

Sanjar Jumanazarov, teacher at the Department of Management in Tourism at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, became the owner of the 3rd scholarship competition in 2022 of the "El-yurt umidi" Foundation for 226 places! This grant will give S. Jumanazarov the opportunity to receive doctorate (PhD) in tourism in the UK for 3 years.

Vice-Rector for Scientific research and innovation Zou Tong Qian and Scientific research department of our university organized a webinar in cooperation with the Northwest University of China for independent researchers and master’s degree students who want to study and continue their research at the post – higher education institutions. During the webinar, Northwest University officials gave information about the grants allocated to the researchers, the opportunities created by the university and special requirements for them. In the webinar director of the admissions committee of the school of International Education Zhe Ji, the Head of the Tourism Management Department of the Economics and Management faculty Ling Xue Cheng, the Deputy director of the department of International relations Kang Rong and the lecturer of Cultural Heritage School Zhou Jianhong participated with their presentation. In the opening speech of the webinar, Tony Qian Zou Vice-Rector for Scientific research and innovation participated with his presentation.

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage  invites those wishing to get higher education in the following areas and specialties:

Directions of undergraduate studies / full-time education(education in English):

- Management (by directions and spheres););

- Organization and management of the hotel industry;

- Museum Studies;

- Guide accompaniment and translation activities (English);

- Archeology;

- Preservation of cultural heritage sites;

- Logistics (logistics in tourism);

- Tourism (by areas of activity);

Master's specialties/Full-time education(education in English):

- Logistics (logistics in tourism);

- Tourism (by areas of activity);

-Museology, conservation, restoration and preservation of cultural heritage sites;

- Management (management of cultural and natural heritage);

-Creative industry;


Registration of applicants takes place on the official website of the

Reception of documents will last until February 20, 2023.

We remind you that at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, education is conducted in English, therefore, during the admission process, you must provide valid certificates of the leading international and evaluation systems of the English language, including at least 5.5 points in IELTS and above, not less than B2 and higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR), as well as documents of applicants who have a certificate of English proficiency (B2 and higher) provided by the State Testing Centre are accepted.

For more information, you can send an email to the university admissions office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or you can contact the following phone numbers:





By enrolling "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage  you will find the brightest period of student life.

* Unique library;

* Qualified international teachers;

* Student exchange programs;

* Internship at a university hotel;

* International conferences;

* Scholarships / grants;

* Winter and Summer school;

* Presidential Parliament;

* Start-up projects;

* University swimming pool.

By choosing Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, you choose a reliable future!

At the festival, performances and presentations of the culture and art of different nationalities were presented by groups of university students. Every scene that was shown left an unforgettable impression on the hearts of the audience. Students showed their skills not only in science, but also in the fields of art and culture.

           The roots of Uzbek tolerance, ethnic, cultural and religious tolerance of our people, which serve as the source of our spiritual awakening today, go back to a long history. The presence of mosques, churches and synagogues in our big cities for centuries, and the fact that people of different nationalities and religions have been freely practicing their religious practices, is a confirmation of this. In general, as our nation, made up of different nationalities, has overcome the most difficult and difficult periods of history, the ties of solidarity have strengthened. Peoples who helped each other in difficult times, respected each other's beliefs. As our head of state noted, "Ethnic, cultural and religious tolerance of our people is another inexhaustible source of spiritual revival. For thousands of years, Central Asia has been a center where diverse religions, cultures and ways of life coexisted and lived in peace. Ethnic patience and tolerance have become natural norms necessary for survival and development from the storms of life... It is on this ground that for many centuries world cultures have enriched each other on a global scale ".

          Such events help to show the artistic and creative skills of young people, and they play an important role in educating them such qualities as confidence in the future heirs of a great state, striving for the heights of knowledge, courage.

         The student festival is a real student holiday. During two days, various competitions in the field of art and culture will bring great pleasure to the students. The festival is organized once a year and is being held for the second time. The scope of the festival is increasing year by year, and the number of participants is increasing.

“Ипак йўли” туризм ва маданий мерос халқаро университети маҳаллий ва хорижий  магистрлари томонидан  2022 йил 20 декабр куни "Хўжа Насриддин" спектакли намойиш этилди.

20 декабря 2022 года отечественные и зарубежные магистры Международного университета туризма и культурного наследия "Шелковый путь" представили спектакль "Ходжа Насриддин".

 Так кто же  Ходжа Насриддин Афанди? Почему этого человека упоминают в анекдотах, аскиях,шутках?

