Adib hayoti haqida. 1942-yil 1-martda Andijon viloyatining Bo‘ston tumani Beshkal qishlog‘ida dehqon oilasida tug‘ilgan. 1959-yilda Toshkent viloyati Bekobod tumanida Navoiy nomidagi o‘rta maktabni bitirdi. so‘ngra Bekobod qum-shag‘al karerida saralovchi(sortirovщik) щN ishladi. Moskvadagi A.M.Gorkiy nomidagi Adabiyot institutida tahsil oldi(1960-66). Bir yil akademik otpusk davrida Andijon va Farg‘ona viloyatlari maktablarida o‘qituvchilik qildi(1962- 63).
In 2007, he graduated from the Faculty of Uzbek Philology of the National University of Uzbekistan. His first story - "The Old Man Who Can't Be a Gypsy" was published in the 1st issue of the "Youth" magazine in 2010. The writer's stories and essays "Kizghaldok", "The night the storm stopped", "The forgotten person", "The person looking at the road" were published.
His collections of stories "The Night the Storm Stilled" and "People Without Worries" were published.
Also, several stories of Nurilla Chori were published in Turkish language in the magazine "Kardosh Kalamlar".
Today, December 3, in order to worthily meet and celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Constitution at a high level, the contest “Constitution is the key to a free and prosperous life!” under the slogan “TALENT SHOW” was held by the Student Parliament of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Within the framework of the contest, students tested their skills in such areas as public speaking, performing arts, dance, singing, poetry.
Today, December 2, the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies is hosting the Universiade 2024 qualifying sports games in chess and checkers. Teams from many universities of our region took part in these competitions.
The team of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage also takes an active part in the competitions.
On December 8, the day of the 32nd anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a drawing contest organized on December 2 was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The most talented students of our university competed with each other in the contest. Some of the brightest creative works were the works of students on such topics as “my Constitution”, “Constitution is our pride”.
The winners of the contest will be announced at the event dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan at our university.
On the occasion of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 8, various events and round tables are held at our university. On the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2024 on December 2, a group of students were tested on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the process of testing, students found answers to questions from the laws established in our main part. This is done in order to study the laws more thoroughly and to improve the literacy of our students.
Prof. Tongqian Zou, Vice Rector for Science and Innovation of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, participated in the 7th International Forum of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative in China.
The forum discussed the prospects of tourism development within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative with the participation of leading experts, scientists and representatives of world governments.
It is noteworthy that at this international forum, the Vice Rector of our university, Prof. Tongqian Zou participated in “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage to promote international cooperation in science, research and innovation, noting that tourism demonstrates the pursuit of sustainable development and preservation of cultural heritage. The forum also provided an important platform for sharing knowledge and establishing new cooperation to strengthen global communication and cultural exchange.
In addition, a new book entitled “Oriental Tourism Marketing Strategies for Central Asia” was launched at the Forum, focusing on the academic discussion on tourism development strategies in the region.
On November 28 of the current year, Muhammad Shokhparan, a lecturer of the Tourism Department of our university, together with students of the 2nd year group Log-123 of the specialty “Air Transport Management” visited Samarkand International Airport.
The students along with the teacher were able to familiarize with the marketing strategy of the airline, passenger resorts, duty free store, customs, immigration and other such practical observation processes.
The purpose of this is to familiarize our student youth with the hospitality practices in tourism, to provide high level services and to enhance their skills.
5 students of the faculty of “ Interpreting and Translation Studies: Chinese Language” received a monetary prize for their activity and activity in studying Chinese language.
Together with teachers Kamoliddin Baikobilov, Han Meiran and Wu Vivien, these students visited Tashkent. The representative of the Chinese Embassy in Uzbekistan Yu Jun ceremonially handed over this monetary award to our students.
The staff and students of our university also congratulate these students.
On November 29, an event was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage to raise global awareness about HIV and AIDS, timed to coincide with the World AIDS Day on December 1.
A. Juraev, a sanitary doctor of the organizational department of the regional AIDS Center, gave a lecture for the students of our university at the event. In his lecture the specialist told in detail about the fight against HIV and AIDS, factors of its occurrence. After that all students were given booklets prepared on this topic.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68