

On March 13 of this year, a seminar training will be organised on the topic “The Development of Minyoun Hotels Group and the Future Prospects of Samarkand Hotel Industry” with the participation of Funing Yang –general manager of “Minyoun Hotels Group” in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Time: March 13, 2023 year 03:00 p.m

Venue: University building 229-room

Thursday, 09 March 2023 11:38

Information letter

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Department of "Distance Learning of Humanitarian and Social Subjects" invites you to the III International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Integration of Distance Learning in the System of Continuous Education".

The information letter is attached.

Thursday, 09 March 2023 11:27

Information letter

Republican Center for Spirituality and Education, Academy of Sciences, National Commission for UNESCO, Fund for the Development of Culture and Arts, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Soviet Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm Region and Tashkent In September 2023, an international scientific practical conference on the topic "The role of the scientific succession of Abu Raykhana Beruni in the development of human science" in collaboration with city governments, corresponding ministries and departments.

Information letter attached.


In order to further increase the effectiveness of cultural and educational activities carried out in higher educational institutions by educating students and youth in the spirit of love for theater art and directing them to spiritual maturity, as well as to create conditions for talented young people to realize their potential. , on March 4, 2023, at the "Puppet Theater" in the city of Samarkand, at the Samarkand region stage of the "Theatre Studios" competition among higher educational institutions in the Samarkand region, the team of "Silk Road" International "Student Theater Studio" also participated.

Implementation of the tasks specified in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2018 "On additional organizational measures to create favorable conditions for the development of the tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan" No. PF-5326 in order to provide and familiarize university students with the rich tourism potential of Uzbekistan,

Tourism is one of the leading sectors of the economy. For this reason, constant practical trips are being organized in order to familiarize university students with the achievements and shortcomings of the industry.

660 tangible cultural heritage objects are registered in Bukhara region. On March 5 of the current year Students of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited Bahauddin Naqshband Complex, Chor Minor Complex, Labi Hovuz Ensemble, handicraft quarters, Ark Castle, summer palaces of Bukhara Emir during the practical trip.

On March 6 of this year Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand Regional Emergency Management by the officials of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage for teachers, , students and staff within the framework of the month of emergency protection and civil protection a training-seminar was held on the topic "Rules of movement before an earthquake, during an earthquake and after an earthquake."

During the training-seminar process Emergencies Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand Regional Emergency Department, teachers of the "Safety of Life Activity" training center, Turdikulov Anvar and Adilov Sanjarlar, about "Rules of movement before an earthquake, during an earthquake and after an earthquake", clear information about an earthquake noting that the information system has not yet been created, therefore it is not possible to predict when and where and with what strength an earthquake will occur, they explained about the basic rules during an earthquake.

The default rule during an earthquake is:

- do not panic, if you are inside a building, get under a table or chair and protect yourself from things that may fall from above (for example, a piece of wall);

  • standing under the door (in the space where the door is located) - they should be stronger than other parts of the building;
  • if a person is outside during an earthquake, he should not go near buildings, trees, water or electric wires - as a result of electric transmitters falling into water, it can create a very dangerous situation for those who are near him;
  • if a person is in a car during an earthquake, do not get out of the car, but if he is standing near a building, wall or other object that may fall, get out and crouch next to the car and leave a safe place even after the earthquake stops before going out, it was explained that it is necessary to wait for a while.

On March 30 of this year, at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage online seminar training on the topic "Interaction of human and artificial intelligence in the tourism and hospitality industry" will be held to improve the quality of scientific research among professors, doctoral students, independent researchers, undergraduates and bachelors by the Scientific Research department of the university. During the seminar, professor Iis Tussadia who is the head of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of Surrey, England, invited by Vice-Rector for Scientific research and innovation Zou Tong Qian, will take part in the seminar with her presentation.

For information: Professor Iis Tussyadiah is Professor of Intelligent Systems in Service, Head of School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, and Fellow of the Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence at University of Surrey.

Iis conducts research on digital transformation in the services sector, focusing on human-computer interaction, consumer behaviour, and management. She investigates the applications and implications of artificial intelligence and is an advocate of utilising technology to forge new pathways to a better future. Her current work covers human-AI teaming and the future of work, digital nudging, and the development of sociotechnical systems for sustainability transitions. She has received research funding from research councils, charity (e.g., Leverhulme Trust), and the industry. She was the Surrey PI for a 4-year £1.4M research project on data privacy in travel sector in 2018-2022 funded by EPSRC (PriVELT). She received several Best Research Paper/Journal Paper of the Year Awards at ENTER, I-CHRIE, Advances in Destination Management, etc. She is a recipient of Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Social Sciences in 2021 and 2022.

Iis provides leadership to a globally leading School of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SHTM) at University of Surrey. She is a strong proponent of the transformative approach to education and research. This is reflected in the SHTM Global Leadership Strategy 2021-2024, which focuses on three pillars: cultivating future leaders, advancing scholarship and impact, and developing and sustaining partnerships. In 2022, SHTM rose to 2 in the world on the Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) 2022 for Hospitality & Tourism Management, and claimed its #1 position in the UK on the Complete University Guide Subject League Table 2023 for Tourism, Transport, Travel and Heritage Studies. The School is also among the Top 5 on The Guardian and The Times and Sunday Times League Tables 2023.

Professor Tussyadiah served as Vice President (2014-2017) and later President (2018-2020) of the International Federation for Information Technologies and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) and is a founding member of the Alliance for Innovators and Researchers in Tourism and Hospitality (AIRTH). Iis also served as a member of Advisory Group for World Economic Forum's Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2021, part of the working group for World Travel & Tourism Council's Women Empowerment Initiative, and a Non-Executive Director of Visit Surrey. Prior to joining Surrey, Iis was Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Business, Washington State University, USA. From 2008 to 2012, she was Assistant Professor and Associate Director of the National Laboratory for Tourism and eCommerce (NLTeC) at Temple University, USA. She obtained her PhD in Information Sciences with a concentration in Human-Social Information Sciences from Tohoku University, ranked the best university in Japan by Times Higher Education, where she received the GSIS Dean's Award for Excellent Achievements in Doctoral Studies in 2007.
Venue: 229-room
Time: March 30, 14:00

Zoom link for joining:

ID number: 827 9821 3788

Code: 373050

On March 7 of this year, on the basis of the approved action plan of Samarkand regional administration for “job fair” No. 02-05/349 a large job fair was organized with the participation of state and non-governmental enterprises and organizations operating in our region.

Students, trainees, graduates and undergraduates of our university were present today with the intention of finding additional funds for their families in search of a job.

Information about the vacancies announced at the job fair was posted on the university’s social network.

On March 6, 2023, Professor of the University of Greenwich in the UK Dr. Peter Vlachos held an online lecture on topic "Study in UK" to students of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
Notice: In 2022 a cooperation agreement "Articulation Agreement" was signed between mentioned university. The cooperation provides the opportunity for students to transfer and continue their studies at an English university and get a Greenwich diploma

 The "Sport club" of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage held the "Sport Princess" competition in Badminton sport on March 4 in connection with March 8-International Women's Day.

The women's team and students of the university actively participated in the organized sports event.

According to the final result of the competition, actively participating women and students of the university were awarded with souvenirs.

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