

Saturday, 18 February 2023 11:53


Temur Dadaboyev, professor of international relations of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Tsukuba, Japan, visited our university today. Prof. T. Dadaboyev was accepted by the First Vice-Rector of our university, prof. Joliboy Eltazarov During the conversation, cooperation between the University of Tsukuba and “Silk Road” University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in educational and scientific work, exchange of teachers and students was discussed. Today, Dr. Sono Fukumoto, a scientist from the University of Tsukuba, works at our university on the basis of a contract.

            On February 16, 2023, the first vice-rector J. Eltazarov and the vice-rector for educational affairs J. Hoffmann held an "open dialogue" between the students of the 4th stage of the university on the organization of internship. During the event, special attention is paid to the training of qualified personnel in our country today. It was mentioned that “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage  has established a student internship based on a mutual cooperation agreement concluded with about 150 organizations involved in the tourism sector.

            Starting from February 20 of this year, students graduating from the 4th year are sent to practice, in order for students to have the skills to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, all types of practice in partner organizations, that is, familiarization practice, excursion practice, educational practice, qualification practice, production about the establishment of internships, requirements of internship, mechanisms of internship and all necessary information has been given.

            They noted that the need for practice for every student, especially in the field of tourism, a student can never become an expert by studying only theory, supporting students in every way, turning them into leading drivers in the implementation of reforms, creating all the conditions for them to have an active civic position, this is a huge task and obligation of the university.

            In addition, during the "open dialogue", the students have made several suggestions, and have been told that their suggestions will be taken into consideration. In short, the management of the university and the students of the university expressed their readiness to regularly hold such meetings in the format of "open dialogue".

On February 22, 2023Zou Tong Qian, vice-rector for Scientific research and innovation of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is organizing online seminar training for professors, undergraduates and postgraduates in order to enhance the quality of scientific research and teaching how to publish articles and tutorials on top. This seminar will be conducted by Professor Songshan (Sam) Huang, professor of ECU (Edith Cowan University) university in Australia.

References: Professor Songshan (Sam) Huang is Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Research Fellow, Professor in Tourism and Services Marketing in the School of Business and Law (SBL), Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia. He is also the Head of the SBL Centre for Tourism Research. Professor Huang is internationally recognized as a prolific tourism researcher and one of the world leading scholars in tourism and hospitality research. He has published over 140 refereed English articles in international research journals, among which 120 papers were published in SSCI-indexed journals. His publications frequently appear in top tourism, hospitality, and business management journals such as Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Information and Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, International Journal of Tourism Research, and Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.

In 2021 and 2022, Professor Huang was listed among the world’s top 2% scientists according to the Stanford University report (Elsevier BV ( His current Google Scholar h-index is 48 and Scopus h-index is 36.


Professor Huang has been involved in many industry-informed applied research projects. His industry research partners include government agencies like China National Tourist Office in Sydney, Tourism Research Australia, Regional Development Agency: Riverland & Murraylands, industry associations like Sovereign Hill Museums Association, and private education providers like Le Cordon Bleu. Through his international collaborations, he has accessed a significant large amount of research funding from different countries.

Professor Huang has frequently spoken, as an invited keynote speaker or panellist, at various research conferences, industry- or government-organised forums. He is a co-founding fellow of the International Association for China Tourism Studies (IACTS), a member of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE), and Asia Pacific CHRIE, and the Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE). He is the founding director of the Australia-China Tourism Research Network (ACTReNet) (web link: 

Currently, Professor Huang serves on the editorial boards of 7 journals: International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Journal of China Tourism Research, and Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, Tourism Economics, and Tourism Management.  He is the Editor-in-Chief of Tourism Planning and Development, one of the major international tourism journals published by Taylor & Francis, in the UK.

