

On March 29 of this year, a meeting with partners of representatives of the MOST project was organized at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the meeting, the issues of developing a model of sustainable tourism - the way to increase tourism potential were discussed. The meeting was attended by Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture of Greece Papayanidis Dimitris, representative of the Association of Private Tourism Organizations of Uzbekistan Gulchehra Isroilova and others. It would be also noted that the Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Papayanidis Dimitris wrote a message for the university in the guest book.

The partners of the MOST project are: Heraklion Development Agency (Crete, Greece) - a leading partner, a business Support Organization with experience in rural development and sustainable tourism, EuropeanProfiles S.A. (Greece) - a leading consulting company in the EU with extensive experience in development and management programs in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, APINTECH (Cyprus) – technical partner, expert on sustainable production and consumption (SCP) and green technologies, Latvian Association of Rural Tourism – communication partner with experience in the field of sustainable tourism and local development, as well as the Association of Private Tourism Organizations of Uzbekistan (ACTO), Eurasian Tourism Association (Kazakhstan), Tajik Association of Tourism Organizations- the final beneficiaries of the EU grant.

Meet our next FEP (, Sanjar Jumanazarov - a lecturer at Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (Samarkand), hosted by the University of Wyoming, USA.

Recently he has been able to take part in 13th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, ‎Maryland, where he met distinguished professors and researchers from all over the USA.

Silk Road IUTCH has already signed an MOU with University of Wyoming. Moreover, Sanjar met with the Dean of Haub School Prof. John L. Kaprowski, who emphasized the importance of mutual partnership.

On March 25, 2023, Sanjar participated in celebrating the NAWRUZ at the University of Wyoming. He says: “Cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity. And the true success of FEP fellow is more than gaining solely for yourself. It will be seen what you could bring to your country”.

On March 29, 2023, the roundtable discussion was held at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage together with tutor of 3rd year Gavhar Khusainova with students of the Tour -120 group “Referendum-2023: vote for the future!” under the slogan “Referendum and youth”.
At the event, detailed explanations were given about the essence of the concept of referendum, the fact that the updated constitution is a vital necessity arising from the development of society in Uzbekistan, and that it pays special attention to youth, especially in the field of education. Students and young people received answers to all their questions of interest.

Lecture abstracts of conference participants with a short comment should be sent to the following e-mail address by April 1 of this year: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Detailed information about the above-mentioned event can be found on the website

The professors of this institution, Prof. Shahar Shilo and Prof. Yael Ram, gave a guest lecture to the Smart-121, Hotel-122, Mantour-221/Mantour-121, and Tour-122 groups of our university on the topics "Tourism from The Early Ages to The Post COVID-19” and “Crises Management in Tourism” on March 23 and March 27.

On March 27 of this year, “Film Day” was organized for students at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, and students watched the cinema in the meeting hall of university. The event was organized by the university's tutors G.Husainova, D.Khusanova and Sh.Jonuzokova. Among the extensive list of films on various topics, the most interesting and relevant films were selected for students.

As “Cinema Day” was a success and students liked to watch the film, plans were also made to continue next week and to hold screenings of new films on science. Working with the Department of neighborhood and activities with young people supports the intellectual transfer of students’ free time, meaningful passage of extracurricular time is beneficial for student development, even if later not all students associate their activities with science, films about science arouse students' desire to engage in research activities.

Information about the changes to the Constitution during the referendum held in our country is given by university leader S.Haydarov and university tutors G.Husainova, D.Khusanova and Sh.Jonuzokova on April, 30. Special attention was paid to the concentration on young people and education and special chapters in the updated Constitution. It was emphasized that students should actively participate in the upcoming referendum.

Nara City in Japan, an ancient capital of Japan (710-794 AD), became a sister city of Samarkand in November 2022. As one of the events to celebrate our sister city-relationship, an online tour of Samarkand was scheduled on 17 March (Japanese online participants - approximately 1000).

The Nara City Tourism and Economy Department requested the Silkroad International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (organized through Dr Soono) to show our campus to the people of Nara city at their city event. The Japanese Club agreed to make a video clip to introduce our campus in Japanese. The students created their own scenario in Japanese and videotaped it.

 The event was held at 18:00 (14:00 Uzbekistan time) on Friday, 17 March at Nara City Hall. The Japanese audience enjoyed our campus tour very much. The students also introduced themselves in Japanese to the audience at the Q & A session. It was a great opportunity to showcase our beautiful campus and the language skills of our students. Well done, President of Japanese Club Farzona, Presenters Jahongir, Asad, and Shakhrizoda who edited the video clip.

(Supervised by Dr Fumoto Soono and Dr Chiharu Tsurutani)

Promotion and advocacy activities regarding the referendum are continuing in the 4 sectors of Samarkand : “Ziyokorlar” “Ziyolilar” “Bogʻbonlar” “Adolat” “Tinchlik” and “Bunyodkorlar” neighborhoods.

On March 27th of this year, with the participation of the faculty of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage  was organized a promotion and advocacy meeting on holding a referendum on the draft of the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan on “The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in the hall of activists of the the Railway Technical College in Samarkand.

The lectures by the university's First Vice-Rector J.Eltazarov and professor N. Khushvaktov on the new draft of the Constitution were listened.

Representatives of the local communities, public organizations, and young people took part in the event.

The Embassy of Slovakia has the honor to inform you that a new application competition within the framework of the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic is open to students, doctoral students and university teachers of Uzbekistan for studying, research and teaching in Slovakia for the  2023/2024 academic year.

The deadline for applying for the scholarship is April 30, 2023 until 16:00. Applications are submitted online (NOT to the Embassy of Slovakia) on the website  (for international applicants).

The National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic is designed to support the mobility of foreign students, doctoral students, university teachers, researchers and creative workers to stay at Slovak universities and research organizations. Citizens of any country in the world can apply for a scholarship.

The scholarship program is funded from the budget of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic and from the resources of the European Union - NextGenerationEU. SAIA administers the National Scholarship Program on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic and SAIA. The NSP fellows are fellows of the Government of the Slovak Republic.

Terms and conditions of the program at the link: .

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