

The Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, which has a history of almost 90 years and is considered one of the most influential creative organizations in our country, has a worthy place in today's development of Uzbek literature. In spite of various ideological pressures during the regime, this creative association will preserve our mother tongue, which is the soul of our nation, our ancient values ​​and pass them on to generations, raise the consciousness and thinking of our people, create the spiritual foundations of our independence, unite artists of words, has done decent work in protecting their interests and realizing the potential of young talents.

Working in cooperation with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ministries, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Spirituality and Enlightenment Center, foundations, scientific and creative associations, state and public organizations There are currently 644 members of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan.

First vice-rector of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, doctor of philology, professor Joliboy Eltazarov has been elected i a member of  the "Writer's Association of Uzbekistan based on the relevant decision of the Board of Directors of the Writers  Union of Uzbekistan for his more than 20 books ,hundreds of scientific and popular scientific articles published in Uzbekistan and abroad in order to preserve our ancient values ​​related to our mother tongue, history, and culture, and to pass them on to future generations, to raise the consciousness and thinking of our people.

The membership certificate was presented by senator Farmon Toshev and the head of the Samarkand branch of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan Tashpolat Tugalov.

It should be noted that the scientist is a member of several international scientific associations. In particular, in 2020, he was elected as a correspondent member of Turk Dil Kurumu (Turkish Language Academy) founded by M.K.Otaturk.

Wednesday, 01 March 2023 17:35


The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is organizing an international scientific and practical conference, in collaboration with the Tashkent branch of the G.V. Plekhanov University of Economics, ALFRAGANUS University, Necmettin Erbakan University, Ahmet Yesevi University, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences and Prague Institute of Management and Technology. The topic of this conference is “Human capital development is a factor of national economic stability”. This event will be held on the campus of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, on May 2-3, 2023.

Information letter attached.

A spiritual and educational event called “Spring came looking for you” was organized dedicated to the 108th anniversary of the birth of Zulfiyakhanim, the eternal queen of the Palace of Loyalty, sensitive creator, refined woman, national poetess of Uzbekistan, by the members of the Women’s Council of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

 The event was opened by Juliboy Eltazarov, the first vice-rector of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, who spoke and shared interesting information about Uzbek literature, such as poetry, and the works and lives of immortal geniuses who are its pillars. After that, the speech was given to the editor-in-chief of the “Zarafshon” newspaper, Farmon Toshev, a member of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The interactive dialogue of the senator, who is a creator and the author of several collections of prose and poetry, gave the event a special look. Students who actively participated in the quiz and gave the correct answers were given a book.

Tashpulat Tugalov, the head of the regional branch of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, spoke about the conditions and opportunities created for creative youth and called on talented students to cooperate. Hamidakhan Karimova, a favorite student of the poetess Zulfiya Israilova from Samarkand, a member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, vividly spoke about her vivid memories of her teacher.

The members of the “Leader Girls” club organized under the Women’s Council of the university, the president and members of the Student Parliament took an active part in the event. Zulfiyakhanim’s poetry was read by the students in different languages, a performance dedicated to her life was performed, and samples of the creations of our talented and creative students were listened to.

Wednesday, 01 March 2023 14:43


On September 20-23, 2023 the Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Akimat of Turkestan region and the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A Yasawi (IKTU)) will hold the VII World Congress of Turkic World Mathematicians (TWMS Congress-2023).



Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем Вас принять участие 17-19 апреля 2023 г. В заочной Международной научно-практической конференции «НАУКА ВЫСШИХ ШКОЛ 2023» на базе университета Мирас г. Шымкент.

  В рамках  конференции планируется работа по следующим направлениям:

- Бизнес и управление;

- Туризм и управление гостепримством;

- Информационные и телекоммуникационные системы;

- Общественные (социальные) науки;

- Педагогика и психология;

- Филология;

- Дизайн и художественный труд;

- Физическая культура и спорт;

- Химия и биология.

Языки конференции: казахский, русский, английский. Статьи / доклады принимаются в электронном виде до 24 марта 2023 года. Статьи / доклады будут опубликованы в сборнике материалов конференции (в электронном формате).

