

This forum is organized within the framework of the project "Cross-border multilateral dialogue for tolerance and peace in Central Asia" funded by the European Union.

            The project is being implemented by a consortium headed by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and its partners in three countries - the nationwide movement "Yuksalish" (Uzbekistan), the environmental movement "BIOM" (Kyrgyzstan) and the public organization "Gender and Development" (Tajikistan).

            Active students of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage also took part in the forum, and the project in which the 4th grade student Oripova Mukhlisa took part, was recognized as worthy of 1st place and received a grant of 2.5 euros. Also, about 100 youth and representatives of public organizations from Central Asian countries are participating.

            The program of the three-day Forum included international debates, educational and information sessions, and discussions among young people. In addition, ideas for future joint cross-border projects on mutual dialogue and peace building were developed.

During the meeting, the implementation and development of cooperation in the field of education between the parties, the organization of teacher training courses, as well as the organization of the Korean Language Proficiency Examination (TOPIK) new system, the examination schedule, the officials were informed. It was agreed on issues such as introduction to the rules and regulations of the new system in the organization of the exam and ensuring that it is regularly held at a high level.

According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2021 No. 5270 "On measures to further improve the continuous system of training qualified personnel in the fields of tourism, cultural heritage and museology", science, education and production in order to ensure the integration of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Students of the 4th stage are doing production practice in the best enterprises in the field of tourism and cultural heritage.

Taking care of further employment of students in advance, the university has introduced the world-recognized system - practice + study, and gathered about 120 potential employer organizations in our republic as its partners in practice. and started a tradition of industry outreach programs.

Starting from March of this year, for students of the 4th stage  of  “Silk Road“  International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, based on the industry outreach program, the internship process will be conducted in the best enterprises in the field of tourism and cultural heritage, in conditions as similar as possible to the student's future professional activity. qualitatively organizes their production practice. Practice is a mandatory component of the educational process necessary for the training of qualified specialists, so it was organized outside the university walls - in institutions or organizations that correspond to the student's future specialty.

The problem of employment of graduates is very important for us, cooperation with employers on practice helps to solve this difficult problem.

On March 16, 2023, the first vice-rector J. Eltazarov and the vice-rector for educational affairs J. Hoffmann held an "open dialogue" between the students of the 4th stage of the university on the organization of internship. During the event, special attention is paid to the training of qualified personnel in our country today. It was mentioned that “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage  has established a student internship based on a mutual cooperation agreement concluded with about 150 organizations involved in the tourism sector.

            Starting from March 1 of this year, students graduating from the 4th year are sent to practice, in order for students to have the skills to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, all types of practice in partner organizations, that is, familiarization practice, excursion practice, educational practice, qualification practice, production about the establishment of internships, requirements of internship, mechanisms of internship and all necessary information has been given.

            They noted that the need for practice for every student, especially in the field of tourism, a student can never become an expert by studying only theory, supporting students in every way, turning them into leading drivers in the implementation of reforms, creating all the conditions for them to have an active civic position, this is a huge task and obligation of the university.

            In addition, during the "open dialogue", the students have made several suggestions, and have been told that their suggestions will be taken into consideration. In short, the management of the university and the students of the university expressed their readiness to regularly hold such meetings in the format of "open dialogue".

The article was published on the theme, revealing the current state of development and effective use of the tourism potential of Uzbekistan and provides detailed information about the educational programs of our university for the youth of Pakistan, on the information magazine "Newsletter" on January, 2023 by A.Abdukhakimov, the rector of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Fine art allows people to see the beauties of the environment and the world of art and to express an aesthetic reaction to them, to create architectural monuments, works of visual, applied and design art with a deep understanding of the social nature and importance of art teaches recognition and protection as national pride and value. The permanent gallery established in the main educational building of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage serves this purpose.
It is known that experienced artists from the SCO member states visited Samarkand on the eve of the 2022 SCO summit. Their best works depicting our Motherland and Samarkand were included in the international exhibition opened on the eve of the summit. The goal is to reflect the spirit of Samarkand more brightly at the SCO summit.
Each of the artists tried to reflect the spirit of Samarkand in the SCO through their works. "Soul of Samarkand through the eyes of the artist" gallery established at "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is a logical continuation of these works."
The established permanent gallery named "Soul of Samarkand in the eyes of the artist" contains more than 200 fascinating examples of works of artists of various genres, depicting landscapes of Uzbekistan and Samarkand.Various works of artists in the genres of portrait, still life, landscape, computer graphics are presented at the exhibition. In the works rich in bright colors, the dark corners of our Motherland are depicted, and the high love for Samarkand, its hardworking people is expressed. Selected works drawn by artists were recommended for the album to be published on the development of tourism in our country. The students of our university welcomed the organized picture gallery with great joy.

On March 17 of this year, an event for students was held on the topic "Protection of youth from the influence of missionary work and proselytism" in the meeting hall of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
Boymurodov Sohibnazar Mardonovich, head of the religious affairs committee of the Samarkand regional government, representatives of the Republican religious committee Sharipov Sherzod and Safarov Hakimbek took part in the event.
It was emphasized that the main purpose of the meeting is to promote the purity of Islam, to prevent young people from entering various foreign religious movements prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and to be aware of ongoing missionary activity as an ideological and ideological threat.
Important information for students! - When it comes to missionary work, it is important to understand the meaning of this concept.
This word is derived from the Latin verb "missio", which means "to send", "to assign a task", and "missionary" means "performer of a task".
Missionary means a set of theoretical and practical activities aimed at solving defined tasks.
In general, the definitions stated in various dictionaries and sources are very close and similar to each other, and based on them, the following conclusion can be drawn: missionary means the promotion of another religion among peoples who believe in one religion.
Proselytism is the direct forcing of a citizen who believes in a certain religion to renounce his religion and accept another religion.

17 March current year, a Chinese delegation led by Cai Xianjin-director of Shandong provincial foreign affairs department, Cao Chun, Jia Hui, Wang Liang, Ji Dandan visited Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

The honoured guests were welcomed by Vice Rector Prof. Zh. Eltazarov and Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Commercialization Tony Zou.
During the visit they discussed topical issues realated the implementation of joint educational programs between Chinese universities and Uzbek universities. The visit was timed to boost cooperation between the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and Chinese universities in general and Shandong provice universities in particular, to strengthen cooperation between the two nations in the sphere of higher education. It was also mentioned about educational grants which provides by the People's Republic of China.
In his speech, Mr. Cai Xianjin emphasized that "Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage will serve as the cultural base of Shandong Province."

The first vice-rector J. Eltazarov and all heads of departments of the university participated in the event.

The first vice-rector of the university, J.Eltazarov, gave a brief overview of the current educational, scientific, and spiritual processes. After that, the main part of the meeting began. Students drew the attention of the leaders to the problems of various areas and industries, made suggestions to eliminate existing problems and improve the learning process. Several issues were resolved and specific tasks were set to address the remaining questions.

During the meeting, attendance of students, dress code, class schedules, and quality of education  were discussed. It was also noted that the university administration, after becoming familiar with the problems of the youth, announced its readiness to help them solve these problems.

At the end of the meeting, the first vice-rector J.Eltazarov stated that the regular organization of traditional meetings between the vice-rector and master's students is always open to welcome students.

On March 16 of this year, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organized an open conversation with students wishing to participate as volunteer translators in the Board meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which is scheduled for May 16-18 in Samarkand.
During the open conversation, the responsible people answered the volunteers' questions in order to organize a high-quality management meeting and hold it at a high level.

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