young people and their involvement in their illegal handling. At the event, the responsible officer of the regional Department of Internal Affairs voiced information about these negative cases occurring among young people in our republic and in Samarkand province.

At the propaganda event, students addressed the officials with their questions in the form of sincere open dialogue. Also at the event a prepared video clip was shown about illegal handling of psychotropic substances, about unknowingly involving young people in such situations.

The purpose of this outreach event is to prevent such negative situations that may arise between students and young people and to build immunity among young people.

Friday, 15 November 2024 14:28

Formation of collective spirit in the group

On November 14 of the current year psychologist of “Silk Road”  International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage D. Turdieva and tutor P. Islomov organized a meeting for students of the 124th group studying in the direction of “Business Management”.

A favorable climate in the team is the key to efficiency and success. At the meeting, which took place in the form of motivational training, the current mental state of students was determined, and techniques preventing psycho-emotional tension were applied. Psychological practices aimed at forming friendly relations and cohesion in the group gave great pleasure to all participants.

In general, the organization and conduct of such meetings will contribute to nurturing the spirit of teamwork, manifestation of leadership skills in the team and the ability to interact both in a team of peers and at different levels of management.

Today our university hosted the university stage of the republican contest “The Most Active Student of the Year”, which is held on a permanent basis every year. The most active and talented students of our university took part in the contest. The candidates were selected by members of the commission organized by our university. The winners will take part in the next round.

Students studying in the specialty of “Tourism and Cultural Heritage” should constantly scrutinize historical monuments and enrich their knowledge and skills. The Samarkand city tours organized by the university are also aimed at developing domestic tourism and enhancing the knowledge and skills of student youth. Yesterday, students of Man-124 and Man-224 groups of our university made a pilgrimage to a number of monuments of the city.

On November 11-12 of this year within the framework of sports competitions "Five Initiatives" mini-football competitions were held. Students of all higher educational institutions of our region competed with each other in these competitions. Students of our university also took an active part in sports competitions and received prizes.

On November 14, 2024, Anna Rumyantseva, Vice-Rector for Science and International Affairs at St. Petersburg University of Management, Technology, and Economics, and Marina Morozova, Director General of the Center for Professional Development in Tourism and Hospitality in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, visited «Silk Road» International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

During the meeting, discussions focused on establishing close cooperation with the St. Petersburg University of Management, Technology, and Economics and the Center for Professional Development in Tourism and Hospitality. Topics included creating exchange programs for our university's professors and students, providing advanced training in tourism and hospitality, inviting Russian graduates in tourism to pursue master’s programs at our university, and offering opportunities for highly qualified Russian professors to supervise our researchers.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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