

Friday, 13 December 2024 12:30

Islamjan Kuchkarov and meeting with students

At the meeting organized within the framework of the project “Sharing Enlightenment”, poet Islamjon Kokhkorov read the best works of his art to the youth students.The poet told the students about his life path, the importance of introducing young people to knowledge, how to set goals and what to do for this purpose.  The youth students enjoyed the poet's work. The youth students, who became participants of the event, got answers to their questions and read from the poet's works.

Friday, 13 December 2024 12:08


At the meeting organized under the project “Sharing Enlightenment”, poet Humoyun Akbar spoke about his life and works. The poet sincerely interacted with the student youth, recalling his student years and sharing his secrets of success.
The student youths got answers to a number of questions about the poet's activities, his works and the students read samples of the poet's works while getting answers to their questions.

At the meeting, organized within the framework of the “Sharing Education” project, People's Writer of Uzbekistan Muhammad Ali talked about his life and works. Students and youth got answers to their questions and enjoyed the poet's works.
The students also got answers to their questions and read samples of the poet's creativity during the event.

On December 12, a number of spiritual-educational events, meetings with poets and writers who visited our university within the framework of the project “Sharing Enlightenment” were organized, such as “literary evening”. Within the framework of the project, a dialogue was organized between students of our university and People's Writer of Uzbekistan Muhammad Ali, writer Humoyun Akbar, talented poet Islamjon Kuchkorov.
First, a month before the meeting, the students were provided with information about the writers.

On the occasion of Sun Yat-sen University's centenary celebration, the 8th UNESCO UNITWIN Conference 2024 was held in Sun Yat-sen University from November 25-30. As the Co holder of UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage Tourism along the Silk Roads, Professor Tongqian Zou delivered a speech titles “Silk Road Cultural Heritage: Social Construct and Criticism in Different Discourses”, which analyzed the different social constructs of Silk Road by Central Asia, China, Russia, USA, Turkey, India, Japan and Korea by applying VOSViewer and ChatGTP, the speech had caused a great response among the scholars of UNESCO UNITWIN members.

On December 1, the 1st Global Deans’ Forum of Tourism Education was held by School of Tourism, Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Tongqian Zou shared a speech on “Higher Tourism Education in Central Asia: Current Status and Future Directions”. It has attracted enthusiastic attention from deans and rectors of tourism colleges and universities from more than 20 countries around the world.

A delegation from Wakayama University, one of Japan's prestigious higher education institutions, visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The delegation was led by Ms. Etsuko Higashi, Head of the Tourism Research Center at Wakayama University.

During the meeting organized with the representatives of the delegation, the representatives of Wakayama University answered in detail the questions asked by the students of our university about the exchange program, the criteria for studying under a master's degree, educational programs for international students, grant opportunities and admission processes.

The cooperation also exchanged information on the work carried out in the project on the topic “Vision of Japanese tourists about Uzbekistan". This project aims to increase the number of Japanese tourists visiting Uzbekistan by promoting the tourism potential, cultural heritage, culture and national values of Uzbekistan widely in Japan.

At the end of the visit, the delegation from Wakayama University was given a tour of the university's campus and the infrastructure of the UNWTO Samarkand Tourism Academy.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024 16:56



In accordance with the joint decree of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (38-q/q) and the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan (01-03/857) dated October 9, 2024, it is announced to hold competitive selections for such events as “Square of Enlightenment”, “Values of my country” among young students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Students wishing to participate, please contact the youth leader of the university S. Khaydarov.

Head of the Department of Tourism of our university Akmaljon Odilov, as well as the head of the department of planning and development of educational process Muhammadmurod Yorkulov in the same days are on a business trip to Indonesia. During the business trip the tourism potential of Indonesia is studied, meetings are held with representatives of the government, private sector and higher education institutions responsible for tourism.

The experience gained during the trip will be used in the development of the future university, public and private sector.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024 12:52

Attention, Announcement:

The Scientific and Technical Information Center under the Agency for Innovative Development, in collaboration with the Turkish company "Mikro Information Handling and Distribution FZE," is organizing a seminar-training session. It will take place on December 18, 2024, at 3:00 PM at the administrative building of the Agency for Innovative Development (Olmazor District, Universitet Street, Building 7).

Interested employees can register via the following links:

To further develop of the tourism sector on a national level and turn it into one of the key components of the economy, the development of various tourism areas such as gastronomic tourism, pilgrimage tourism, eco-tourism, agro-tourism, sports tourism, and others is of great importance. Particularly, the role of developing information technologies and innovative ideas is invaluable today.

In this regard, in order to support the development of innovative ideas by young people in the tourism sector and their practical implementation, the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage announces the “Best Startup Project in the Tourism Sector” competition, which will take place on December 17, 2024.

Requirements for participation in the startup project:

The age of the participants (startup team members) between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th courses should not exceed 30 years;

One team can participate with only one project (the team must not have more than 3 members);

The maximum duration for implementing startup projects is one year;

Financial justification for the project, including information on materials, their costs, and where they can be purchased.

This project offers the following opportunities for young people:

Strengthening knowledge on startup creation;

Organizing an effective presentation of the project and attracting investors;

Familiarity with innovative startup presentations;

Participation in lively discussions and more.

Participants must register by December 15 through the following contact. The startup presentations will be held on December 17, at 14:00 at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, in the activity hall.

For inquiries: University Youth Leader S. Haydarov +99899 446 59 46

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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