Ходжа насриддин-национальный герой национального фольклора Средней Азии и Ближнего Востока. Для него характерен вымышленный образ жизни, который веками сохранялся в популярных анекдотах и рассказах о Ходже Насриддине. Хитрый старик бродит по городам со своим верным спутником ослом, попадая в самые разные ситуации.

Ум, мудрость, красноречие, мастерство слова – вот основные черты Ходжи Насриддина. В своих рассказах он высмеивает жадных правителей, лицемеров, трусов, взяточников и чужое зло. Находя нестандартный выход из любой ситуации, умело выслеживая идиотов вокруг пальца, он повсюду в юмористической манере рассказывает о своих приключениях, которые со временем приобретают широкую известность.

Таким образом, литературный герой Ходжа Насриддин становится национальным героем среди многонационального народа Средней Азии, о чем свидетельствуют современные памятники, построенные в Бухаре, Турции и Москве.

Спектакль оставил незабываемые впечатления в сердцах зрителей. Наши студенты продемонстрировали свое мастерство не только в науке, но и в искусстве.

Thursday, 22 December 2022 16:39


On December 22, 2022, the chairman of the Women's Council of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, M. Abbasova, held a council meeting with the activists of the University's Women's Council and the leaders of the "Leader Girls" club. The meeting focused mainly on the substance of the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Parliament on December 20 of this year and the promotion of the initiatives put forward in it. The Chairman of the Council, M. Abbasova, made a speech and presented the content of the Address on the completion of the main works carried out in 2022, which is a new stage of our development in the new period of the national development of Uzbekistan, and the most priority directions of the socio-economic development of our republic in 2023. Speaking on this topic, the head of the faculty, R. Toshniyozova, emphasized that the attention of the participants of the meeting was focused on supporting education, which is the main and biggest investment in the Address of the President: Salvation is in education, salvation is in knowledge. Because all noble goals are achieved through knowledge and education." According to the petition, "These words of our enlightened grandfathers should be turned into practical actions of our deputies and senators, political parties, local councils, the entire state apparatus, and the general public". A. Izbasarova, the leading specialist of the university's information resource center, believes that ignorance will take the place of enlightenment. It was specially discussed that we should not give up, that in the minds of our students, they should not forget that human value is above all else, and the President declared 2023 as the "Year of attention to people - quality education". The Head of the Scientific Research Department of the University, N. Mansurova, said about this application that in the last year, stable economic growth, increased export volume, development of the economy, social sphere in our country. He emphasized that important tasks have been defined in the following directions.
Also, the university psychologist D. Tyrdiyeva expressed her positive opinion and comments on the work of supporting women and providing them with psychological help, tutors G. Husainova, M. Abdurakhmonova also gave an analytical attitude to the future plans of the Petition.
A video and a presentation were shown during the meeting. During the meeting, many questions were asked by the participants and suggestions were considered. Measures have been determined in relation to the discussed issues.

Monday, 19 December 2022 17:03

Sport is the way to success!

On December 12-15 of this year, the University championship competition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held in cooperation with the Sports Club of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the department of community work and events with youth.

37 students took part in it, and at the end of the competition, the winners and prize-winners were determined:

1st place - Norbekov Sherbek (3rd stage, the direction of public events);

2nd place - Timur Mustafoev (2nd stage, media direction);

3rd pla

Sanzhar Jumanazarov, lecturer at the Department of Tourism Management, got the opportunity to conduct scientific research in the field of tourism at Konstanz HTWG in Germany, on the basis of a grant, within the framework of the Eastern Cooperation program of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Servis) project. We believe that S. Jumanazarov will give effective results in increasing the potential of scientific personnel in the field of tourism in our country!

Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and Innovation of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Zou Tong Qian, organized a webinar for the professors, teachers doctoral students, independent researchers and students of our university on the topic “How to publish articles in top journals” as well as taking into consideration the quality of the research and improvement of it. During the webinar professor of the School of Hospitality Industry and Business at George Washington University in the United States, Dr Larry Yu presented his speech who has published a series of refereed journal papers in the top tourism and hospitality journals including Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Tourism Geographies, Event Management, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, Journal of Heritage Tourism, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. Webinar participants received answers to their questions they were interested in terms of publishing articles and tutorials in top journals.

On December 13-15 of this year, within the framework of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 30, 2019 PD-4409 "On measures for the implementation of the project "Integrated development of medium-sized cities" of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development" by employees of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade, was organized a training seminar in which students of our university actively participated, following the results they were awarded with certificates.

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