

First vice-rector of the university J.Eltazarov held a meeting today at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. Heads of subdivisions of the university, heads of departments, and other responsible people participated in the meeting.  J.Eltazarov gave information about current tasks on the introduction of a new system of work with youth spoken at the meeting chaired by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held on 11 April 2023.

Significant work has also been done on social support, a completely new system of youth work has been introduced. Every minister, deputy minister, regional, district and city mayors, heads of sectors, university rectors, National Guard and military unit commanders require the attention of 50 nominally attached young people in the third category, the system, from June 1, he explained in detail the introduction of a paid internship system in state organisations for students enrolled in “youth work”, The creation of the “New Youth Initiatives of Uzbekistan Foundation” and the e-platform, changes in the system for the use of “Youth Book Foundation funds”, and the creation of a new system for the meaningful organization of youth leisure activities.

As threats to the education and conscience of young people increase in the context of globalization, university students are faced with the question of enriching their leisure time with creative evenings, sports games and cultural activities after classes.

Every university employee said that teachers are responsible for educating students in the spirit of loyalty to the homeland, for their employability, for teaching information technology, foreign languages, modern professions, involvement in sports, working with young people abroad and for strengthening national and family values.

A meeting was held today, 17 April 2023, with our partners from Northwestern University in China to review the facilities of this planned laboratory at “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University. Northwestern University representatives were in attendance at this meeting. During the meeting, a cooperation project to build a China-Uzbek international laboratory for scientific and technical archaeology and cultural heritage protection was discussed.

Hopefully, this joint work will bring more benefits to both sides in the fields of tourism and education, as well as strengthen the ties between the two countries.

The mobile library is currently being organised at the university alley by “Silk Road” Information and Resource Centre of the International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The main purpose of this mobile library is to widely promote reading among young people and the public, as reading books is the only factor that elevates human knowledge, thinking, spirituality. University students and young people of the city took an active part in the event, which was held under the slogan “Open-air library”. The university students spoke warmly of the event, and even talked afterwards about holding similar events. The director and staff of the Information and Resource Centre engaged the students in reading books and introduced them to the literature and library activities available at the library.

At the same time, chess and checkers games were organised for university students. These sports are gaining popularity among young people and play a great role in developing the intellectual potential of young students.

According to clause 10 of the decree approved under the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education No 387 dated 25 November 2022 “On holding the contest of “Students Theatre Studios” among students of higher educational institutions”, a regional stage of the contest was held on 13 April this year.

“Silk Road” Student Theatre Studio, which has been operating in a club format for two years, has become well-known in the spiritual life of our university through its performances and participation in other events. This year, students of this studio for the first time participated in the Republican competition and were invited to the 3rd stage, winning in the category “Best performance of national tradition” in the 2nd stage. On 12-13 April, “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University team returned with a worthy participation in the 3rd regional stage, which took place in Khorezm Province.

During the competition, the work “Samaria” by a talented student team of our university was presented to the audience. After learning that the team already had 3 works in their repertoire that impressed the audience and experts, the organizations, in particular the Khorezm Regional Tourism Department, expressed a plan to invite them to joint projects in the coming future.

Attention! The national competition “Student Theatre Studios” continues. Twenty-four higher education institutions are taking part in the competition. The completion of the 3rd stage is scheduled for 19 April.

M. Abbasova, chairwoman of the Council of Women and Girls of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, S. Tosheva, a university doctor, and D. Vastayeva, a leading specialist of the department of working with Youth and events, met the women of Bunyodkor neighborhood of Samarkand city which belongs to the university on April 14, 2023.

       It should be said that most of the children of residents living in this neighborhood are students of our university. Topics such as “Treatment and respect between parents and children in the family”, “Prevention of crime, delinquency and various negative situations among female students” were discussed at the meeting.

      M. Abbasova, the chairperson of the Women's Council of the University, spoke and said that it is necessary to pay special attention to the Uzbek national customs, morals and etiquette, which have been inherited from our ancestors for centuries and have earned the respect of the people. She reflected on our unique traditions, including respect for the elderly, compassion for the young, hospitality, visiting and waiting for the sick, the culture of communication between family members and in public places, and the rules of silence and secrecy.

      Taking into account the importance of child upbringing in the Uzbek family, special attention was paid to the issues of “Principles of good upbringing in the family” together with the youth of the neighborhood. University doctor S. Tosheva gave detailed information about increasing medical culture in the family, strengthening women's health, religious and medical negative consequences of marriages between close relatives. Also, D. Vastayeva, the leading expert of the Department of Neighborhood Work and Events with Youth, gave an analytical opinion about the upbringing of well-rounded children in a mentally healthy family. A video and a presentation were shown during the meeting. During the meeting, the participants received answers to many questions. Measures have been determined in relation to the discussed issues. Such noble actions carried out by the representatives of the university will serve as an important factor in increasing the activity of women and their prosperous life in the future.

Acceptance of articles for the journal “The Journal of Silk Road Tourism Studies” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage continues until May 10 of this year.

Article requirements can be found below.

On 13 April this year, a practical trip to Khiva was organised by “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage to introduce students and young people to Uzbekistan’s rich tourism potential.

During the trip, the young students learned about the cultural and historical heritage of Khiva and its natural resources.

Public tourist trips organised by the university, together with the development of domestic tourism in our country, serve to further improve teamwork and ensure the cohesion and unity of the university’s student body.

While urbanisation is gaining momentum, cities are expanding, populations are growing and millions of commodities are being produced to meet their needs, waste management and disposal remains one of the biggest environmental challenges.

Climate change in the waste sector, loss of biodiversity leads to pollution in the ham industry.

In this regard, “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage has set up an "eco-sample corner". In this corner, an 18-shaped table shows how long the atmosphere and hazardous waste will live.

An introductory, hands-on workshop and explanation of "eco-sample corner" are held for young students. Initiatives in this direction will help to dispose of waste correctly, minimise its formation and prevent an environmental crisis and improve people's health and well-being.

On the initiative of the Chairman of the Women's Council of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage M.Abbasova in cooperation with the university doctor S.Tosheva was organized a medical examination of women working at the university.

The participation of a neurologist, cardiologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist in a medical examination, conducting examinations using an ultrasound machine helped to identify changes in health status, as well as hidden diseases. Accurate diagnoses were made for the identified diseases. During the inspection, about 85 employees got a medical examination. All the necessary procedures were prescribed to those who need medical care.

The Administration, as well as the chairman of the Women's Council of the “Silk Road” University M.Abbasova expresses gratitude to the doctors of the Samarkand City Polyclinic No.2 D.A.Rasulov (neurologist), M.O.Hamdamov (ENT), N.S.Davidov (gynecologist), B.A.Baykabaev (ophthalmologist), N.P.Rabbimov (surgeon), as well as the nurses of Z.A.Salimova, O.M.Bekmukhamedova Sh.Murtazayeva, M.Kudratova, N.Kholikova, Y.S.Fayzullayeva, who examined and gave appointments for further treatment.

As part of the ongoing “Referendum 2023 - My Constitution, Yours, Yours, Ours”, political advocacy and agitation work is being carried out. In the course of this work, classes are held in various institutions of higher education in order to increase the political activism of our people and their attention to our Constitution.

Among others, on 13 April this year, Dildora Husanova, the 1st year student supervisor, organised a practical seminar event in Registan Square with the students of her attached group.

Influenced by the positive changes taking place in our homeland, this seminar talked about the contribution of youth to our constitution, the sacred hearth and the role of youth on the road to the prosperity of our country.

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