

Monitoring procedures will be conducted on April 6 of this year to assess the results of the annual scientific activities of independent researchers (PhD, DSc) of the “Silk road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage who were admitted for the second quarter of the academic year (2021-2024, 2022-2025) as independent researchers (PhD, DSc) to higher education institutions.

Monitoring procedures will be conducted in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 22, 2017, numbered under №304 “On measure to further improve the post-higher education system”

The monitoring processes will be conducted and chaired by the First Vice-rector of the university DSc professor Eltazarov Jo‘liboy Danaboyevich

Time: April 6, 2023, at 2:30 p.m

Venue: University building, room 119.

On April of this year, students of Tour-121 and Tour-221 of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage visited the “Continental Hotel” as part of a practical training session under the guidance of Charos Makhmadieva. During the visit, the students got acquainted with the work activities of the hotel, its internal structure and the composition of the departments. The students were provided with detailed information that educational practice is an integral part of the educational process, in accordance with the established rules should be obeyed, as well as about the effective features of practice. Ch.Makhmadieva in her speech stressed the need for students to comply with the rules of paperwork required in educational practice, the order of paperwork directly in the process of practice, the culture of clothing students, road safety. At the end of the visit, the hotel staff answered the students' questions.

Monday, 03 April 2023 15:49

Festival of Intercultural Dialogue!

On March 31 of this year, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage together with the teacher of intercultural communication Odil Boynazarov and 1st  year students held the event “Festival of Intercultural Communication".  At the festival event, 1st year students demonstrated the territorial differences of the culture of Uzbekistan in melodies, songs, and national customs. The level of development of our people is assessed primarily by national culture. In this sense, culture is the image of our people, society. As we begin to create a new image of Uzbekistan, we must begin with the development of our national culture.

Monday, 03 April 2023 15:43

Cooperation with the school!

On March 31 of this year, students of the specialized school of Akdarya district visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the visit, the students got acquainted with the scientific and pedagogical activities of the university, forms and types of education, as well as with the internal structure of the university and the composition of departments.

Check out the list of books:


1. Saodat asri qissalari (Axmad Lutfiy Qozonchi) 

2. Ruhiy tarbiya (SHayx Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf)

3. Hazrat Umar (Ahmad Lutfiy Qozonchi)

4. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (Ahmad Lutfiy Qozonchi)

5.Ihyou Ulumid din (Abu Homid G‘azzoliy)

