

Dear Friends, “Silk Road” International Tourism and Cultural Heritage University is pleased to announce a hashtag competition entitled “Don’t be indifferent to your future”. The competition is open to all students (full-time, part-time, undergraduate) as well as university staff. Participants can take part in the competition with photos, videos and beautiful articles (with creativity), under the above hashtag.

Winners will be selected and prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.

Each participant must send in a telegram (@PR_SILK_ROAD_UNIVERSITY) not later than April 25, 2023 their prepared work, their phone number and information about the course in which they are studying. The winners of the competition will be announced on 26 April 2023.

The deadline for entries is 25 April 2023.

For more information, phone number: +998-99-748-20-58 (Asadova Nigora).

Wednesday, 12 April 2023 13:18

Cooperation with training centers

In April of this year, students of the Westminster Academy Training Center visited the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the visit, the students got acquainted with the life of the university. They also received information about classrooms, gyms, a library and opportunities created for students to receive a quality education.Сотрудничество с учебными центрами.
Wednesday, 12 April 2023 13:10

Cooperation with Lyceum

On April 12 of this year, students of the Academic Lyceum of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology visited the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the visit, the students got to know the life of the university. They also received information about classrooms, gyms, library and opportunities created for students to get quality education.

As a result of the ongoing reforms in our country, attention to art, science and education is increasing. In order to increase the tourism potential of the country, new tourism projects are being developed and implemented. At the same time, significant work is being carried out at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in order to increase the interest of the younger generation in art and culture, as well as not to succumb to the influence of strangers.

In 2022, hospitable Samarkand hosted creative people from the member states and observers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. At “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, even at the very beginning of its work, an early glider of brush owners demonstrated the diligence of the university management and indifference to art.

In the course of the glider's work, the creators created unique works of different genres. The works of art selected from the creative works were presented at the meeting held within the framework of the SCO.

The exposition, located in the building of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, contains more than 300 paintings of various genres and styles. These creative works will help students develop an interest in art in their free time and, in addition, improve their attitude to our cultural norm.

A garden was organized at the university, and together with various trees, a composition of skilled sculptors in a special style of creative work was organized. Famous sculptors who came from more than a dozen countries created their own sculptural samples.

The exposition of the sculptures is skillfully composed, each of them embodies a huge meaning. If we talk about the work of Tamila Mamatova “Happy Childhood”, then it is valuable because it captures the childhood of every person. In addition, there are 15 sculptures telling about the love of the Motherland, the path to science, student life, as well as the history of the Great Silk Road. University teachers also conduct excursions and classes on history and museology with students.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023 12:26

"We are against violence"

It is known that in recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to gender equality and gender issues in Uzbekistan. In particular, on August 17, 2019, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence" was adopted. In our country, measures are being implemented in the relevant sectors according to the tasks defined by this law.

On April 12 of this year, the next meeting of the Women's Advisory Council on the topic "We are against violence" was organized in an unconventional way at the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. The meeting opened with the speech of M. Abbasova, the chairperson of the Women's Council of the University, about "We support the protection of women from oppression and violence." It provided statistical information on gender issues in our country, gave a comprehensive and well-reasoned approach to the causes of family violence, the global basis of attention to gender issues.

A. Izbasarova, the leading specialist of the University Information Resource Center, spoke about the laws aimed at protecting women, which are set in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and are stored in the library fund. They focused on the forms of violence and approached them comprehensively. She also presented several films with a moral and spiritual impact.

The dean of the Faculty of "Tourism Management" R.Toshniyozova also gave a speech and spoke about creating a solid basis for protecting women from oppression and violence and the urgent tasks facing the higher education system in this way, cooperation with law enforcement agencies, family relations, the role of women in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in educational institutions, the culture of dressing students, and social issues.

D. Turdiyeva, a university psychologist, spoke about the psychological aspects of violence and revealed how it has a great impact on the spiritual, physical and mental image of a person. She also informed that a psychological service has been established at the university and said that she will always support female students.

On April 10-11, at the sports hall of the “Silk Road” University, a Badminton Master Class was held for the students’ team of the university to improve the skill level of our students. The master class was held with the participation of the Chairman of the Badminton Federation of the Samarkand region Timofeev Ulyan Petrovich. As a result of this event, the students of the university learned new technical and tactical techniques, which contribute to the further development of badminton at the university and increase the level of the team’s game for participation in the universiade.

Arezu Eslambolchi Moghadam, Master of Museum Studies at the Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, published an article in an international journal. Her article assesses the familiarity with the song cycle of Mavrigi, which is an intangible cultural heritage, among residents of Uzbekistan and abroad.


"This is the final proof of Jamshid Ashrapov's research paper and it is now in the final stages of publication for an international journal on hospitality and tourism. This is an example of what you can do with an undergraduate student who is doing outstanding work. In this case, it was his graduation project in 2022. He is, of course, the first author, because it was his project". Ian Patterson

Final Proof.pdf

Tuesday, 11 April 2023 13:40

Cooperation with the school!

On April 10 of this year, students of school №23 of the Jambai district visited “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage. During the visit, the students got acquainted with the life of the university. They also received information about classrooms, gyms, a library and opportunities created so that students could receive a quality education.

We can say that looking back at history striving for high grades in the future is one of the necessary aspects of the progress of any industry.

On April 10, 2023, a meeting of three generations was organized at ”Silk Road“ International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage under the slogan ”Let's live freely and comfortably in  New Uzbekistan“.

During the organized meeting, the students expressed their sincere opinions about the rich experience gained during the life and work of our elderly people, about the difficulties inherent in youth and working age.

The need to be girded in the updates carried out in our country on the way to prosperity has become the main topic of sincere conversations between our compatriots belonging to three generations.

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Samarkand city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 140104, 17, University boulevard.

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