

On February 22 of this year at “Silk road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage online seminar training was organized for academic staff of the university, doctorate (PhD) students and independent researchers by the Vice-rector for Scientific research and innovation of the university Tong Qian Zou on the topic “TOURISM RESEARCH: Frontier developments in topics and methods”. During the webinar professor of ECU (Edith Cowan University) Songshan (Sam) Huang delivered his presentation to the researchers.

(References: Professor Songshan (Sam) Huang is Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Research Fellow, Professor in Tourism and Services Marketing in the School of Business and Law (SBL), Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia. He is also the Head of the SBL Centre for Tourism Research. Professor Huang is internationally recognized as a prolific tourism researcher and one of the world’s leading scholars in tourism and hospitality research. He has published over 140 refereed English articles in international research journals, among which 120 papers were published in SSCI-indexed journals. In 2021 and 2022, Professor Huang was listed among the world’s top 2% of scientists according to the Stanford University report (Elsevier BV (


Friday, 24 February 2023 15:51


MY DEAR STUDENTS who have good manners, deep knowledge, high thinking, broad observation, deep sense of responsibility, and aims to serve the development of society!

We invite you to a poetry evening called "Bahor keldi seni soroklab" dedicated to the 108th anniversary of the birth of Zulfiyakhanim, the singer of spring and love.
In this event, poems by Zulfiyakhanim will be read in Uzbek, Russian, English, Chinese, German, Arabic and Turkish languages.
We look forward to your initiative!

March 1, 2023 Time: 11.00 Conference Hall



❗️ We remind: in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-279 of June 15, 2022, the new procedure established for admission to the master's degree starting from the 2022/2023 academic year, including the admission to the master's degree twice a year - organized in August and January.

“Diploma Awarding” ceremony will be held for the first master’s graduates in the specialty “Creative Industry: Museum Studies” enrolled in the 2021/2022 academic year in the “Conference Hall” of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage on February 28 of this year at 2:00 p.m.

In this regard, the administration of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage warmly invites all our graduate masters to this event!

Wednesday, 22 February 2023 16:41


The qualification exam in the specialty 08.00.17 – "Tourism and hotel activities" will be held on February 24, 2023 at 14:30, room 108 at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

Phone number to contact:

Head of the Department of Scientific Research

N.Sh. Mansurova, +998 90 603 55 23

On February 25, 2023, at 10:00 am (university building room number 124) at the Scientific Seminar in the presence of Scientific Council numbered under DSc.33/01.02.2022.I.145.01 the defence of dissertations work will take place and proceed as follows:

1. The dissertation work of Abduraxmonova Aqida Fayzulla qizi, doctorate (PhD) student of Samarkand branch of Tashkent State University of Economics on the topic “Methods of increasing the population’s income based on the effective use of ecotourism potential” in the speciality of 08.00.17-Tourism and hotel activities;

2. The dissertation work of Abdullayeva Zulfiya Izzatovna, an independent researcher at Samarkand institute of economics and service on the topic “The ways to improve the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the hotel business (on the example of Samarkand region)” in the speciality 08.00.17-“Tourism and Hotel activities”

Representatives of the “Silk road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage took part in the VIII General Assembly of the Silk Road Universities Network (8th General Assembly of SUN ) held on February 13-18 of this year in Dubai United Arab Emirates. The representatives of our university, the head of the Scientific research department Mansurova Nargiza Shamsidinovna and undergraduate student Ramziddin Ergashev who attended to the conference on behalf of our university, discussed the perspectives of establishing cooperation in the future and expanding international cooperation. According to the final results of the event, representatives of our university signed cooperation agreements with several universities. For instance “Al-Farabi Kazakh National University” Kazakhstan, “Ankara University” Turkiye, “Ca’ Foscari University of Venice” Italy, “National University of Arts and Culture” Mongolia, “Transylvania University of Brasov” Romania, “University of Delhi” India and “University of Guilan” Iran. In the near future, it is planned to exchange international staff and students in the fields of tourism and cultural heritage with partner universities.

Japanese delegation led by Professor Hiroaki Kawabachi from Aichi Prefectural University in Japan visited Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The guests were received by Tony Zou, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The main purpose of the visit is to develop international cooperation between the parties.
During the talks, the sides exchanged views on establishing student exchanges and participation of academic staff in academic programmes and joint research projects.
Delegation members also met with professors and students of Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and got acquainted to the activities of the university.

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