Ответственный секретарь конференции: Митрошенко Татьяна Сергеевна

Телефон для справок: +7-705-212-85-70

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

К публикации допускаются статьи / доклады апи подтверждении оригинальности не менее 70,0% в системе

Организационный взнос за публикацию статьи / доклада в электронном сборнике составляет:

- для внешных участников - 2000 тенге.

Оплата принимается через приложение (платежи – Университет Мирас – ИИН и ФИО участника), Квитанцию об оллате необходимо приложить к заявке участника конференции. Заявки на участие в конференции нужно заполнить по прилагаемой форме.

Требования к оформленийю материалов статьи / доклада сборнике конференции:

  • Соответствие тематике конференции:
  • объем – до 4 страниц формата А4;
  • формат текста - в текстовом редакторе Word;
  • шрифт – «Times New Roman», «KZ Times New Roman» 14 пт;
  • поля: 2 см — со всех сторон;
  • межстрочный интервал – 1;
  • выравнивание – по ширине;
  • абзац –25см;
  • ссылки на литературу указываются в квадратных скобках;
  • рисунки располагаются в тексте после первой ссылки, название и номера рисунков (Рисунок 1 – Название рисунка) указываются под рисунками, выравнивание по центру;
  • таблицы располагаются в тексте после первой ссылки, названия и номера таблиц (Таблица 1 - Название таблицы) указываются над таблицами, выравнивание - по левому краю, без абзаца;
  • шрифт в таблицах и рисунках – не менее 12 пт;
  • список литературы прилагается в конце статьи.

В левом верхнем углу указать УДК - без абзаца; через строку в центре – название статьи/доклада (прописными жирными буквами); через строку в центре – фамилия и инициалы автора(ов); на следуюшей строке в центре – название учебного заведения или организации, город, страна:

Через строку, курсивом, краткая аннотация/резюме, для статей/докладов на русском языке «туйин» и «summary», для статей/докладов на казахском языке «резюме» и (summary), для статей/доктладов на английском языке «туйин» и «резюме» (курсивными буквами):

Через строку – основной текст, набранный с одинарным межстрочным интервалом; список использованной литературы, на который имеются ссылки в виде [1], указывается в конце основного текста с отступом в одну строку.

Источники в списке литературы располагаются в той последовательности, в какой упоминаются в тексте и оформляются по следующим правилам: фамилия и инциалы автора(ов), название источника, место издания, издательство, год (для трудов – город, страна, год), нумерация сквозная.

Обращаем Ваше внимание на необходимость представления материалов в тщательно отредактированном виде с соблюдением всех вышеуказанных требований.

Оргкомитет не несет ответственности за материалы, не содержащие научной новизны или оформленные с нарушением грамматики.

Крайний срок подачи материалов для публикации: 24 марта 2023 года.


УДК (12пт.)


Толгатов Б. (12пт.)

Университет «Мирас», г. Шимкент, Казахстан (12пт.)

Түйін: Текст (12 пт.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summary: Текст (12пт.)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Основной текст статьи/ доклада (14 пт.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Список использованной литературы: (12 пт.)




Заявка участника конференции:

Фамилия, имя, отчество (полностью)

Место работы/учебы (наименование организации)

Курс, группа,

Контактные данные: тел., e-mail

Ученая степень, учоное звание Ф.И.О. научного руководителя

Название направления


To the attention of researchers who have applied to study at higher education institutes at the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage for the 2023-2025 academic year. On December 20 of this year at 02:30 p.m, entrance exams will be conducted for independent researchers and doctorate(PhD) applicants.

Interviews for admission to independent researchers (PhD) are conducted by “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.


Speciality code and title


Date and time

Exam venue

Independent researcher (PhD)


08.00.17 – Tourism and hotel activities

Major subject

March 1, 02:30 p.m

University Campus, Room №119


Candidates must come to the exam venue half an hour before starting an interview with their identity documents (passports).

