

Representatives from the Korea National University of Education  visited the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. (For reference, KNUE is one of South Korea’s prestigious universities, ranked among the world’s top higher education institutions in the QS rankings, placing in the TOP-300 globally.)

During the visit, the delegation was warmly welcomed by the university administration and introduced to the facilities and opportunities available at the university. The meeting focused on exploring advanced experiences and innovations in education, organizing professional development courses for professors teaching the Korean language, engaging students learning Korean in summer schools, and implementing joint projects.

Both parties also agreed to develop academic exchange programs and conduct collaborative scientific research.

This visit marked an important step toward strengthening international cooperation and elevating inter-university relations to a new level.

Today, on December 10th, the "Silk Road" International University of  Tourism and Cultural Heritage  organized a student festival on the theme "Cultural Crossroads of the Silk Road." As history tells us, the Silk Road, with its millennia-old history, is not only known for the development of trade but also for being a cultural crossroads. During the festival, talented students of our university, divided into groups, showcased the culture and art of the peoples located along the Silk Road.

On the eve of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a trip to a military unit under the Central Military District was organized for students of the "Silk Road" International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University.

The students had the opportunity to closely familiarize themselves with the conditions created in the Central Military District, the practical training processes, and the exhibits in the history museum, which reflect the history of our homeland.

Today, on October 6, the Women's Council of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage , in cooperation with the "Languages and Global Studies" department, organized the "Zakovat" intellectual competition among female students of the "Tourism and Management" faculty. This event, dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 8, aimed to promote a healthy lifestyle, raise the legal awareness and literacy of female students.

In the competition, the female students competed in teams named "Lider Qizlar", "Bibixonim", "Qomus", "Adolat", and "O'zbegim Qizlari". In the knowledge contest, the "Lider Qizlar" and "Bibixonim" teams showed the best results, securing the first and second places, respectively. The winners and runners-up were awarded certificates and commemorative gifts.

On December 6, 2024, a roundtable discussion titled "Followers of Tomyris" was organized at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in collaboration with the Women's Council, the Departments of "Languages and Global Studies" and "History and Cultural Heritage," and the members of the "Qizlarjon" club.

The event featured Captain T. Soliyeva, a military service member from the National Guard of the Samarkand region, and Lieutenant R. Ibragimova, a senior officer in charge of working with military personnel and their families. They participated by presenting a short lecture and a video, offering valuable advice and recommendations to the female students.

In this open discussion, the students had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers on topics of interest to them.

Friday, 06 December 2024 11:56

“I am my own friend and enemy!”

On December 5 this year, the psychologist of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Dildora Turdieva held a motivational training “I am my own friend and enemy!” for the faculty and staff.

Various exercises, techniques and games were used at the event, preventing emotional tension, getting rid of negative thoughts, contributing to the formation of empathy, team building.

The use of Paul Mayer’s “Wheel of Life Balance” was an effective tool to help participants analyze themselves in the shortest possible time.

The event, which was held in high spirits, gave the participants a great motivation to positive emotions and reassess their steps for further effective activity in the university team.

In order to popularize the Constitution, which is our main body, and to further improve legal literacy among all students of our university, various round tables, events and educational classes are held.

Today, on December 5, the next educational classes for students of all academic groups of our university were dedicated to the study of our Constitution.  The classes were held at a high level and included feedback on the content of our Constitution and fundamental reforms established within the priorities of the strategy “Uzbekistan-2030”. In the course of the classes, students received answers to their questions.

On December 3, 2024, representatives of our university attended a meeting titled “International Cooperation in Training Personnel for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry of CIS Countries” alongside key officials from the tourism sector of CIS countries.

Associate Professor of the Tourism Department, Firuz Zahidov, presented information on the ongoing efforts in Uzbekistan to develop tourism and train specialists. The report highlighted the following points:

  • Targeted measures being undertaken to develop tourism in Uzbekistan and the emphasis placed on training personnel;
  • Enhancement of educational programs in the tourism and hospitality sector based on the experience of institutions ranked in the top 100 of global academic ratings;
  • The transition from a four-year to a three-year education program in the tourism field, enabling students to work in their specialization while developing their professional skills directly in the workplace.
  • The university's collaborations with foreign organizations and higher education institutions, particularly the activities of the UNWTO Tourism Academy's campus in Samarkand.

It was noted that this campus hosts retraining seminars for tourism professionals, conducted by expert practitioners from the organization.

Additionally, detailed information on the campus’s upcoming projects and planned activities was shared with the participants. It was emphasized that this initiative not only contributes to improving the qualifications of specialists in the tourism and hospitality sector but also serves as a solid foundation for further development of international cooperation.

At the conclusion of the session, the efforts made in Uzbekistan to advance tourism were highly praised and acknowledged by the participants.

Wednesday, 04 December 2024 11:48


Another dissertation defense on pilgrimage tourism

On December 7, 2024, at 11:00 AM, at the UNWTO thematic office, the dissertation defense of Nodirjon Abduxalil o‘g‘li Khaliqov, a doctoral student of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, will take place at the Scientific Council for granting the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, under the number DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01. The dissertation topic is "Improving the Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for the Development of Pilgrimage Tourism Destinations (a Case Study of Samarkand Region)" in the specialty "Tourism and Hospitality."

Friday, 22 November 2024 10:57


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  • Shoirning faoliyati haqida. 2016-yilda O‘zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universitetining xalqaro jurnalistika fakultetini bitirgan. Keyinchalik harbiy jurnalistika kursida tahsil olgan. Mehnat faoliyatini “Adolat ko‘zgusi” gazetasida musahhih, maxsus muxbir va mas’ul kotib, “Milliy tiklanish” gazetasi muhbir, bo‘lim muharriri vazifalarida ishlagan. 2018-yildan Mudofaa vazirligi Axborot va ommaviy kommunikatsiyalar departamenti “Vatanparvar” birlashgan tahririyati bo‘limi boshlig‘i lavozimida faoliyat olib boradi.
  • Shoir ijodi haqida. 12 yoshidan ijod qiladi. Ijodining asosiy qismi nazmda. Badiiy publitsistika yo‘nalishida ham asarlari mavjud. “Seni izlayman” nomli kitobli nashr etilgan.
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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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