

On March 30, 2023, an intellectual competition was held among university students in order to ensure the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-96 on January 20, 2022 on measures to transform the intellectual game “Zakovat” into a mass educational movement among the population and the development of other intellectual games, as well as the effective organization of the intellectual club “Zakovat”.

In terms of intellectual competition results, the 1st place was won by the “SOS” team, the 2nd place was won by the “Gagaku” team, and the 3rd place was won by the “Content” teams. The winning teams were assigned a set of books.

In order to develop the intellectual game” Zakovat " as a hobby of young people, it is planned to constantly organize intellectual competitions at the University throughout 2023.

On March 29 of this year, members of the delegation headed by GU Yon-A, the deputy director of the International Relations and Trade Department of the Busan Metropolitan City Administration of the Republic of Korea, the head of the New North and South Policy Department, visited the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.

The purpose of the guests' visit is to get to know the university and establish friendly relations. During the meeting with the members of the delegation, negotiations were held on establishing cooperation between the cities in the fields of science and education, cultural-humanitarian, trade-economic and tourism.

It is worth noting that the university campus left a very warm impression on the guests, and they insisted that they visit our university in the future with the cultural exchange program for Pusan ​​HEIs students.

On March 30, 2023, Tony Zou, the vice-rector of "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, invited professor Iis Tussyadiah to lecture the whole teachers and students in the university. Professor Iis Tussyadiah is the dean of the school of hotel and tourism management at the University of Surrey. She is also a professor of service intelligence systems and a researcher at the human-centered artificial intelligence research institute. This time she lectured on "Interaction of human and artificial intelligence in the tourism and hospitality industry". This lecture was presided over by professor Tony Zou and carried out as a Zoom meeting. Over 100 teachers from inside and outside the school participated in the conference.

The lecture focused on cutting-edge trends and lasted one and a half hours. Teachers and students interacted well with the speaker during the speech and benefited greatly from the lecture. Finally, it ended with warm applause. This lecture promotes interdisciplinary exchanges and plays a particular role in promoting the cultivation of students' scientific research capabilities

"Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage organized a promotional event on the occasion of the "Month of protection from emergencies and Civil Protection" held on the territory of the republic from March 1 to April 1, 2023.
As part of the outreach event, theoretical and practical classes were held on emergency situations related to floods and landslides of a natural nature that may occur in the spring season, as well as on working with staff and students on the topic “rules of movement before an earthquake, during an earthquake and after an earthquake.”

These days, information and training hours of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage are dedicated to the promotion of our updated Constitution.

In particular, an information and coaching hour was held today with the participation of 1st year students on the topic "Updated Constitution in New Uzbekistan".

During the training, students were informed about the need to update our main constitution, what changes are expected in the new version, the main innovations in it, the scope of human rights and freedoms, as well as the right and opportunities for education are being expanded, and the fact that teachers have a constitutional status is being determined by law.

These books are dedicated for use by legal entities and individuals in the field of tourism and hospitality and will undoubtedly be of great benefit to our teachers and students in the research and educational processes.

It should be noted that the library of the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has books on tourism, art, history, archeology, ethnology, geopolitics, economics, cultural studies, religious studies, design, sculpture, architecture, cultural heritage. Also books on jurisprudence found their place.

Cinema action under the slogan “We miss spring!” is being held in the regions from March 26 to April 26 by The cinematography agency. On March 28, 2023, members of the promotion group “Kinokarvon” as part of the slogan “We miss spring” at the Regional Youth Center in Samarkand City:  artist of Uzbekistan Dilorom Karimova, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Gulchehra Sadullayeva and famous actors met with young people in an action organized in Samarkand City. During the meeting, the feature films “The threshold of the motherland”, “Heritage”, “Evrilish” were shown.

Our university's teachers and students actively attended in the event.

The teacher of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage "Silk Road" took part in the "Competition for the direction of young scientists for internships in leading foreign higher educational institutions and scientific organizations", held by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This grant program gave Nadir Khushvaktov the opportunity to conduct research at the University of Oxford (UK), which ranks 4th in the world university rankings.

A memorandum of understanding was signed between the “Silk Road” University of Tourism and International Heritage and the UCSI International University of Malaysia during the visit of the delegation of Samarkand region to Malaysia in the beginning of this year.

The memorandum of understanding provides an opportunity for close cooperation between the two universities in the implementation of student exchange programs, seminars, training courses and other areas of education.

On March 23, the head of the Tourism Management department, Dr.Akmaljon Odilov gave a guest lecture to the students of the Hospitality and Tourism Management Faculty of the university on the subject BHH3053s Leadership and Business Efficiency, on the topic of Research and Developing Trends in The Field of Leadership and received a letter of thanks from the university administration.

It is beneficial for both parties that the cooperation relations will start to give practical results in a short time, and this will allow both countries to fulfill the important task of training quality personnel for the tourism industry.


- Abu Rayhan Beruni's life and creative heritage;

- the literary environment of the period when Abu Rayhan Beruni lived;

- Abu Rayhan Beruni's contribution to science, culture and art;

- Abu Ali ibn Sina's contribution to the development of medicine and pharmaceutical science;

- Study of the scientific heritage of Abu Ali Ibn Sina in the world;

- The role of Abu Ali ibn Sina in the development of world science.

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