On the basis of the National Personnel Training Program adopted on August 29, 1997, a new mechanism of continuous education was developed in our country. In order to ensure the implementation of the program, in the 2021/2022 academic year, students were admitted to the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Creative Industry: Museum Studies", which is one of the most important links of the tourism system. Today, the university held a ceremony of awarding the master's degree to the first graduates of this specialty.

A. Abdukhakimov, the rector of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, opened the event with an introductory speech and expressed the following thoughts: "Getting a master's degree is a very important event in the life of every graduate. This is not only a document about higher education, but also a sign of high responsibility for one's aspirations, actions, and achieved results. Our professors and teachers taught you a lot, instilled in you a strong desire to learn and apply it, to overcome difficulties and be independent, to constantly develop yourself. We believe that you will live up to our expectations and we are proud of you. Now you start a new page of your life, that is, your professional career. Believe in yourself. Be ambitious and responsible in making your dreams come true.

Also, the rector of the university spoke in detail about the role and importance of the master's degree in the higher education system, the attention paid to cultural heritage in our republic and its role in the development of the tourism industry, and the profession of museology, and then solemnly submitted diplomas to the graduating masters who had traveled a long, difficult, and at the same time honorable path of science.

In addition, the first vice-rector of the university J. Eltazarov, the vice-rector of Academic affairs J. Hoffman, the vice-rector for scientific affairs T. Tszi, the university team and the parents and family members of the graduates of the master's degree took part in the solemn event.

Akmaljon Odilovich Odilov, head of the "Tourism Management" department of our university, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economic Sciences, became the winner of the grant program fully funded by the Government of India.

"Developing Creative and Innovative Organization", which provides an opportunity to gain experience in advanced universities of India, I will mobilize my knowledge and experience gained through this program for the development of our country, moreover, for the development of our university, the winner of the grant says, PhD, Akmaljon Odilov.


Within the framework of the program, it is envisaged to provide a series of information about our country and its tourism potential to the friendly Indian people.

Monday, 27 February 2023 16:08


On March 16-17, 2023, an international scientific-practical conference on the topic "National corpus of the Uzbek language: problems and tasks" will be held at the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, and on April 27-28, 2023, on the topic "Digital technologies: problems and solutions of practical implementation in fields" will be held international scientific and technical conferences.


Monday, 27 February 2023 15:36


Dear Colleagues!

The International Research Center of Imam Bukhari cooperation with the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road" and Samarkand State University announces the holding of a scientific and practical conference "Imam al-Bukhari - the Sultan of Muhaddis", which will be held on April 28-29, 2023 in the city of Samarkand.

The main issues to be discussed at the conference:


1. Islam is a moral religion!! Imam al-Bukhari’s views on morality.

2. Mentorship relations in the activities of Imam al-Bukhari and at the present time: analysis and application.

3. The educational significance of the work of Sahihul Bukhari of Imam al-Bukhari’s and their application in education.

4. Currently, paid attention to the spiritual heritage of Imam al-Bukhari in Uzbekistan.

1. An exhibition of the most ancient and rare manuscript copies of the work "Sahihul Bukhari" will be held during the conference.

Rules for submitting materials:

  • The conference materials will be published as a scientific collection after being reviewed by experts and editors.
  • The thesis (1-3 pages) and articles (7-8 pages) should be in Times New Roman, 14 font, 1.5 spacing (2 cm from the top and bottom, 1.5 from the right and 3 cm from the left).
  • Theses and articles are accepted in Uzbek, Arabic and English languages.
  • In the middle of the upper part of the article, the name of the article is given in capital letters - F.I.Sh. scientific degree and title, personal phone number and e-mail are indicated.
  • Footnotes to the articles are given below each page. The list of references is given at the end of the article.
  • The authors are responsible for the content of the articles and the reliability of statistical data.


Deadline for abstracts: April 15, 2023

Deadline for papers: April 15, 2023

Conference date: April 28, 2023

Abstracts and articles should be sent to the following address and responsible person:

Address: “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand city, University Avenue, 17

Phone: (+99866) 240-67-85.

Phone: (+99891) 033 80 81

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Responsible person: Sanjar Jumayev - Head specialist of the Scientific Research Department of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage

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