6. Imom Buxoriy Imom Muslim (Muhammad Fuod Abdulboqiy)

7. Tazkirat Ul-Avliyo (Fariduddin Attor)

8. Ey Farzand (Imom G'azzoliy) 

9. Qalblar kashfiyoti (Abu Homid G‘azzoliy)

10. Rasululloh sollallohu alayhi vassallamning ahli ayollari

11. Musulmon ayolning vazifalari (Baxtiyor oila)

12. Musulmon erning vazifalari (Baxtiyor oila)

13. Badoeus sanoe (Alouddin Mansur)

14. Umring eldek o‘taro ( Xoja Ahmad Yassaviy)

15. Turkiston qayg‘usi (Alixonto‘ra Sog‘uniy)

16. Boburnoma (Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur)

17. Odamiylik Mulki (Tohir Malik)

18. Siz qanday yashamoqchisiz (Muhammad Tursun)

19. Ijtimoiy odoblar (SHayx Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf)

20. Nafs Nimadir (Muhammad Zohid Qutqu)


21. Temur Tuzuklari

22. Mahzun bo‘lma (Shayx Oiz al-Qarniy)

23. ALLOHNING borligiga aqliy dalillar (Shayx Muhammad Mutavalli SHaroviy)

24. Men ham tafakkur qilaman (Akmal Miravaz o‘g‘li)

25. Qur'on axloqiga ko'ra Mo‘minning 24 soati 

26. Ulamolar nazdida vaqtning qadri (Abdul Fattoh Abu G‘udda) 

27. Ilm olish sirlari (Imom Zarnujiy)

28. Yetti majlis (Jaloliddin Rumiy)

29. Ichindagi ichindadur (Jaloliddin Rumiy)

30. Odob va Odoblilar (Ubaydullo Uvatov)

31. Qalb ko'zingni och (Jaloliddin Rumiy) 

32. Mening Hayotim (Henry Ford)

33. Stick Jobs (Walter Ayzekson)

34. Men Kim Sohibqiron Jahongir Temur (Marsel Brion)

35. Mukammal xotira (Shoxrux Rahmonov) 

36. O'zni shakllantirish Ni Si (Jen Sinsero)

37. Baxt ulashing (Hasan Shamsiy)

38. Anbiyolar qissasi (Shayx Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf)

39. Bahouddin Naqshband (To'lqin Hayit)

40. Sohilsiz dengiz (Ahmad Muhammad Tursun) 


41. Imomning maneken qizi (Omina Shenlikug'li) 

42. Baxt qasri (Zuxrahon Hamdomova)

43. Bir vijdon uyg'onur (Ahmad Lutfiy Qozonchi) 

44. Oq Nilufarlar yurtida (Grigoriy Petrov)

45. Olim, odam va olam (Mubashshir Ahmad) 

46. Ota (Ulug'bek Hamdam)

47. Siyosatnoma (Nizomulmulk) 

48. Yolg'on (Shayx Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf)

49. Halol luqma (Rauf Jillasun) 

50. Abdulhamidxon (Talha Ugurluel)

51. Hukmdor (Nikkolo Makiavelli) 

52. Ahmad Lutfiy Qozonchi eng asarlari 

53.Qo'rqma (Javlon Jovliyev)

54.Saylanma (Tog'ay Murod )

55. Dunyoning ishlari (O'tkir Hoshimov)

56. Roben Sharma eng Sara asarlari

57. Ikki eshik orasi (O'tkir Hoshimov) 

58. Savdogarlar ustozi yoxud haqiqiy omad kaliti (Ahadquli Xolmuhammad o'g'li)

59. O'tkan kunlar (Abdulla Qodiriy) 

60. Kafansiz Ko'milganlar(Shukrullo) 


61. Daftar hoshiyasidagi bitiklar (O'tkir Hoshimov)

62. Biz g'alaba qozanamiz (Shuxrat Sattorov) 

63. Bodo Shefer eng Sara asarlari

64. Vavilonlik eng boy odam (Jorj Samyuel Kleyson) 

65. Boy ota, Kambag'al ôta (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

66. Omma Psixologiyasi (Gustav Lebon) 

67. Molxona (Jorj Orell)

68. Kichkina Shahzoda (Antuan de Sent-Ekzyuperi) 

69. Alkimyogar (Paulo Koelo)

70. 1984 (Jorj Orell)

71. Iskanja (Omina Shenlikug'li) 

72. Cho'qintirgan ôta (Mario Pyuzo)

73. Halqa (Akrom Malik) 

74. Graf Monte Cristo (2ta kitob) (Aleksandr Dyuma)

75. Tirilish (Lev Tolstoy)

76. Alif (Paulo Koelo)

77. Artur Konan Doyl eng Sara asarlari 

78. 0 Dan boshlangan biznes (Erik Ris)

79. SOS. savol ortidagi savol (Jon G.Miller)

80. Zukkolar va landavurlar (Malkolm Gladuell) 


81.Diqqat (Kel Nyuport) 