Seminar time:February 22, 11:00am

Venue: University building, 230-room


“Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: TOURISM RESEARCH: Frontier developments in topics and methods
Время: 22 февр. 2023 11:00 Исламабад, Карачи, Ташкент

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 878 4856 5348
Код доступа: 357949


Currently, the representatives of our university the head of the Scientific Research Department Mansurova Nargiza Shamsidinovna and the university student Ramziddin Ergashev, participated in the event held within the framework of the 8th general assembly of the network of Silk Road universities located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

During the event, our representatives participated in the conference on the topic “The role of universities in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data (BD): challenges and opportunities” held at the Dubai campus of the Canadian University in the UAE. The representatives of our university together with the partner universities who visited the conference discussed the prospects for the development of cooperation between the parties and determined specific directions.

❗️ We remind: in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-279 of June 15, 2022, the new procedure established for admission to the master's degree starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, including the admission to the master's degree twice a year - organized in August and January.

The staff of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Head of the Department History and Cultural Heritage - Sidikova Mastura Khakberdievna and Head of international teachers and students affairs department - Mukhamednazarova Irina Vladimirovna took part in the Second BRICS scientific conference at Kota University in India and made presentations along with speakers from Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Russia. In the process of communication the prospects of interaction were outlined, including the development of joint educational programs and international projects, the implementation of the exchange program for students and teachers.
All the events taking place within the framework of the conference were widely covered in the press.
Participation in this important event contributes to the realization of broad opportunities and sets horizons for multilateral cooperation in solving the development of the economy and tourism of the country.
This platform opens new ways to deepen cooperation with universities in different countries.

Zarifa Eshmurodova, the main doctoral student of the "Languages" department of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, received the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences.

10.00.06, 2021, the doctoral student was admitted to the department as a basic doctoral student in the field of “Comparative literature studies, hybrid linguistics and translation studies”. The young scientist conducted research on the topic “Comparative study of ethnocultural lexemes in French and Uzbek epics (based on the material of the epics Chanson de Roland and Alpomish)”. As part of the research, in 2022, she conducted scientific research on the topic of the dissertation at the Sorbonne University of France and INALCO - French National Institute of Oriental Languages and Development. In August 2022, Z. Eshmurodova won a grant competition for French language teachers organized by the French Embassy in Uzbekistan and retrained at Clermont Auvergne University in France.

 Z. Eshmurodova published the book “French-Uzbek and Uzbek-French speaker for tourists” in co-authorship with Sultanov Tulkin Irgashevich, head of the “Languages” department, associate professor, doctor of philosophy in philological sciences.

 Zarifa Eshmurodova is the first doctoral student of the university to complete the research work before the deadline and to defend the dissertation work. We wish the talented scientist success in his future endeavors!

On February 14 of this year, a literary event dedicated to the 582nd anniversary of Alisher Navai and the 540th anniversary of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

University professors, tutors, and students participated in the event. Poems and rubais of great authors were read at the event by young students. Dances were also performed.

For reference: database of foreign dissertations” ProQuest Dissertations and theses Global " is the world's largest online database of full-text dissertations.

This database contains about 5 million scientific papers on art, business and economics, education, humanities, social and natural sciences, mathematics and physics, health and medicine in 54 languages from more than 4 thousand universities.

In this regard, the National Library of Uzbekistan has planned an online training for specialists of the Samarkand City Information and Library Center on the use of the database of foreign dissertations “Proquest Dissertations and theses Global".

Considering the above, we ask you to take part in this online training on the use of the database of foreign dissertations “Proquest Dissertations and theses Global".

The schedule of online training (Date, Time and Zoom link) for the Samarkand City Information and Library Center is posted below.

Coach-Pazilova Nargiza (+99899 8651212/Telegram)

Telegram channel: Proquest_uzbekkan - T/r

Name of the organization date and date of the event //link to connect

Information and Library Center of the Samarkand region
February 21, 15:00
Connect to the Zoom Conference
Conference ID: 884 5717 6840
The connection code is 178051.

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