On January 4, 2025, at 10:30 AM, the defense of the dissertation by Otabek Mardonovich Ruzibayev, a doctoral candidate of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, will take place at the UNWTO thematic office. The dissertation, titled "Improving the Economic Mechanism for the Development of Gastronomic Tourism in Regions," is written in the specialty 08.00.17 – "Tourism and Hotel Management" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics. The defense will be held at the Scientific Council (DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01) under the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The year 2024 has been one of great productivity and rich in pleasant news for our country and the university. The coming year 2025 will be the year of environmental protection and green economy, which will also be a year of conquering great heights and rich achievements for all of us. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere congratulations to you on the coming year 2025. I wish your family peace of mind, good health and high achievements in scientific activities.
Dear lecturers, staff and students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, it is clear to everyone that today the tourism industry is growing day by day. You have your position and contribution in the development of this sphere. It should be said that the passing year of 2024 was productive for our university in the direction of education, in scientific research and in the establishment of international relations. The work and efforts of the staff of our university can be found in these practical affairs. It is known that active participation of our students and recognition of participants together with professors and lecturers of our university in conferences of international level organized in Samarkand and in our university in 2024 shows how educated and perspective our youth is. We can say that one of the main news was the opening of the Tourism Academy last year and the visit of Olaf Schols, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, to this place. The opportunities created at the Academy of Tourism provide an excellent opportunity for young students to harmoniously combine practice with theory. In addition, our university has signed cooperation agreements with prestigious universities and organizations in many countries around the world. This also plays a role in future academic and student exchanges, increasing mutual experiences.
The year 2024 has become history as one of the best years in terms of the breadth of success of our university staff. I hope that in the new year 2025, the year of environmental protection and green economy, together with the staff we will contribute to the reforms implemented by our president, reaching great heights.
I once again congratulate all of you on the new year 2025. May the New Year be successful, favorable and blessed for our team!
Sincerely, Rector of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage A.A. Abdukhakimov
A seminar-training on "The Advantages of Distance Learning" was conducted by Ergashev Bobir Abdimuminovich, an English language teacher from the "Languages and Global Studies" department of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, for the teachers working at Tashkent Tourism and Hotel Management Technical School. During this seminar-training, the advantages of online platforms from leading universities around the world (Harvard, Stanford, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology), distance learning platforms (Udemy, Coursera, edX), and existing platforms in Uzbekistan (Khan Academy Uz, Ibrat Farzandlari) were discussed. Additionally, Ergashev Bobir Abdimuminovich demonstrated how to register on these platforms, effectively utilize the available resources, download resources, and complete the assigned tasks.
The seminar-training made a positive impression on the teachers and was rich in questions, answers, and discussions.
Семинар-тренинг на тему "Преимущества дистанционного обучения" был проведен Эргашевым Бобиром Абдимуминовичем, преподавателем английского языка кафедры "Языки и глобальные исследования" Международного университета туризма и культурного наследия "Шелковый путь", для преподавателей Ташкентского техникума туризма и гостиничного менеджмента. В ходе этого семинара-тренинга обсуждались преимущества онлайн-платформ ведущих университетов мира (Гарвард, Стэнфорд и Массачусетский технологический институт), платформ дистанционного обучения (Udemy, Coursera, edX) и существующих платформ в Узбекистане (Khan Academy Uz, Ibrat Farzandlari). Кроме того, Эргашев Бобир Абдимуминович продемонстрировал, как зарегистрироваться на этих платформах, эффективно использовать доступные ресурсы, загружать ресурсы и выполнять назначенные задания.
Семинар-тренинг произвел положительное впечатление на преподавателей и был насыщен вопросами, ответами и обсуждениями.
A delegation from Xinjiang University, led by Vice-Rector Mr. Jin Gang, visited the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the discussions, key collaborative initiatives for 2025 were identified and mutually endorsed.
The following areas of collaboration were agreed upon:
These agreements not only strengthen international cooperation but also pave the way for innovative opportunities in education and research.
Dear students participate in the essay contest and get an internship in Indonesia!
The Global Education Department of “Silk Road” International Universite of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces a contest for a two-week internship in Indonesia!
Competition Conditions: Write an essay on the topic: "How I Can Contribute to the Development of Cultural Exchange Between Countries."
The best candidates will have the opportunity to participate in:
• A week of introductory courses: learning about the culture, language, and traditions of Indonesia.
• A week of practical activities on the picturesque island of Bali: working on real projects and exchanging experiences with local professionals in the hospitality industry.
If you want to be part of this exciting experience, please send your essay to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The winner will receive a guaranteed spot in the internship, as well as a participation certificate.
Deadline: January,10
Don't miss your chance!
Yesterday, December 19, samples of art prepared by talented students of our university were shown to everyone, including: musical performances, performance of dances of different nations, exhibition of unique works of art. At the auction organized as part of the event, the masterpieces of student art were bought up by the guests with great interest. The collected money from each sale will be used to bring hope and light into the lives of children in need of help. The main goal of the charity ball with the theme “Hearts united on the way to a noble goal” is to provide material and spiritual support to children in need of help on the threshold of the New Year. All the collected money will be fully directed to this noble goal to help children in need to celebrate the New Year with happiness and dreams.
On December 16-20 of this year Bekzod Oblokulov, a lecturer of the Department of Tourism of our university, takes part in the international seminar on “Realization of credit and marketing projects for related industries”, which is held in India. It is important that Bekzod Oblokulov actively participates in this seminar with his lecture.
On the outcoming of the New Year, various educational and recreational events are held at our university. Today, December 19, was presented a concert program dedicated to the New Year holiday of the group “Estrada” under the direction of our university professor, the talented Kamal Mustaev. The program included popular songs of foreign and domestic performers. Especially remembered compositions of jazz orientation, which refreshed the program and caused great applause of the audience.
Melodies of Professor Kamol Mustaev, performed on saxophone with great skill, gave the songs even more soulfulness. The concert program made a great impression on all participants. At the end of the event all the artists and active students were awarded with certificates by the department of work with youth of our university.
To ensure the implementation of paragraphs 2 and 12 of Appendix No. 19 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, dated January 12, 2024, "On additional measures to increase the flow of tourists and further increase the prestige of our country by widely promoting the study of the history and culture of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek language and literature in foreign countries," on December 19, 2024, at the “Silk Road” University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, "Literary Evening" and "Poetry Recital" event was organized jointly with the Department of "Languages and Global Studies" and the University's Women's Council with the participation of talented students of our university and foreign students.
The event, attended by foreign and local students, was opened by the Chairwoman of the Women's Council of our university, M. Abbasova. At the beginning of the event, a well-known artist, the head of the Samarkand regional branch of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, the poet Toshpulat Tugalov, the leading specialist of the Samarkand regional branch of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, Makhmarizo Abdurakhmanov and the translator and interpreter Murodkhon Ergashev read their poems glorifying the Motherland and the Uzbek language. Also, at the event, the head of the Department of "Languages and Global Studies" of our university, Associate Professor T. Sultanov spoke about the creation of departments in prestigious universities abroad in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2024 No. PP-19 and the consistent implementation of work in this direction. At the event, poems by poets were translated and read by our talented students. Besides, our students also read examples of their creative works of poetry. The event was memorable because it was organized with high spirits and left a great impression on all foreign students.
Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.
dummy+99866 240-67-68
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