82. Rework. Prinsiplarsiz biznes (Djeyson Frayd, David Xaynemayer Hensson)

83. Men va pul (Saidmurod Davlatov) 

84. Woll-Stritlik bo'ri uslubi (Jordan Belfort)

85. Yuqumlilik (Yona Berger) 

86. Zero to one (Piter Till, Bleyk Masters) 

87. Alibaba. Jek Ma bunyod etgan maskan (Dunkan Klark) 

88. Ilon Mask (Eshli Vens)

89. Qani boshladik (Richard Branson) 

90. Uchdan keyin kech (Masaru Ibuka) 

91. Uchgacha ayni vaqti (Masaru Ibuka) 

92. Millioner singari fikrlashni o'rganing (Mark Fisher, Mark Allen)

93. Samaradorlikning 21 yo'li (Brayan Treysi)

94. Muvaffaqiyatli insonlarning 7 ko'nikmasi (Stiven R. Kovi) 

95. Liderlik qonunlari (Teodor Ruzvelt) 

96. Million dollarlik xatolar (Pavel Annenkov)

97. Ahmoqlik qilmang (Jen Sinsero)

98. Zamonaviy marketing (Filipp Kotler)

99. Moviy ummon strategiyasi (V. Chan Kim, Rene Moborn)

100. Liderlar kitobi (Otabek Hasanov)

On April 1, 2023, a Chinese delegation headed by Mr. Liu Yu, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Chinese Enterprises in Uzbekistan, visited the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Samarkand. The delegation also included of the representatives of several other organizations like the Representative of cross-border e-commerce Wan Xiao Wen, General Manager of the Global Trade Center for Industrial Raw Materials and International Logistics Services, Logistics China-Europe Express "Chang' Ren Xiao Lin, General Director of Import and Export of Cars and Spare Parts Li Dian, etc.
During the visit, topical issues of implementing the project plans to hold the Samarkand Tourism Ambassador contest and promote it in Chinese cities in order to attract Chinese tourists to Uzbekistan and promote the tourism economy were discussed; invitations of famous Chinese artists and photographers to come to Samarkand to create a selection of local popular tourist attractions, local nature, mountains, rivers, cultural heritage, etc., in order to spread their work in China, promote Uzbekistan and expand its popularity in which the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Silk Road will create a working group to implement the above ideas.

On March 30 of current year, members of the delegation headed by Professor Wang Jianxin, Chief archaeologist of the Silk Road Research Institute Northwest University, as well as the directors of the Research Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage “Silk Road” and Archeology of Northwest University visited our university.
The purpose of the visit is to explore the university more closer and strengthen friendly cooperation within the framework of a system of long-term mutually beneficial relations with a wide range of possible types of ties, which may also include the state and public organizations.

Saturday, 01 April 2023 10:18

Treatment, dress and us

A meeting was organized with a number of experts about "Good manners are the best inheritance", "Treatment, dress and we, let's listen to the advice of our mothers", "Combating and preventing suicide", "Preventing mental stress, emotional exhaustion" by M. Abbasova, Chairperson of the University Women's Council, and University Psychologist D. Turdiyeva, on the formation of moral and ethical values and respect for parents and older people in the young generation, and on increasing the educational and cultural-scientific potential of the family.

      The director of the Samarkand regional reproductive health center U. Boborahimova and the head of the women's promotion group of the region S. Zohidova took part in the meeting.

      The purpose of holding such events is to inculcate in the minds of young people respect for the culture of behavior and dress, which is a symbol of modesty and femininity, and to inculcate our unique national traditions in the minds of young people, at the same time, to teach them the virtues of oriental manners, in the future is to create a foundation for them to become a real housewife, a beloved mother and an honorable grandmother.

Tadbirkorlar va sarmoyadorlar diqqatiga!

O’zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2021-yil 9-sentyabrdagi “Respublikada oliy ta’lim muassasalarida talabalarni turar joy bilan qamrab olish darajasini oshirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”gi 563-sonli qarorida Davlat-xususiy sheriklik asosida talabalar turar joylarini barpo etish belgilangan. 

Qarorda oliy ta’lim muassasalarining o’sib borayotgan ehtiyojlarini o’z vaqtida ta’minlash maqsadida infratuzilma ob’yektlarini qurish va ulardan foydalanishni tashkil etish ishlariga xususiy investitsiyalarni jalb qilish ko’zda tutilgan.

“Ipak yo‘li” Turizm  va madaniy meros xalqaro universitetiga xususiy tashabbuskor «Z-P-A» oilaviy korxonasi tomonidan tashabbus taklifi, shu jumladan loyiha konsepsiyasi taqdim etilgan. Mazkur loyihada universitetning (0.3 gektar) xududida 400 o’ringa mo’ljallangan talabalar turar joyi binosini qurish va faoliyatini tashkil etish rejalashtirilgan.

