

The conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the discussion of the development of science and technology in the Fergana Valley is planned to be held on May 11-12, 2023.

An information letter is attached.

Thursday, 13 April 2023 13:48

Cooperation with the Lyceum

On April 13 of this year, students of the academic Lyceum of the Samarkand State Institute of foreign languages visited the International University of Tourism and cultural heritage “Silk Road”. During the visit, students became closely acquainted with university life. They also received training rooms, gyms, a library and information on the opportunities created for students to receive quality education.

 “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is working closely with Samarkand International Airport. 4th year students majoring in Logistics at the University are undertaking a qualifying internship at Samarkand International Airport.

This qualifying internship serves as an important factor for university students to focus more on what lies ahead and develop their field of expertise to become qualified professionals.

We would like to thank the management of Samarkand International Airport and “Air Marakanda” for allowing our students to have an internship and for their close cooperation!

Thursday, 13 April 2023 12:14

Grant competition for UNESCO projects

According to the information of the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on UNESCO affairs, within the framework of the 2005 UNESCO Convention "On the Protection and Support of Various Forms of Cultural Expressions", Cultural Diversity The grant competition for projects developed in the fields of performing arts, music, film/audiovisual arts, publishing, design and media arts of the International Foundation has been announced.

For information: the funds of the fund are mainly for the implementation or development of policies and strategies that have a direct impact on the creation, production, distribution, and use of various cultural products services; representatives of the public sector and civil society organizations are allocated to strengthen their knowledge and skills to support local, regional cultural industries and markets in developing countries. All submitted projects must contribute to a sustainable creative ecosystem and the United Nations Sustainable Development Priorities by 2030. Projects should be submitted by state and non-state organizations and should be implemented within 1-2 years. The budget of the submitted project should not exceed 100,000 US dollars.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is requested to submit suitable projects related to the field in order to receive financial support from this fund by May 16 of this year in English or French through the following web page /apply.

The main goal of the competition is to attract women to science in our republic, to provide comprehensive support and encouragement to new ideas and developments of women engaged in scientific activities in various sectors and fields of science and education and economy. promotion, based on the results of initiative practical and innovative projects, is to create scientific voluminous products and innovative technologies aimed at solving the existing problems, real needs and regional problems of the economic sectors and the social sphere.

Scientific projects submitted to the competition will be accepted only in electronic form until May 5, 2023 through the single intellectual electronic platform of state scientific programs

The members of the project should consist of women, the average age of the scientific team should not exceed 45 years, and the scientific team should include young scientists, talented students and graduate students.

On April 11 of this year, the information and resource center of “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University set up a mobile library on the university alley. The main purpose of this mobile library is to widely promote reading among young people and the general public, as reading books is the only factor that elevates human knowledge, thinking and spirituality. University students and young people of the city took an active part in the event held under the slogan “Open-air library”. The first vice-rector of the university, J. Eltazarov held a lively discussion with students and youth. University students spoke warmly of the event, and even afterwards asked for such events to be repeated more often. The director and staff of the information and resource center engaged the students in reading books and introduced them to the literature and library activities available in the library.

On April 12, 2023, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage hosted the festival “Student FEST”. The festival attracted great interest among the participants of the event, as it was aimed at meaningful leisure time for students, developing the creative potential of young people, and strengthening friendship between theatre, music, art, folk traditions and people of different nationalities who are studying. Everyone especially enjoyed “reading” competition, intellectual games and dance tournaments. KARAOKE-time was organised for students as part of the festival.

At the event, which was a special holiday for students-youth, First Vice Rector of the University J.Eltazarov and Head of Youth Work and Activities Department N.Abduvahidova elaborated on the changes and developments taking place in the system of higher education in our country in recent years, the modern conditions created for students to study and aspire, to grow staff, making a worthy contribution to the development of New Uzbekistan. The university students showed their knowledge and talent and actively participated in the competitions organised as part of the festival. At the end of the festival event, certificates were awarded to active students.

Dear students! May the strength and energy of youth, the desire for innovation and creativity never leave you!

Always strive for the highest goals!

Thursday, 13 April 2023 09:51

Guest Speech

Development of best resort in Central Asia By Ms Turjanova Elvina Chief of Marketing Department, Amirsoy Resort and Ms Intizor Sapaeva Senior Sales Manager, Amirsoy Resort

Venue: Lecture Hall 230
Time: April 17, 2023, Monday 1:50-3:30pm.

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkmenistan, the Academy of Sciences and the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan in March-October 2023 for young scientists on the topic "High technologies and innovative developments" and from April 1 to June 1 of this year at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan International contests will be held on the topic "Prospects of transport and transit corridors in the strategy of revitalizing the Great Silk Road". You can get information about the conditions of the contest through the following website:

On May 12, 2023, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulug beg will hold an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "The role of the National University of Uzbekistan in the development of science and society". More

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