Nara City in Japan, an ancient capital of Japan (710-794 AD), became a sister city of Samarkand in November 2022. As one of the events to celebrate our sister city-relationship, an online tour of Samarkand was scheduled on 17 March (Japanese online participants - approximately 1000).
The Nara City Tourism and Economy Department requested the Silkroad International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (organized through Dr Soono) to show our campus to the people of Nara city at their city event. The Japanese Club agreed to make a video clip to introduce our campus in Japanese. The students created their own scenario in Japanese and videotaped it.
The event was held at 18:00 (14:00 Uzbekistan time) on Friday, 17 March at Nara City Hall. The Japanese audience enjoyed our campus tour very much. The students also introduced themselves in Japanese to the audience at the Q & A session. It was a great opportunity to showcase our beautiful campus and the language skills of our students. Well done, President of Japanese Club Farzona, Presenters Jahongir, Asad, and Shakhrizoda who edited the video clip.
(Supervised by Dr Fumoto Soono and Dr Chiharu Tsurutani)