

Monday, 13 March 2023 18:19


In connection with the introduction of free access to the "Web of Science" international scientific database, on March 15 of this year at 19:30 the company Clarivate will host a webinar in English for journal editors. (to participate, please register on the Webex platform via the following link

Also, on March 29 at 14:00, a webinar for journal editors will be held via zoom in Russian and English (link:

Monday, 13 March 2023 11:14

We are still hiring!

5 weeks left … hurry up!

Dear students of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage!

We are delighted to inform you that we start accepting application forms for 5* hotels of Antalya coast (Turkey). The season begins in mid-May till October.


-  Sports and children's animators ($ 400-500, plus extra)

-  Waiters (from $ 350 to $ 400, plus tips)

-  Hostesses and reception (from $380 to $500 plus tips)

-  Interpreters (from $500 plus tips)

-  Party-assistants (stage set-up and costume help $400-$500)

-  Housekeepers, cleaners, kitchen staff (from $ 350-400).

Experience and knowledge of languages is welcome.  

Schedule: 6/1, 8 hour working day.

The employment program costs $350.

Includes: work visa, airfare, transfer from the airport to the hotel, consultation, visa application form, medical insurance.

Hotel provides you with free meals, accommodation, uniform, health insurance and a return ticket at the end of the season.

If you are interested, you can fill out an application in Russian. Be sure to attach 2-3 full-length photos (photos must be without Photoshop, not selfies). After reviewing your resume, the details are negotiable.

For the detailed information you can approach office 320.



Students of the 1st year Arch-122 and MS-122 groups of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited the State Museum of the History of Culture of Uzbekistan, which has been the main museum of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve since 1982. At the moment, history and ethnography, art departments are working in this museum. Also, the administration and fund of the Samarkand State Museum-Reserve are located in the museum building. Students got valuable information about our cultural heritage, national values, ancient way of life of our people, great history. The museum left a great impression on the students.

Friday, 10 March 2023 16:18

“Career-2022/2023” Job Fair

In order to implement the tasks of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev to ensure the employment of students of higher educational institutions, on March 10 this year, at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage was organized a “Career-2023” job fair.

The purpose of this event is to train competitive qualified personnel, as well as to ensure the employment of students, assistance in finding sources of income, as well as conducting interviews with responsible employees of enterprises and employer organizations, as a result of which more than 50 students filled out application forms for further employment.

Representatives of "AIR MARAKANDA", "SILK ROAD SAMARKAND", "SIYOB" GROUPS and tour companies and various travel agencies took part in the fair.

The 3rd place winner of the "Student of the Year" competition, 4th year student Shodiyar Amirullaev won an educational grant organized by the Stipendium Hungaricum Program. This grant allows our student to study for a master's degree. For information: Amirullaev Sh. provides information on educational news based on international standards and advice on obtaining grants for students and youth through the author's channel (grants_hunter), which has 3600 users.

On strengthening the protection of intellectual property and introducing modern information and communication technologies, approved by the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-4965 of January 28, 2021, according to clause 19 of the "Road Map" declares the month "Counterfeit-Free Month" once a year (February 15-March 15) in order to effectively fight against the sale of counterfeit products throughout the country.

 On March 10 of this year, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, in cooperation with the Samarkand Regional Department of Justice, organized a seminar-training on the topic of "Legal Protection and Protection of Intellectual Property Objects" within the framework of the "Counterfeit Free Month". The seminar-training was conducted by Jurabek Javlonov, an expert of the Samarkand Regional Justice Department.

On March 7, Muhayyo Abbasova, the Chairman of the Women’s Council of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, was awarded with the “The certificate of Honour” of the regional administration for her effective work at the “Life Garden” club in the Samarkand district, at a holiday event organized by the Samarkand Regional Government in connection with March 8 - International Women’s Day. The certificate of honor was presented by Turdimov Erkinjon Okbotaevich, governor of Samarkand region. The university team congratulates Muhayyo Sadullaevna on this award!

The Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in the Republic of Uzbekistan announces scholarships for study, research and summer schools in the academic year 2023/24.
Deadline to apply for scholarships is until April 1, 2023.

For questions about this program, Ms. Marika Pira: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

During the internship, Shokhrukh got acquainted with the activities of this airport, and also provided detailed information about the results of his practice.

Upon arrival, Shokhrukh presented the library of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road" with a unique album about the culture of Qatar in photographs, which will undoubtedly be of great benefit to our teachers and students in the process of scientific research and education.

The enrichment of the Library fund of the University goes hand in hand with the implementation of the state youth policy, the patriotic education of young people, the improvement of the spirituality of the younger generation, the further development of a culture of reading, respect for national literature and art, appreciation and worthy stimulation of the work of creative workers.

The implementation of the above trends at the “Silk Road” University is largely the merit of the rector Aziz Abdukhakimov.

At the moment, the university library has about 25 thousand books in various fields.


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