

A golden chain between generations, unity for the country's prosperity and the people's interests, cooperation, and cohesive movement toward good goals do not require heroism from a person. Representatives of the older generation understand this fact better than young people because they have experienced everything and have a lot of life experience. It can be said that the older generation is a school of experience, lesson, lesson, and example. In meetings with the middle and young generation, sincerity and advice are usually given priority. In this context, rich conclusions are made.
On April 10 of this year, a spiritual and educational event was held with female students on the topic "Enlightenment and teachings of my grandmother" at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The leader of the Youth Union, tutors, and female students took part in the event organized by the University Women's Advisory Council.
At the spiritual-educational event, the student girls expressed their opinions about my grandmother's life as an example for us, national values and oriental manners in the family, treatment typical of girls, mutual respect and patience, the secrets of a strong family, concepts, and teachings.
During the meeting, the veterans told the young generation representatives about the work they did for the development of the industry, and the hardships and difficulties they encountered along the way. The fact that a person should set a goal and plan the future, that he or she will certainly encounter problems along the way, and that he or she must overcome these problems with knowledge, potential, and aspirations which are life examples that should serve as an example to all.
During the event, the poems prepared by the university's talented students left a warm impression on the guests.

On April 10, 2023, the first deputy of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Samarkand region, D.Narzikulov gave a speech on topic “The prospects of tourism development in the region”. He discussed the government’s efforts to promote tourism in Samarkand and highlighted areas of opportunity for further development, such as the promotion of cultural and historical sites, local cuisine and handicrafts, and ecotourism. By improving the infrastructure and accessibility of these attractions and encouraging sustainable practices, the region can attract even more visitors and provide a more diverse and immersive cultural experience. D.Narzikulov also answered the audience’s questions about the development of tourism in Samarkand. Professor Tony Zou hosted the seminar, postgraduate students of faculty “tourism management”, doctoral students and some teachers listened to the lecture.

In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks set out in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 3, 2018 PF-5326 “On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of the tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, as well as to familiarize university students with the rich tourism potential of Uzbekistan, on March 30, students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited Buddhist temples in Termez, fortresses of the Bactrian and Kushan kingdoms, medieval historical monuments, as well as mosques during a practical trip to Surkhandarya region. On the third day of the trip, the undergraduates went to the Sangardak waterfall in Denova to see the unique nature of the Surkhandarya region.

The student of the 219th group Sultanova Malohat and the student of the 119th group "Marketing in Tourism" Kholkhudzhaev Sanzhar, International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road", under the guidance and co-authorship of the teacher of the department "Tourism Management" E. Gulomkhasanova published scientific articles in the "American international journal Economics and business management"



The lecturer of "Mathematics for Business" and "Business Statistics" Sanjar Mardonov, taking into account the diligence and excellent knowledge of his students, within 1 semester presented a LETTER of GRATITUDE to the parents of 7 students of the Faculty of Tourism Management for the good study of subjects and the completion of these subjects with "excellent" and exemplary behaviour.
Hot-222 students were awarded a LETTER OF APPRECIATION for diligence and dedication, despite the complexity of the subject, as well as for good mastering of the subject.

On April 5 of this year, students of  Samarkand academic lyceum Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the visit, the lyceum students were interviewed and closely acquainted with the scientific and pedagogical activities of the university, the form and types of education, as well as with the internal structure of the university and the composition of departments.

At the end of the interview, S.Haydarov answered questions of interest to sudents.

On April 5, 2023, Hiroki Furusho held a seminar on topic “Archeology of Xuanzang and Central Asia” for students of the Faculty of Archeology at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

The purpose of this event was to increase students' knowledge in the field of archaeology. And also, familiarization of the seminar participants with the state of archaeological research in Central Asia in accordance with its description in the records of the Great Tang Dynasty about the Western regions.

The seminar was held in an active discussion form, the participants of the event received detailed answers to their questions, and also noted the usefulness and practicality of the information received.

At the end, all participants of the seminar noted that such training events are quite effective and allow improving the quality of education.

Competitions of table tennis were held among university students. Famous countries in the world such as the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Brazil are familiar to all of us precisely with their superiority in a certain type of sport. We know that now, even in our country, a huge number of sports have developed, our athletes occupy high positions in world arenas, making our country famous to the whole world.

Thanks to this, a wide range of work and conditions are being created in our country for the development of sports and its bright future. Not only in our country, but also in our rniversitet, “a competition of table tennis” was held among students in order to increase the interest of students in sports, to effectively organize student leisure.

According to the results of the competition the winning students were awarded.

On April 5, 2023, an information and propaganda event took place at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in anticipation of the referendum on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which will be held on April 30.  The event, which began under the anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was attended by professors and teachers of the university, students and spiritual figures of secondary schools of Samarkand.

The first vice-rector of the university J.Eltazarov opened the event and spoke about  vital importance of the renewed Constitution, defining Uzbekistan as a social state, and called on everyone to actively participate in upcoming referendum on April 30.

N. Sadinova, the head of the Samarkand city branch of the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, spoke about the important role of youth in the new Constitution in order to have their place in the future life.

At the end of the event, the speakers answered the questions of participants of the event.

On March 25 and April 1, 2023, the teaching staff of the Department of “History and Cultural Heritage” of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited to Samarkand and Shakhrisabz Technical Schools of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The purpose of the visit of the teachers of the department is to familiarize themselves with the educational process of these technical schools, drawing up cooperation plans and providing educational and methodological assistance. In addition, the parties agreed to conduct regular analytical work and expressed their intention to cooperate closely in all areas to train highly qualified specialists with the administration of these technical schools.

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