

On February 13, 2023, sophomore students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited the Zoological Museum of Samarkand State University, the exhibition “The Great Silk Road: The Golden Heritage of Uzbekistan and China” and “Friendship among nations and religious tolerance”

Students got to know the expositions organized in the museum.

# “Biz yoshlar giyohvandlikka qarshimiz”

# “Youth against drug addiction”

Мымолодежь против наркомании»

On February 7 of this year, volunteer students of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organized a photo exhibition on the theme “ Youth against drug addiction”!

Numerous socio-spiritual events are being organized at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage within the framework of the month “Even-handed Donation Movement” that continues throughout our country. On February 9 of this year, Sarvar Haydarov, the leader of the university, held a promotional event on blood donation training among students.

During the event, the leader emphasized that in most cases donor saves the stranger’s life and always remembers that the donor lives for them and that a person who decides to donate should take responsibility. The leader said that not only a donor cares about his own health, but also make others aware of their conditions. And he explained to the students who decided to donate that they should learn to save their health for others.

The leader emphasized the importance of a healthy lifestyle – a healthy diet, restraining from drinking alcohol and smoking as much as possible, and maintaining the blood donation interval

The world is clear, the Motherland is prosperous and holy with a woman. These words have been confirmed many times in life. Therefore, systematic work is being carried out in the world community to create opportunities for gender equality and increase the influence of women.
On February 8, 2023, a roundtable discussion on the topic "If a woman is knowledgeable, the nation will be educated" was held at the regional information resource center named after A.S. Pushkin as part of the scientific-practical, spiritual-educational, and scientific potential development week of women organized in connection with February 11 - Women's Day in the field of science.
At the roundtable discussion, deputy governor of Samarkand region, head of the Department of Family and Women Z.Rakhmonova, A.S. Z.Shodieva, director of the regional information and library center named after Pushkin, professors and teachers of Samarkand State University named after Sh.Rashidov, chairwoman of the Women's Council of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, M. Abbasova, and head of the Faculty of Tourism Management of the university, R. Toshniyozova, and female students participated. District (city) IRC employees participated through the ZOOM platform.
At this roundtable discussion, the chairperson of the University Women's Council, M. Abbasova, gave a speech on the topic "Opportunities created for women scientists in the development of education."

Numerous socio-spiritual events are being organized at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage within the framework of the month “Even-handed Donation Movement" that continues throughout our country. On February 9 of this year, university employees, professors, and a group of volunteer students donated blood at the donation campaign held at the “Youth Center” in Samarkand.

The blood donated during the campaign “Even-handed Donation Movement” is particularly crucial as it serves to build up the health of people suffering from diseases.

University professors and students participated in it. At the beginning of the event, Alisher Navai’s scientific heritage and his incomparable influence on world literature were emphasized.

Mir Alisher Navai devoted his whole life not only to writing but also to creativity and goodness and charity for the welfare of the people. It is known from history that our ancestors built many charity houses, bridges, and ponds not only in Herat but also in all regions of Khorasan. It is well known to all of us that in his time, Navai was a material and spiritual supporter of contemporary poets, scientists, and artists, a true patron of art and literature.

Artistic performances prepared by students and theater artists inspired the participants.

The conference will be held online through Zoom in English, under the grand theme of:

 "Ensuring comprehensive sovereign state security in a globalized world", featuring two house committees:

World Food Programme (WFP): Building state resilience within the global food supply chain

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC): Rethinking energy security amid the global energy crisis

The delegate application is already open until March 5, 2023. The conference is also open to the public.

You can apply here:

Tuesday, 07 February 2023 22:05

Condolences to the brotherly Turkish people

As is known, as a result of a strong earthquake that occurred in the eastern part of the Republic of Turkey on February 6 this year, more than 10 cities and other settlements were destroyed, more than 4,500 people died, more than 27,000 were injured. In this regard, a week of mourning has been declared in the Republic of Turkey. Condolence registers have been opened in Turkish embassies and consulates abroad, and sympathy actions are being held. February 7, the First Vice-Rector of our university, prof. Juliboy Eltazarov visited the Consulate of the Republic of Turkey in Samarkand and expressed condolences to the Consul of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Salih Caner, on behalf of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Here he wrote and signed a notebook of condolences with wishes of peace and security to the fraternal Turkish people.

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