Thursday, 24 February 2022 12:35

The Library's fund has been replenished with new editions of books on Museology

In the second half of the ХХ century, the world entered the “Museum boom”, characterized by the museification of historical and cultural monuments, natural objects, and the creation of new types of museums, the search for new forms of work with visitors. The modern museum is a kind of minimodel of the world, which helps a person to navigate in the real world. At the beginning of the XXI century, the role of the museum in human education and upbringing is becoming more and more significant. Museology studies the above aspects of the museum's activities. As is known, in the process of studying museum objects, methods of archeology, paleography, ethnography, numismatics, sphragistics, literary studies and art criticism are used. During the restoration and conservation of museum objects, methods of natural sciences are used, for example, radiography, spectrography. The methods of psychology and pedagogy are used in the creation of expositions and exhibitions, in various forms of cultural and educational activities, in the study of the museum audience.

In 2021, the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage opened a new direction – “Museology”.

In this regard, with the support of the rector of the University A.Abdukhakimov, the library's fund is replenished monthly with various editions of books on museology. As the Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of the “Silk Road” University A.Abdukhakimov emphasized: “Museology is an emerging scientific discipline that studies the specific museum attitude of a person to reality and the phenomenon of the museum generated by this attitude; exploring the processes of preserving and broadcasting socially significant information through museum objects, as well as the development of museum activities and its main directions”.

On the shelves of the library, students can find thematic publications on museology, which have significantly expanded and include not only general theoretical problems, issues of exposition and stock work, but also marketing and advertising policies of museums, the relationship of museums with the tourism business, the introduction of the latest information technologies in museum business.

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