

The article was published on the theme "Seven climatic paintings on the wall of the Ulugbek madrasah, or the great figure of the second renaissance" on the 52nd issue of the newspaper "Yangi O'zbekiston" on March 6, 2023 by J.Eltazarov, the first vice-rector of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

On March 16, 2023, the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road" was visited by Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of Mission Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ms. Stoyana Rusinova.
The guest of honor was met by the first vice-rector prof. J. Eltazarov.
The parties discussed the prospects for cooperation in the educational field.
The mission is aimed at further strengthening and development of positive dynamics in bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Uzbekistan.
It is noteworthy that Mrs. Stoyana Rusinova donated a unique collection of scientific literature and teaching aids to the library fund of the university. The provided books contain the latest research information about tourism, culture and customs in Bulgaria, which will undoubtedly be of great benefit to our teachers and students in the process of scientific research and teaching.

 Sirojiddin Abduvoitov and Bayozkhan Mahmudov, employees of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center, listened to lectures on the activities of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center, glorifying and glorifying women in sacred sources.

On March 14 of this year, in paragraph 4 of the action plan of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (10/1-154 02.02.2023) aimed at early marriage of underage girls and prevention of unwanted pregnancies In order to provide information about "early marriage, negative consequences of marriages between close relatives" among students of grade school, as well as students of academic lyceums, professional education, higher education institutions, "Silk Road"International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Women's Council and director of Samarkand Region Reproductive Center U.M. Boborahimova organized a meeting between students and girls. During the roundtable discussion, doctor U.M. Boborahimova explained to the students that medically there are many negative consequences of early marriage, early childbirth and marriage between close relatives.

The international conference on the topic "History, cultural heritage and tourism opportunities of the Silk Road peoples (past and present)" will be held at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand on May 10-12, 2023. We invite you to participate in the scientific-practical conference.

Based on the essence of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2021 No. PQ-5270 "On measures to further improve the continuous system of training qualified personnel in the fields of tourism, cultural heritage and museology", the conference on the history, archaeology, cultural heritage, tourism of the Silk Road possibilities, implementation of today's social, economic, political and cultural relations of the peoples of the Silk Road, exchange of ideas with research conducted in our republic and in the world, and improvement of the quality and efficiency of research work of young scientists, master's students, doctoral students and specialists, within the conference, scientists and to explore, discuss and generate recommendations on the topic of the experiences of young researchers. Also, preparation and implementation of conclusions and proposals aimed at solving existing problems in the field of tourism today.

The purpose of the conference is to exchange global achievements, academic knowledge and experience. Leading domestic and foreign scientists in the field of tourism are scheduled to participate in the conference.


On March 10, 2023, M. Abbasova, the chairperson of the Women’s Council of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, organized a roundtable discussion with the women of the Uzbek neighborhood in the city of Samarkand, which belongs to the university.

M. Abbasova, the chairperson of the Women’s Council of the university, spoke at the roundtable discussion and expressed her thoughts on the education of the next generation, family-legal relations, family economy, the basics of reproductive health, promotion of spiritual and moral values ​​among young people. Also, today, the rights of our women are under the protection of the state, and under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the system of support for women will be raised to a new level and the position of women in society will be further enhanced and strengthened, their protection will be strengthened, family violence will be eliminated and, women's social and political activities are increased.

The International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the opportunities created in it were discussed. For example, it is equipped with modern educational laboratories, sports facilities, according to world standards, classes are conducted by professors and teachers of international class, it has a large library fund, it provides all the conditions for students to get quality education and detailed information was given about the creation of a "smart" university.

A. Izbasarova, the leading specialist of the information resource center of the university, called the women, young people and children of Uzbekistan to participate in the IRC, sports and science clubs organized at the university and gave detailed information about them. Also, university psychologist D.Turdiyeva shared her thoughts about the importance of psychological support in the social and personal life of women. D. Vastayeva, the leading expert of the department of community work and events with young people, also gave an analytical reaction to the future plans of the university.

A video and a presentation were shown during the roundtable discussion. During the meeting, many questions were asked by the participants and suggestions were considered. Actions were taken on the issues discussed.

In our country, special attention is paid to the development of preschool education, secondary education, secondary special and higher education system. As a result, the young generation has been showing their thirst for education and vocational training. In this process, it is permissible to recognize the achievements of students of the higher education system.Meetings of rectors, vice-rectors and students, meetings of three generations, and job fairs are regularly held in institutions of higher education. Such a meeting of "Vice-rector and students" was held at "Silk Road" International university of tourism and cultural heritage. First Vice-Rector J. Eltazarov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Joseph Hoffman and all department heads of the university took part in the event.The first vice-rector of the university, J. Eltazarov gave brief information about the current educational, scientific and spiritual processes. After that, the main part of the meeting began. In this part, students brought the problems of various areas and fields to the attention of leaders, presented their proposals for eliminating existing shortcomings and improving the educational process. During the meeting, a number of problems were solved, and specific tasks for solving the remaining problems were defined."To support you, the young-students in every way, to turn you into leading drivers in the implementation of reforms, to create all the conditions for you to have an active civic position is our great task and obligation," Joliboy Danabayevich said. During the meeting, the activity of the Faculty of "Tourism Management" was analyzed, and students' attendance, dress code, class schedule and quality of education were discussed.Furthermore, this meeting was held on the basis of question-and-answer and proposals within the framework of such issues as employment of students, which is widespread among the youth of our country, organization of their free time properly, support of the social strata in need. For instance, many suggestions, such as optimizing the student's lesson schedule, organizing a basketball team, were fully accepted, and instructions were given to those who are responsible for their implementation starting from the next working day.It was also stated that the management of the university constantly studies the problems of young people, and it is possible to apply for problems.At the end of the meeting, the first vice-rector J. Eltazarov said that the "Vice-rector and students" meeting, which has become a tradition at the university, will be held on a regular basis, and if a student has a special request, the door is open for admission.  

Monday, 13 March 2023 18:41


Private educational institution of higher education "International Institute of Design and Service" invites you to take part in the International Research Conference "Science. Technologies. Innovations”, held within the framework of the International Festival of Creative Industries “Creadrom”. Date: April 18-20, 2023, in absentia.

«Международный Институт Дизайна и Сервиса» ilovasi

Monday, 13 March 2023 18:36


Inviting to take part in the III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Digital Technologies: Problems and Solutions of Practical Implementation in the Industry” organized in cooperation with Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics and the international scientific journal “Science and innovation”.

Monday, 13 March 2023 18:27


On April 5, 2023, it is planned to hold the 2nd republic scientific-practical conference on the topic "Priority directions, modern trends and prospects of the development of the financial market" at the research center "Scientific bases and problems of the development of the economy of Uzbekistan" under TSUE in cooperation with "inScience" company.

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