O’zbekiston Respublikasining “Davlat-xususiy sheriklik to’g’risida” 2019-yil 10-maydagi O’RQ-537-son Qonuniga muvofiq mazkur loyihaning konsepsiyasi “Ipak yo‘li” Turizm  va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti tomonidan joriy yilning 7-martida tasdiqlangan.

Ushbu loyihani amalga oshirishda manfaatdor tomonlar qiziqish bildirish uchun so’rov va takliflarini 2023-yil 14-maygacha topshirishlari lozim.

Qiziqish bildirish uchun so’rov formasi

Loyiha konsepsiyasi

Loyiha haqida ma’lumot

Qiziqish bildirish uchun so’rov va tenderlar (takliflar) quyidagi manzillarda qabul qilinadi:

  1. “Ipak yo‘li” Turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti manzili: Samarqand sh., Universitet xiyoboni 17-uy, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., veb-sayt:, telefon raqami: 66-240-67-74; 93 341-51-30;
  2. Oliy ta’lim va innovasiyalar vazirligi manzili: 100174 Toshkent shahri, Universitet, 7-uy.
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., veb-sayt:, telefon raqami: 71 203-32-23;
  3. Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligi manzili: 100017 Toshkent shahri, Istiqlol, 29-uy.
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., veb-sayt:, tel. raqami: 71 239-15-69, 239-12-52.

“DXSH to’g’risida”gi qonunning 17-moddasiga binoan, qiziqish bildirish uchun so’rov va tenderlar (takliflar) olingan taqdirda, davlat sherigi tomonidan loyihaning xususiy tashabbuskori va qiziqish bildirgan uchinchi tomonlar ishtirokida xususiy sherikni aniqlash uchun tender o’tkaziladi.


В постановлении Кабинета Министров Республики Узбекистан от 9 сентября 2021 года № 563 «О мерах по повышению уровня размещения обучающихся в высших учебных заведениях Республики» установлено на основании государственно-частного партнерства.

В целях своевременного удовлетворения растущих потребностей высших учебных заведений постановлением предусмотрено привлечение частных инвестиций в строительство объектов инфраструктуры и организация их использования.

Частная инициатива Семейное предприятие "З-П-А" представила инициативное предложение, в том числе концепцию проекта, в Международный университет туризма и культурного наследия "Шелковый путь". В рамках данного проекта планируется строительство и организация деятельности студенческого общежития на 400 мест на территории университета (0,3 га).

В соответствии с Законом Республики Узбекистан «О государственно-частном партнерстве» от 10 мая 2019 года ЗРУ-537 концепция данного проекта утверждена университетом 7 марта текущего года.

Заинтересованные стороны должны представить свои запросы и предложения до 14 мая 2023 года, чтобы выразить заинтересованность в реализации данного проекта.

Форма запроса

Концепция проекта

Информационный проект

Заявки на участие и тендеры (предложения) принимаются по следующим адресам:

  1. Адрес Международный университет туризма и культурного наследия "Шелковый путь": Университетский проспект, Самаркандское г.. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., сайт:, Телефон 66-240-67-74; 93 341-51-30;
  2. 2. Адрес Министерства высшего образования и инноваций: г. Ташкент, 100174, ул. Университетская, 7. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., сайт:
    Телефон: 71 203-32-23;
  3. Адрес Министерства экономики и финансов: 100017 г.Ташкент, ул.Истикляль, ул. 29, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., сайт:, Телефон: 71 239-15-69, 239-12-52.

В соответствии со статьей 17 Закона”о ГЧП " в случае получения запроса и тендера (предложения) на заинтересованность государственным партнер проводит тендер на определение частного партнера с участием частного инициатора проекта и заинтересованных третьих лиц.

The Memorandum of Understanding allows the two sides to exchange students and professors, organize joint training courses and scientific seminars, and cooperate in a number of other areas.

Agreements in the memorandum of understanding have already begun to bear fruit. For example, the professor of TEAM University, Cansel Aril, is teaching the subjects of the curriculum to the students of the master's degree of the Creative Industries program, while the dean of the university, professor Erdogan Ekiz, is helping our students as a supervisor with their graduation project.

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